Have you ever read a book and wondered, what on earth must go on inside this author’s mind to come up with this stuff?
Spoiler alert: it’s chaos in there. Most of us aren’t even sure which way is up half the time. Between story ideas, editing, marketing, and obligations to our non-author lives, it can be a bit of a mess.
Before you scroll down to the helpful infographic below, be warned. What you are about to see might horrify you.
Still curious? Just remember what happened to the cat. I tried to warn you.
One more thing. A disclaimer. The inner thoughts you’ll soon be privy to are relevant to the mind of a clean contemporary romance writer (trust me, I’ve done the research). Writers of other genres may include such additions as obscure historical facts, life on other worlds, historically accurate costuming, and creative ways to dispose of bodies.
Did you just shiver? I did. Okay! Fine. If you’re still here, you’re prepared to handle it. Here goes:
The struggle is real, my friends.
It’s a wonder any of us churn out those stories coherently some days. I think it’s all the coffee and rabbit trails that save us most of the time. Or fantasizing all those kissing scenes.
Nah, what really keeps us going are the days we get a good review or a personal message from a reader who truly loved our work. And a whole lot of prayer. And coffee. Yeah, yeah. Don’t even try to tell me that coffee and prayer don’t make everything better. I know the truth.
So. Now that you know the inner workings of the clean romantic writer’s mind, you’re officially grafted into the twisted, gnarled web of insanity with us. What does that mean? It means we need you, dear reader. We need your support in so many forms. See, creative types are prone to rather extreme highs and lows emotionally (and often mentally). Our hearts and souls pour onto the page with every word we craft. We need your reviews–positive, of course, but also sometimes negative. Especially when they’re thoughtfully presented in a way we can learn from.
You can tag us and mention us on social media. Create graphics or post pics of our books out in the wild. We love personal notes and treasure your excitement over a new release. We’re over the moon when you join our reader groups and street teams and engage with our stories and treat our characters like real people.
And most of all, we need your prayers. Inspirational romance writers (well, all of us truly, right?) wouldn’t be able to do what we do if it weren’t for the calling placed upon our hearts by the most Creative One of all. Yes, that infographic is a comical look at the thoughts that flit through our heads. But there’s plenty of truth there, too. As you’re escaping your reality within our created worlds, please take just a moment to remember your favorite authors in prayer. And then send a virtual coffee. Or two.
You might as well just make it a triple and send a funny GIF. Yes!! Do that.
Be blessed, my friends! In honor of kissing scenes and glorious coffee, I’m giving away one eBook of Whatever Comes Our Wayto a random commenter below. Thanks for stopping by today!
That’s what I ask myself all the time. My poor hubby might also ask me this…a lot. Yeah, I’m kind of impulsive and impetuous (and impertinent and all kinds of other im-words).
This time, though, it was a really good thing!
When they sent me the invitation to become a part of InspyRomance, I have to admit I did a pretty goofy happy dance around my office. (Craft room, whatever.) Thankfully, nobody was home or my kids would surely have laughed at me (they’re all tweens and teens, so I’m a constant source of their laughter and eye-rolling). I prayed and knew it was the right thing to do! My gut said to leap, so I did.
I won’t bore you with my bio since you can find it here or here. Or better yet, in the back of my books. Haha! Instead, I’d rather tell you about what I write and where I write about.
See, I’m a crazy avid reader, mostly contemporary romance. Of course, I enjoy a good historical a few times a year and plenty of romantic suspense, too. But it’s CCR that I’m truly a fan of so naturally, it’s also what I write. And since I live in the Land of Enchantment, it only makes sense to set my books here.
Albuquerque, New Mexico is a quirky little city. We have great food (especially if you like it a little spicy and heavy on the cheese). There are tons of great restaurants, wineries, and microbreweries. And the farm-to-table movement is thriving.
The Everyday Love Series is definitely heavy on the Burque love. It’s evident in every book I write, how much I love this place. And on that note, I’m happy to announce that TODAY is the release day for the third book in the series, What Makes a Home! Every book can be read standalone, so feel free to jump in wherever. I absolutely love these characters and I hope you will, too. I’ve recently revisited the first two books in the series and made some improvements in their formatting and the flow. What Could Be was my first book, and therefore probably the roughest to read, but the story still holds a significant place in my heart. (It’s also my loudest love song to my hometown.)
I look forward to getting to know you here at InspyRomance, and elsewhere if you’re on social media (I’m everywhere). Be sure to comment for your entry into Inspy’s regular drawing! And since you’re here, I’m happy to announce to you FIRST that my eBook novella Adrift is now permanently FREE on all retailers. I hope you’ll check it out!
Also, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to stop by Inspy’s Christian Romance Reader Gathering group. I’m excited to do a takeover on April 24th from 7-9 Eastern. I hope you’ll join me for some fun! I’ll be sharing a bit about my latest book as well as hosting a GIVEAWAY!
Writing a book feels a lot like pregnancy. I’m completely serious.
You have to admit the conception part is the most fun, aside from the beautiful blessing of holding that baby in your arms. Everything in between is a lot of dreaming and a whole ton of planning, prepping, and reining in the crazy.
But then, suddenly, you’re holding that beautiful work of yours in your arms and it’s perfect. You only pray people look at that precious bundle and think it’s as wonderful as you do. Surely yours won’t be one of those avoid-eye-contact ugly ones, right?
And while I’m working the analogy, let’s just acknowledge that publication is a lot like raising that baby.
In those early days, you’re showing off pictures and telling everyone who will listen until your family rolls their eyes and your friends start to avoid you. You’ve got those quiet moments where you’re frantically checking in to make sure there’s still signs of life. For a little while, there’s peace and just enjoying the wonder of it all.
Down the road, you may have corrections to make, little tweaks to ensure it grows up well. Eventually, you’re helping fix that outward appearance that’s become a little awkward but still wanting to fit in with peers. Siblings come along, and you’re doing the same for them, too.
And all the while, you’re working, loving, crying, reflecting, getting everyone where they need to be, still dreaming of a bright future, but exhausted. Rejoicing in triumphs and correcting the screw ups. Knowing more everyday and still nothing, all at the same time.
Yes, being an author is a whole lot like parenthood.
I could go on with the comparison, but I’ll stop here. Instead, I’m going to take my own proud momma moment and introduce you to my newest book baby, Whatever Comes Our Way.It’s now fully available on Amazon in eBook and paperback. And just so it’s big sister doesn’t get jealous, I’ll remind you that you can still get What Could Be free in eBook today, and only $2.99 after that. And don’t ask a mother to choose favorites. She usually can’t (even though, secretly, she’ll tell you that she’s a little enamored with the baby right now because it’s just so new and wonderful).
It’s not fun. Let me tell you. I’ve been re-reading Gina and Jaydon’s story for weeks just to remind myself what’s going on in their lives so that I can stay consistent with where I want them to go. Plus, you know, edits. Lots and lots of edits.
But I can’t seem to get the time to sit and finish the story as quickly as I want to. Does that ever happen to you? You’ve got this nice long goals list, or…wait for it…New Year’s Resolutions (gag, choke, puke) that you’re ready to commit to and raring to go. And then? BAM! Life happens.
You get sick. The kids get sick. Oh, and there’s work. The house. Dinner, every night. Activities and chaos and and and and and–whew!
You know what I’m talking about.
So here’s another reminder for all my fellow recovering perfectionists out there. Let it go (shut up, Elsa, I hate you). But seriously, it’s okay to let go of those icky, stressed out feelings that are keeping you from achieving those goals. The rigidity that comes with perfectionism says it’s all-or-nothing, success or fail. But that is a LIE. The truth is, there is peace in the balance. There actually is a middle ground, a place where you’re mostly succeeding and not letting the little shortcomings derail you–remembering that the small things really are small things.
A heads up for those of you who are not perfectionists (you lucky schmucks) but are probably married or related to one, that overachievers are more likely to be procrastinators and feel really, really guilty for breaking those resolutions or not completing our lists. And the anxiety that comes with those failures sucks. It makes us annoying jerks who snip and snap at everyone around us, and when you point and laugh (I can admit that from the outside, perfectionist freak outs are pretty amusing) it only reminds us that we’ve screwed up and heaven forbid we’ve had a witness to a failure.
Thank God for maturity, though. If my thirties have taught me anything, it’s that life happens and I’m much happier if I just roll with it as it comes. It’s a struggle, I’ll admit, when my first nature is to stress out and get annoyed with myself for not being superhuman enough to accomplish it all.
Like Brynn in my first book, I have to remember that “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Prov. 19:21 NIV). As long as I am keeping my eyes on the One who knows what needs to happen where and when, then things really will fall into place. Like Ecclesiastes 3 says, to everything there is a time and a season.
Today, it’s my time to work on my website, social media, and getting things updated. Tomorrow it’s a day of substitute teaching and shuttling children. This weekend it’ll be family time and taking care of the house. But Monday? Six hours of writing. A full, dedicated day to do what I both want AND need to do.
So I encourage you–when you’re overwhelmed by the failures and breaking resolutions and the pace of life going too fast for you to squeeze it all in–relax, let go of the frustrations, and remind yourself that the balance feels better than the stress. Because you’re going to get done what you can, when you can, and stressing out and treating everyone around you like crap isn’t going to help anything. You may as well enjoy the highs and lows, because that’s where you’ll find the balance. It’s resting, even in the pursuit.
I read a lot. And I mean a LOT. Always have. My favorite books are often Christian fiction, though it takes patience to weed through the meh to find the treasures. These books, all released in 2017, were my favorite Christian fic of the year. In no particular order: The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner, The Esther Paradigm by Sarah Monzon, Until I Do by T.i. Lowe, and Lady Jayne Disappears by Joanna Davidson Politano. Three more books that were excellent this year and deserve a mention for the beautiful way they handle emotionally charged situations are Just Maybe by Crystal Walton, Always by Jenn Faulk, and Believing in Tomorrow by Kimberly Rae Jordan.
Each book on the list is a rare gem of originality in a world of stories that often don’t stand out. These books reach out and elicit such a strong, emotional response, inspiring deeper thought and reflection, encouraging the reader to reach out of the everyday and make an impact on other people. All shed light on what the Christian life SHOULD look like, often pointing out where the church too often falls short, and yet offer hope and grace and beauty with restoration.
The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck—Absolutely the funniest, most original contemporary romance I have ever read. Bethany Turner writes about a woman scorned who becomes a racy romance author…and then becomes a Christian. Sarah is immediately thrown into a whole new world with new rules and expectations and lingo. Her observations are honest, witty, and raw at times. Navigating this new life isn’t easy, but the super cute pastor she immediately connects with just might send her over the edge. Be prepared to laugh out loud, feel frustrated at the setbacks, and cheer for her triumphs.
The Esther Paradigm—One of the most original books I’ve read in ages. Sarah Monzon takes the tale of Esther, modernizes it and spins it on its ear in a beautiful story of childhood friendship turned to love. This book honors God and his word, while also honoring the Muslim religion and Bedouin people. The missionary heart comes through loud and clear in a suspenseful mystery that is thoroughly engaging from start to finish. It was hard to put down. Sarah Monzon does original really well. Her Isaac Project is another worthwhile read.
Until I Do—A rare gem love story of a long-married couple struggling to keep it all together. Told from both the husband and the wife’s perspectives, TI Lowe writes an emotionally gripping story of two people who love each other but are overwhelmed by the frustrations and trials of married life. This book pulled at me to examine my own marriage and what I need to be doing to safeguard it, nurture it, and keep it healthy. Never preachy, this book is certainly an emotional roller coaster as the couple has to find not only where they belong in regard to each other, but with their children, friendships, and with the Lord. I laughed, I cried, and I went and read everything else she’s ever written that I hadn’t already devoured. Its sequel is also fantastic.
Lady Jayne Disappears–Fans of Jane Austen, Bronte, Dickens, Sherlock Holmes, and other Victorian era tales will absolutely adore this book. Somehow, this award winning debut author has managed to take elements of each of these authors’ styles and twist them together in a tale of intrigue, romance, and mystery that sheds light into the dark places of Victorian society, makes witty social commentary, and captures readers’ attention from the first sentence. It calls into question the difference between religion and truly being like Christ, becoming his hands and feet while also finding one’s place in the world. Her observations into the mind of a writer are keen, making this by far my most highlighted text yet.
Believing in Tomorrow—Kimberly Rae Jordan is one of the first Christian romance authors I was introduced to as an adult. This Callaghan and McFaddens addition is easily the most emotionally gripping of all her books. Sammie has grown up in a Christian family who lives their faith in action everyday. Like so many, she makes a few critical mistakes that have lasting consequences. While she struggles to feel forgiven and redeemed, her baby daddy can’t seem to figure out why this condemning faith is so important to her. They each make the journey to know Jesus and his grace while coming to find love as well. The way she handled the gift of grace and restoration makes me respect KRJ even more than I already did.
Always—I make it no secret Jenn Faulk is one of my very favorite authors. She writes fun, often lighthearted stories that guarantee a happy ending. What I love most is that she is never afraid to point out the crazy, good, bad, and misguided things the church is often guilty of that so often cause division and wounds in its people. And yet, she always, always unifies things by reminding readers it’s all just about Jesus anyway. Always is the difficult story of a young girl who finds herself pregnant without knowing exactly how. Jenn walks us through Brooke’s healing and the restoration of her dearest friendship in such a heartfelt, sweet way. She takes a very difficult subject and treats it gently but honestly.
Just Maybe—Crystal Walton’s Write Me Home series is beautiful, emotional, and fun. Just Maybe is the 3rd story in the series, (the second, Begin Again, is my absolute favorite) and it does not disappoint. She takes often overused mistaken identity-baby on the doorstep-billionaire daddy (which usually would put me off) story concepts and twists them into an original story that is sweet, heartfelt, and clever. Former characters make appearances to give things a nudge and drop truth bombs, while the leads have so much to figure out that readers keep turning pages just to put the pieces together and make sure this pair can get out of their own way to find what they need. With all the feels, there’s also humor and several pop culture Easter eggs.
So there you have it. For a girl who reads a few books a week, it is rare to read a truly memorable story. I like most stories, but the ones that stand out and make a positive impact on the world are rare. Books that encourage the spirit, the mind, and the heart, are beautiful to behold and deserve to be shared. While I’m at it, I need to mention Jennifer Rodewald’s The Carpenter’s Daughter (from 2016). I didn’t include it above because I was trying to stick to 2017 releases. But go get that one while you’re at it because it’s so, so good. Oh! And the Isle of Hope series by Julie Lessman. Eek! The FEELS!!
I hyperlinked the books to Amazon for convenience. I think nearly all of them are available to read free on Kindle Unlimited, too. If you’d rather purchase to support an author, then I’ll say thanks on their behalf as I send you to go buy books.Whether you buy or borrow, be sure to leave a review when you’re done. It’s the very nicest thing you can do for an author. Then, go find them on social media and follow, like, whatever. Engage with them. We LOVE it when readers do that.