Just in case you didn’t realize that. Because, you know, I haven’t posted anything since January. And I released a book in April, so that was a total fail if I’d ever intended to become one. But I’m not, so that’s cool.
I admire those brave souls who constantly come up with interesting content, become influencers in industry and culture, and use their voices to share their awesomeness. But, again, I am not a blogger. What I am is an indie author, wife, and mama with a whole lot of energy, and yet still not enough time to do it all well enough that my recovering perfectionist self can be satisfied with the results.
Oh, and I’m turning forty this weekend. So…that’s fun. I’m surprisingly okay with admitting that number. I’ve been told I don’t really look it (liars, but I love you), and I know I definitely don’t act it (thank you, ADD and teenage daughters). But more than anything, I feel like I’m standing on this great mountaintop in my life, and I’m looking across a nice, wide summit at this amazing gift called life. And it’s good.

Last weekend, I hiked the Domingo Baca/TWA Canyon trail in the Sandia Mountains. My husband did it about twenty years ago and always told stories about it. We’ve waited and waited until the kids were old enough to make it without complaining too much or needing to be carried. And finally, this was the year!

If you’ve ever read any of my books, you’ll know how much I love my mountains. After a rather stressful school year and start to summer, this was an absolute joy of a day. All five of us grabbed our backpacks and plenty of water and ventured out into an overcast day with a 20% chance of thunderstorms. Not exactly optimal weather, but we prayed it would hold out until we were finished.

It was pretty much the equivalent of climbing UP the stairs in our two-story house for five straight hours, stopping to rest, eat, sip, and shutterbug, and then climbing down those stairs for two more. Yes, the incline was pretty much the same. Not kidding.

But for about an hour in between the going up and coming down, we explored the wreckage of a Martin 404 airplane, TWA flight 260, that crashed in 1955. Sixteen people lost their lives in this accident, and most of the information is hard to come by online. But being up there in the middle of it was sobering and adventure-inspiring all at the same time. To walk among tragedy and see how nature has taken it over was absolutely incredible.

I came home with my family that day feeling uplifted in a way I haven’t in years. Connected with my people, connected with my home, connected with God. (And cool story there–every time the sun came out too hot, or it started to rain, I prayed for the weather to hold out. Same with our energy. No sooner did we make it to the car than the sky opened up and poured! And we were drained and sore, but we did it!) Over seven miles in a day, and we did it.

It was exactly what I needed to reset my perspective on life. While I may not be much of a blogger, I am definitely a connector. I need to connect to things, to people, to places, and to Jesus, above all.
And while turning forty sounds pretty scary to a younger person, I’m taking it with a joyful heart that’s ready to stare across the summit of life’s steep climb with the satisfaction knowing how hard it was to get here at times. The air’s nice. So’s the view. I’m in no hurry to climb down, either.
If you’ve made it down this far into my not-really-a-blog post, you’re in for a treat! In honor of my July birthday this weekend, I am giving away my Christmas (in July, haha!) novella, Love, Laughter, and Luminarias for FREE July 12-14! So head on over to Amazon and download it before it’s over. To find what it’s all about, see my BOOKS page! You can also read about my latest release, the third installment in the Everyday Love series, What Makes a Home over there.
And just because I feel like it, I’d love to give away two eBooks of What Makes a Home! Because it’s my birthday and I can do what I want, I’ll give one copy to a random commenter BELOW, and another to the friend of their choice!
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