I’ve long ago established that I am not a blogger. At least, not a reliable one. BUT, I do have quite a lot going on this summer and don’t want to pass up the opportunity to share everything with you!
Category: Uncategorized
Christmas Scavenger Hunt Round-Robin: Five Gold Rings (Crossroads Collection Seven)
It’s finally DECEMBER, you guys!
And boy, what a month it’s going to be. I’ve got a ton of bookish things on my calendar that I want to share with you, and I hope you’ll stop by and participate in some of them! Especially because most of the news I’m sharing involves tons of giveaways for books and Amazon gift cards (and who doesn’t want all that this time of year?)!
If you aren’t already subscribed, I highly recommend joining my email newsletter. Not only will you receive a free book, it’s the best way to get the latest updates. I try to only email 1-2x a month and make it worthwhile and not overly salesy. Yeah, I know, that’s not really a word (though it definitely IS a feeling, am I right?).
Okay, so here you go, with links and all, come join the fun:

December 1 — Becoming Us release day! It’s available NOW in paperback AND eBook, and is FREE to read via Kindle Unlimited. This collaboration with Jenn Faulk is one of my favorite projects of my writing career so far! We’d greatly appreciate your reviews when you’re finished (your honest reviews, however simple, are essential!).
December 2 — I’m blogging over on Inspy Romance! I’ve crafted a post FILLED with excellent reading options to last you the whole month long, and I’ll be choosing one lucky winner from the comments to receive a copy of Love, Laughter, and Luminarias!

December 1-24 — The Bookish Advent Giveaway by Chautona Havig features 24 days of book giveaways from Christian authors (including ME!) PLUS a $350 Amazon gift card grand prize! Check daily on Instagram, IGTV, Facebook, and HERE to enter.

December 1-31 — A HUGE Christian eBook giveaway happening over here all month long. Discover some great new-to-you Christian authors and get free books, including my newsletter exclusive, Just Say Yes, plus a chance to win a $30 gift card to the eBook retailer of your choice.
December 7-12 — I’ve teamed up with Celebrate Lit for their 2nd Annual Merry Christmas Readers event. Enter for your chance to win 45+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself! The link to enter is HERE, but it won’t be active until the 7th, so check back then.

December 6-12 — Hallee Bridgeman is hosting her annual Christmas blog scavenger hunt! With 35+ authors participating, we’ll be awarding $350 Amazon gift card for first place, $250 Amazon card for second, and $150 Amazon card for third. The fun begins Sunday the 6th, and all scavenger hunt answers can be found using Amazon’s “Look inside” feature! START HERE on the 6th and follow the links at the bottom to enter and then visit the next post for their clue.

December 7-20 — Something Borrowed goes on tour with the amazing bloggers at Celebrate Lit! This super fun collection will make nearly 30 stops with spotlights and reviews, and for readers, a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, a set of 4 jewel pens, and a custom designed box of assorted chocolates from Chocglitz and Cream!

December 22 — I’ll be sharing the story-behind-the-story on Love, Laughter, and Luminarias over on Alexis Goring’s Romantic Reads blog and giving away a copy to one lucky recipient! Also, did you see that I FINALLY got this one put into paperback? Yay!
Okay, that’s it. (Whew!) I’m tired already and the fun is just beginning today. But praise the Lord, His mercies are new every morning and He is faithful to sustain me through the season. He’s faithful to sustain YOU, too, if you only turn to Him and ask!
As you enjoy all the blessings (and probably a few hardships) of this holiday season, I pray you will find love, joy, and peace in abundance. I pray you and yours will find grace and mercy when you need it most and expect it least. I pray you will remember the Greatest Gift, that of our Savior Jesus Christ, who loves you infinitely more than you can imagine.
Be blessed and happy reading!

The Rule of Three
The rule of three is a principle in writing that suggests a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, or effective than other numbers1. We see the number used all over the place from religion to advertising content. Being the smallest number that can establish a pattern, three gets things stuck in our heads.
I mean, come on, look at this list:
- Faith, hope, love
- Stop, drop, roll
- Father, Son, Holy Spirit
- Blood, sweat, tears
I could go on. For a long while. I mean, I am a writer after all, and a fairly decent researcher, word lover, and random trivia memorizer. But that’s a rabbit trail we don’t need to travel. Today, I want to talk about three new books!
Today marks the release of Something Borrowed: Christmas Weddings Collection! This five-book set joins two that came out last week, Hearts Aglow, the fifth Christmas Lights collection, and Five Gold Rings, the seventh Crossroads collection.
Eyebrow raises and widened eyes are the typical response I get when people find out I wrote three Christmas books this year, all set to release within a week. I know. It was a crazy decision, but I knew God called me to each one for a different reason. And knowing I was responding to that call gave me a measure of peace rather than stress because if God calls, He also is faithful to equip, and He will always work things for His good and His glory.
Enter the first story, Always Been Yours. I started writing it last November after our Once Upon a Christmas collection came out and we first began brainstorming Something Borrowed. Not only did I enjoy telling the story of a *slightly* dramatic, big-hearted, confident plus-size heroine and the injured best friend who’s been in love with her for years, but Toni, Mikal, Teresa, and Andrea have forged a deep, abiding friendship that has been an answer to prayer for each of us.
The story itself is a little lighter on the faith elements than many of my other books, but it was what poured out and I know God can use it (and will)! Not everything we do as believers has to be explicitly Christian in order to convey His message or heart. Hanady accepts people for who they are and doesn’t quite understand when others don’t. I love that about her!
Then there’s Christmas Mercy. Earlier this year when I was finishing up Whatever Happens Next, I knew Vera and Edie would need a story of their own. I’ve long wanted to write a second chance romance, so when Amanda Tru announced her idea for this season’s Crossroads set (couples once jilted), the outline I’d already sketched was too coincidental to be anything but a God idea. The faith threads are woven into their daily lives, though still not overpowering, as Vera and Rob come to understand grace, mercy, forgiveness, and restoration.
And finally, This and Every Christmas. I was a little nervous, to be honest, when it came time to write a third book for the 2020 Christmas Lights gang. After months of quarantine, stay-home orders, political vitriol, and other negativity sucking up my creativity as well as a bit of burnout from already completing 3 1/2 other books (that half is still a WIP), I basically got on my knees and begged for something to spark.
While working on other things, I suddenly had a clear picture of a young boy and girl meeting between the pines on a Christmas tree farm every year on the same day over the course of several years. Most titles don’t come to me until the book’s been written, but this one I knew right away. I also knew they went their separate ways, Noah got married and had a daughter and later became a widower before they met again as adults. Trusting God to carry me through writing this story resulted in a completely different style of tale than I usually write, but one of the most enriching experiences I’ve had as a writer to this point.
Seeing the Rule of Three playing itself out in such a positive way this season has been a balm to my heart this year. Has it been stressful? Sure. Exhausting? Absolutely. But it’s taught me to let go of my illusions of having any control whatsoever, trust the Great Storyteller, and follow His lead. And what a rewarding life lesson for us all in this dumpster fire of a year, am I right?
What trios have you experienced this year? Have good things come in threes for you? Comment below and let’s chat about it!

1Quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_three_(writing)
For the Love of School (+giveaway)

Nothing looks the same this year, even for those in places where in-person schooling is happening. And for those faced with virtual learning, the world looks upside down. Even the homeschooling families I know are having to do things a little differently because their co-ops, sports, and other activities have been impacted as much as public, charter, virtual, and private school families have.
From the time I was ten, I knew I wanted to become a teacher. Of course, that changed in college when I decided I wanted to be a writer and a stay-home mom instead, but my love for the school environment never went away. I was blessed to marry a man who supports my dreams, and after staying home with our three daughters for many years, volunteering in their classrooms and serving on the PTA board, leading our local MOMS Club chapter, and more, I moved into substitute teaching. This is the first year I won’t be in a school in over a decade and I’ve got to admit, I’m a little heartbroken. Not just for myself, but for our kids, our teachers, and school staff who are having to learn to do their jobs in a completely new way.
Since reading is my escape of choice (and if you’re here, I’m guessing it’s yours, too), I’ve made a list of contemporary Christian/Inspy romance titles featuring teachers and school employees as the heroes and/or heroines. If we can’t have a normal school year in 2020, the least we can do is dive into a good book and remember the good times, right? Looking with hope toward the future that someday, life will return to something resembling normal.
Operation Back-to-School by Elizabeth Maddrey – a widow and a kindergarten teacher have unexpected sparks
Taking a Chance on Mr. Wrong by Liwen. Y. Ho – a math teacher in a culture clash with a Chinese physician
Roadtrip to Redemption by Laurie Larsen – a teacher’s summer break roadtrip to rediscover her identity
Smile for Me by Jan Thompson – an art teacher & assistant principal at an art camp
A Dash of Daring by Elizabeth Maddrey – two inner city teachers work together on a holiday program
Finding Faith by Melanie Snitker – a single mom and her special needs child’s music therapy teacher
Memories of Mist by Valerie Comer – a conflict-avoiding teacher clashes with a take-no-prisoners PTA mom
Summer to Remember by Tara Grace Ericson – small town secrets and scandal with a mid-school teacher and his heroine
A Sidelined Christmas by Toni Shiloh – high school sweethearts, a wide-receiver and a teacher, reunite
Second Chance Love by Merrillee Whren – a high school teacher and part-time youth minister rediscover old feelings
Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese – a teacher facing a big decision falls for a substitute
Cupcake Dilemma by Jennifer Rodewald – a first-grade teacher who can’t bake faces disaster with a baker
Molly by Sarah Monzon – an unabashedly honest pre-school teacher becomes nanny to a physician single dad
Love and Harmony by Sally Bayless – a novella featuring a music teacher and a high school principal
Restoring Christmas by Julie Arduini – a special ed teacher, a hurting woman, and a tourist trap in need of restoration
Solo Tu (A Tuscan Legacy) by Narelle Atkins – two high school teachers from different countries become friends (and maybe more)
And last but not least, I have a few as well! Randomly choosing from the comments, I’ll be giving away an eBook of my first novel, What Could Be, in which a college student struggles to decide whether to continue pursuing a nursing degree or to chase her dream of becoming a teacher while working for an after school program and forging a friendship with one of her students’ parents.
Also featuring two teachers, my freebie novelette Just Say Yes is available to all subscribers to my email newsletter. Click the link or the image to subscribe!
By the way, have you entered our annual BACK TO SCHOOL giveaway?! Huge prize bundles, and this year we have a ton of paperbacks! Only a week left to enter!
I am not a blogger.
Favorite Books of 2018
Ah, the end of another year. It’s that time we reflect on all the highs and lows and realize how quickly time is passing. Do you make resolutions?
I can happily say that I do not. If I make any kind of resolution, it’s a sure fire way to ensure it will never, ever get done.
And since I’m not much in the mood for bare-your-guts self-reflection today, I’ll share instead something much lighter and a whole lot more fun. Of course, it’ll probably reveal plenty about me once I go into my reasons for choosing the items on this list!
My favorite reads of 2018
I’ll go ahead and admit right off the bat that I love romantic stories. I love mysteries, suspense, heavy-hitters, light and fluffy, comedies, whatever, so long as there’s a romantic element to it. I’ve always been like that. My favorite childhood stories were The Secret Garden and Anne of Green Gables. Gilbert Blythe set me on a path for the rest of my life of loving dark haired, dimple-cheeked heroes with a sideways smile full of mischief. How my handsome husband managed to knock me off my feet being a blonde, I can’t explain. But before him, I definitely had a type. It’s probably that mischievous grin, because he may be quiet around others, but the man is hilarious and sharp-witted and definitely full of mischief.
But I digress. Sorry. He’s just still, all these years later, pretty darn cute to me. Even without the dark hair and dimples.
Back to the books.
I am listing these in no particular order, and I will not repeat the descriptions because they’re easily found on Amazon and GoodReads. I’ll simply note why I loved it and let you click on it to see the other details. Also, I had to narrow down a really, really good book year to around ten, so chances are you haven’t heard of all of these. I love the greats like Becky Wade (who had two incredible books this year!), Rachel Hauck, and Terri Blackstock (If I Run series, my GOODNESS!), but I tend to prefer the indies, hybrids, and smaller press authors, so that’s who you’ll see here.
Fancy Pants by Cathy Marie Hake — There is only one historical era I really care to read about, and that’s the late 1800s in either Victorian England or the American Old West. This book perfectly pairs the two. I loved Sydney, her grit and determination to make it in a cowboy’s world as an English lady dressed in man’s garments. Much of the book is a comedy of errors as she tries to hide her true identity while dealing with more flak than she should have had to. Once everything comes out into the open, the real romance begins and we’re treated to a much deeper story as well. This book is everything my pioneer heart loves!
When You Look at Me by Pepper Basham — This book makes me want to flash stern English teacher eyes and chastise anyone who dares suggest that Mr. Darcy is the ultimate English hero, because Henry makes Darcy look like a gloomy arse. I LOVED 2017’s Just the Way You Are. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend it if you haven’t read it yet. But this sequel? Oh, man. Julia was date raped and left pregnant, floundering through her healing but finding expression for her swinging emotions through music. Henry, an acclaimed composer who thinks in music, is the epitome of a good guy; the perfect book hero who seeks to connect to Julia in a meaningful way. Pepper Basham perfectly portrays the kinds of wounds a woman in Julia’s position would feel, including her fear and inability to handle being touched that wars with her desires. Henry is patient and understanding, even if a bit overeager at times. From start to finish, I have to say that Henry is officially at the top of my favorite book-heroes-ever list now.
A Change of Plans by Donna K. Weaver (no relation) — I had no idea this book would be so intriguing when I picked it up. The description was good, but I was pleasantly surprised by the emotional depth and the span of time it covered. I was shocked at some events, saddened by losses, and yet throughout there was hope that everything would fall into place. I found I couldn’t take not knowing, so this was one I had to flip toward the end to make sure there would be a happy ending. I was simply too emotionally invested in the characters halfway in and couldn’t bring myself to finish if it was going to turn out tragically.
Bookishly Ever After and Literarily for Keeps by Sarah Monzon — Last year’s The Esther Paradigm made my top reads of 2017 list and this year, she explored and conquered the novella world with these two titles. Both are charming and emotionally engaging with fully developed characters and plot lines in adorable little packages. Who can resist books with bookish heroines and laugh-out-loud moments? Not me!
Worth It by Jenn Faulk — Feminism and God’s view of women are dissected through the eyes of a powerful, almost obnoxious woman as she struggles to meet a challenge she’s issued for herself. Two academics form a deep, meaningful friendship that’s always held more just bubbling under the surface. Jenn Faulk deals with some incredibly tough topics, including abortion and gender identity, with grace and a positive, biblical worldview. She takes hot topic issues and breaks them down simply but beautifully without being condemning or judgy, simply reflecting God’s heart to love people and reach the lost and hurting. This is definitely a book that will force readers to think and analyze, but the romance and chemistry are fierce. I’ve always loved her books, but this was an unexpectedly powerful story I won’t soon forget.
Running from Monday by Lea Simms — I cannot recommend this book highly enough, y’all. It was hard–really hard–to read at times, because she doesn’t shy away from letting readers see the horrors Delaney experienced while growing up. In between some intense flashbacks (which may trigger some readers, but please don’t let that stop you from giving this a chance), Lea Simms tells the story of a woman completely and utterly lost and broken. Delaney’s journey is probably the most transformative story of any character I’ve ever read. We see her entire metamorphosis from icky, prickly caterpillar to chrysalis and then lush-winged butterfly as she comes to Christ in a powerful way and is forced to face her deepest wounds. I love that Lea Simms unabashedly deals with real life and true pain head-on, hiding none of the ugliness and yet thoroughly showing readers the definitive power of the Love of God.
Rooms by James L. Rubart — Now here’s a story that will appeal to men and women alike. Micah Taylor appears to have it all, but a single letter arrives and with it comes a tug-of-war for his soul. This story is rich with images, dreams, altered realities, and excellent characters. I can’t exactly put to words without giving away the story exactly why I loved this book, but I’m pretty sure I highlighted a serious chunk of it (see my GoodReads). This was easily one of the hardest books to put down once I picked it up. If you’re a Ted Dekker fan, you’ll love it.
Finding Evergreen by Jennifer Rodewald — Last year, one of my favorite books was a marriage romance, and this book is another excellent one. Jennifer Rodewald has a gift for wringing out readers’ emotions and leaving you raw. Here, the main characters married quickly, too immature to really handle their unrealistic expectations, lack of communication, and childhood issues. They spend most of the book fighting their resentment and some very negative feelings toward one another. Through it all, they are trying to be the best foster parents possible to an emotionally unstable girl. I loved how gritty and gripping the story was, all emotions laid bare for us to see as they work to decide whether it’s worth it to keep fighting for this marriage or simply give up.
Criss Cross series by CC Warrens — While this isn’t a romance, it deserves a mention on my top reads list for sure. I devoured all three books in the series and have been harping on Crystal all year to PLEASE write a fourth. Holly is one of those memorable characters who worms their way under your skin and won’t let go–she becomes a real person. That’s a very rare gift, I find, for someone who reads books once and then quickly forgets most of them. You can’t help but adore Holly for her love of marshmallows and her impulsive need to help others even if it means putting herself in danger. She has a long list of fears and quirks, all perfectly valid considering what she’s been through, but she finds herself repeatedly facing those fears when someone she cares about needs her. I will say that the books get more graphic by the third one, but through them all we clearly see that Christ is bigger and gives her strength to endure the evil that hunts her. And boy, does it hunt her. If you enjoy thrilling suspense and twisted villains, incredible characters, and quirky humor, you’ll love Holly Cross and her ragtag group of friends.
Chasing Someday by Crystal Walton — This is definitely a story that goes beyond a simple friends-to-more romance. Chasing Someday is funny, sweet, poignant, and packed with chemistry. I enjoyed it so much, especially Livy’s awkward klutziness and all of the interrupted “moments” between her and Chase! The Home in You series is absolutely beautiful, with complex characters and relationships, lighthearted humor, deeply moving emotions, and clean, romantic storylines that sweep you away to swoonyville! I have no idea why Crystal doesn’t receive more acclaim because truly, anyone who enjoys clean romance should be reading her books. They are SO GOOD.
Others to note — I mentioned Becky Wade, Rachel Hauck, and Terri Blackstock above. I read quite a few from each of them this year and it’s easy to see why they’re the Big Names on the Christian fiction scene. Also deserving of note are Denise Hunter and Courtney Walsh, who put out some great books this year as well. I can’t wait to see what 2019 holds! (Bethany Turner, I’m looking at you, lady!)
I’d love to hear your thoughts and see what books YOU’ve chosen for your top of 2018. Share in the comments or stop by and tell me on social media!
Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is coming, but it’s never too early for CHRISTMAS!
Okay, so maybe it is a little early for Christmas. But in the wild world of publishing, it’s never too early to release a Christmas book. So…my newest book baby is born today, Love, Laughter, and Luminarias. You can find out what it’s about in the link.

What I’d like to share today is what a stinkin’ little miracle this book is for me as a writer.
I’d been working on a different holiday story and it just wasn’t going where I wanted it to. I was stuck. And by stuck, I mean, I hated the leading lady, hated how I couldn’t move the story forward, and I seriously considered my first three books an utter fluke because I must be a two-bit hack to write myself into a corner I couldn’t find a way out of. So where did I turn? Naturally, to prayer.
Which led me to reason 8,974,301 why I know God loves me. On my way to a dinner with two girlfriends from church, I was praying HARD for direction, and then…after three weeks of zero words, BAM. I had a fully outlined first chapter and character sketch for Garrett, my hero. After we said our goodbyes earlier than usual, I decided to hit up Starbucks, knowing they’d be open at least another hour. By the time I left, I had the first chapter WRITTEN, a full sketch for Nina, my heroine, AND a clear answer from the Lord. Not even kidding you, in the car on the way home I clearly heard His pressing that if I would fast from reading for the next week, then He would give me this story faster than I’ve written anything, ever. (Do you even understand how HARD that was to process?! If you’re an avid reader, you get it.) But when Jesus tells you to do something, it’s smart to snap to it and get with the program.
I survived.
And I wrote this 24k word novella in two weeks. TWO. WEEKS. Never have I done anything like that before.
And now, as I gear up for NaNoWriMo (just Google it), I feel a little more confident that I can win that, too. Which might just mean all of you who’ve been waiting on Caleb’s story, AKA the third Everyday Love book, you might just get it into your hands before next spring after all! Yee haw!
And if you love books AND giveaways, well LitRing is offering up this one, which LL&L is happily featured in! It’s only available in eBook format right now, but if you don’t have a kindle, don’t worry! Amazon offers a free app for all tablet and mobile devices! And this book is only 99¢. So go get it!
Merry ThanksChristmasGiving season!
Release day for Adrift!
Y’all, I am so excited to share this with you!
This novella was a work of heart that I actually wrote by hand in a journal over several months while working on other projects.
This story came to me all of a sudden. I was awakened with the entire introduction, word for word, and a strange drifting sensation I haven’t experienced since the last time I was on a boat all day (it’s been years). I typed it out into my phone as fast as I could before it faded back into the ether of all lost story ideas and dreams. The next morning, I was sure it would be like so many other half-asleep musings. To my surprise, I still felt as strongly about it as I had when it first came to me. So, I prayed about the direction of this story and just very clearly knew where it was supposed to go.
At the same time, my husband was preparing to leave for a month long work trip. I am always apprehensive before these things, but I don’t normally allow myself to focus on negative thoughts and feelings to protect my heart from a now-mostly-conquered battle against anxiety. However, while writing this, I knew it would be important to allow myself to follow the rabbit trails of those thoughts and fears in order to process how a woman might feel if the worst had indeed happened.
I have fortunately never personally experienced the kind of soul-piercing grief that Erin and so many other women have, but I know how my heart panicked at the mere thought of facing life without my husband. For the first time, I allowed myself to go there in my all too-vivid imagination and that is the place where Erin began to tell me her story.
The Lord often speaks to me in vivid imagery. Water is probably the single biggest element He uses in metaphors to reach me, teach me, love me, and push me forward. I suffered from post-partum depression after delivering my third child for nearly a year and a half. During that season, God actually did speak to my heart through many of the same metaphors in Erin’s story. I remember telling my husband it was like treading water in a sea of emotion that kept threatening to drown me. God clearly told me it was time to back float after I’d grown weary of fighting the current of depression.
I’ve learned through a lot of research and experience that the cycles of processing grief and depression are often similar, so it wasn’t a stretch to write about one through the lens of the other. Ever the fighter and eternal optimist, though, I fought to get help out of that dark place and washed up on the shore ready to love motherhood once more. I knew Erin deserved the same.
So, there you have it, a little behind the scenes peek at how I came to write Erin’s story. I do hope you will read it (it’s pretty short, but a dozen early readers have all said it packs a lot into the pages). It’s FREE with a Kindle Unlimited subscription, and only 99 cents to purchase. I currently only offer it in eBook format, though if I had enough requests I suppose I might consider a paperback edition.
I’d really love to hear from you, whether about the book or sharing your own experiences. If you’re going through a dark place and I can pray for you, I would love the opportunity to do so. You can comment below or check my contact page for ways to get in touch. Be blessed today, and thank you for stopping by!
You can pick up Adrift on Amazon here.
Reading, and Writing, and Blogs, Oh My!
Oh my goodness, y’all, this has been a MONTH! Let me tell you. School started and life’s fast-forward button clicked all the way over to that 32x speed zoom thing it does sometimes. If my title today seems a bit cheesy, you’ll have to forgive me. I often think in movie lines and song titles. 😀
I have some announcements for you, some pretty exciting ones, actually!
First off, I’d love to hear about what you’re reading these days. Feel free to comment below or find me on social media or Good Reads and we’ll chat! I just finished the Yesterday’s Mail (Crossroads Collection 2), and it was really cute. Before that, I was completely blown away by Jenn Faulk’s Worth It. Can I just tell you, even if I didn’t consider her my friend, I would be shouting this book from the rooftops. She deals with feminism and God’s view of women, abortion, redemption, and hope in such an incredibly beautiful, intelligent way. It’s one of those that will stick out in my mind for a long time to come. I also just started Toni Shiloh’s first book in the Freedom Lake series, Returning Home. So far I’m really enjoying it, which of course I knew I would. I’m also about to start Crystal Walton’s Chasing Someday. I absolutely LOVE this series from Crystal, which can all be read as standalone novels if you’re not into series.
I’ll be posting a little bit more on Adrift: a Grace Springs novella soon. It’s a completely different story than I’ve ever written before, and it’s very dear to my heart. I really hope you will check it out on Amazon, where it’s available for pre-order until 10.1.18. It’s only 99¢ or FREE with Kindle Unlimited.
Another announcement, I’m nearly ready to release my first CHRISTMAS novella! I love this story and, in my opinion, it’s probably my best work yet. It’s fun, lighthearted, with quirky characters who might have to make other appearances in the future because I adore them so much!
I’m also working on another couple of Grace Springs novellas. I’m not sure if I can have it ready before the Christmas season, but I am trying. More info on all of these projects is coming very soon, so check back often!
and Blogs, oh my!
God is so good. I say that all the time, probably because He keeps reminding me of that goodness SO MUCH lately. I won’t detail all of the stories right now, but, let me just say WOW. He’s got a lot going on behind the scenes and it’s all flooring me.
This past month, I’ve been blessed to participate in a few blog features that perhaps you’ve seen on Facebook and Twitter. I’m so much more reliable on there, LOL! But in case you haven’t seen them, I hope you will check out the blogs, and for a lot more than just my little interviews/Q&As/book features. I’m selective about the blogs I follow, but these ladies are all incredible in their own ways and I can’t even tell you how much I love the work they all do!
Jessica Baker from A Baker’s Perspective was gracious to host me a few weeks ago for A Day in the Life. She’s a delight and I look forward to getting to know her better. She does a lot of book reviews, so if you’re an avid reader, check her out! If you’re a writer, she offers some great services, too.
Sara Turnquist interviewed me for a spotlight on her blog, Sara’s Desk. Sara also contributes to Pure Romance Reads on Facebook with me and several other clean romance authors! She writes historical romance.
Beth from Faithfully Bookish also contributes to Diversity Between the Pages. She’s another voracious reader and posts insightful reviews of a variety of books, while DBP focuses on Christian and clean fiction that features diverse characters from all cultures, races, and walks of life. My interview appears here.
Last but not least, Carrie from Reading is My Superpower and fellow story addict, brought me over for the most fun interview I’ve done in awhile. I loved her random questions! She gets down to the heart of things, though, and that’s why I enjoy her blog so much. You can find my interview here, but I hope you’ll check out her whole blog! She also contributes to Diversity Between the Pages.
Well, that’s all for today, my friends. I know I’m about the least diligent blog poster out there, but you forgive me, right?! If you enjoy staying in touch, stop over on any of my social media links. I’m far more active there. Better yet, head over to Facebook and join the Jaycee League!