about me

Hello, and welcome!

Happy weekend, my friends. I’m hard at work figuring out this whole blogging and publishing thing. Today I just want to say hello, and take a moment to express my gratitude to the many people who have encouraged me over the years in my writing and introduce myself.

I’ve used email, Facebook, and thousands of sheets of paper to express the many things I’ve always felt needed to be said. And now, after probably a decade of deliberation, I finally decided to join the blogosphere. Here I plan to express the random writings I feel pressed upon by the Lord to share.

So yes, there will be Jesus stuff.

Before you hesitate and click the x on your browser, let me explain. I am a wife, a mother, a substitute teacher. I am a crafter, a hobbyist, a singer. I am a lover of all things kitchen. I am a writer, a neighbor, a friend, a daughter. But above all, I am a child of the King of Kings.

I believe the Word of God, the Bible, is living and active with very real application today. In real, everyday life. It isn’t always easy to read, understand, or even agree with. But it’s truth and there is wisdom in there that goes beyond time, and remains true and relevant whether it’s believed in or not.

This blog isn’t going to be a self-righteous hyper-critical rant, or a political poo-fest wrapped in belligerent opinion.  You won’t find political anything (can we say YES!!). I won’t be shoving things down your throat or whacking you over the head with my Bible.

What I will be sharing will be a raw, honest journey of the ways the Father shares things with my heart. The way he kicks my butt and gives me reality checks. The way he takes a sometimes broken, often messed up woman and lets her learn things by falling flat on her face. Sometimes in humiliation, sometimes in worship. But I fall, a lot. Which means I’ve learned to celebrate and share the victories big and small and the whole spectrum of the in-between. I’ve learned to be open and real with other people (even though my family thinks I am way too blunt, too intense, too honest, and too graphic sometimes).

You won’t find photos of gross, open wounds, because no one in all of the internet actually wants to see those nasty things. But you’ll find a safe place to read and talk about the metaphorical ones here. A safe place where even if you and I can never see eye to eye on something, I can safely say I will still care about you. You will find a soul who may not personally understand every experience you’ve been through, but will try, will pray for you, will still want to see you healed and set free and be cheering you on in your journey.

Some days I’ll share a recipe from my kitchen adventures. Some days I’ll share deep thoughts or a message I feel led to write. Some days I’ll share my triumphs. Some days I’ll share my excitement about my newest book, and we can talk about what’s going on with it. Some days I will get absorbed in living my life and forget to write anything. But all days, I’ll be thinking of what to say next and how to pray for you, my readers.

Whether I have one reader or several thousand. It’s all good.

And I’ll probably say that particular phrase a lot.

It’s all good.

Because even when it’s really not, I believe in the long run, it will be.


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