Giveaway · Romance Tropes · Special Occasions

Love in the Kitchen (+giveaway)

Did you know September 10-16 is Chef Appreciation Week this year? How exciting is that?!

I know, I know, it’s back-to-school season, but I’ve already written a back-to-school post. Yeah, I’ve already written a food post too, but this time I thought it would be fun to talk about those who fulfill our fictional food fantasies, CHEF characters!

Romance is FULL of chef heroes and heroines. There’s just something about being in the kitchen surrounded by food that creates the perfect setting for love… or loathing. Chef heroes and heroines add a whole lot of extra flavor to typical romance tropes (pun totally intended). So in honor of Chef Appreciation Week, let’s explore how those tropes are so much tastier with chefs at the helm as we show our appreciation for those who heat up the kitchen.

One of my favorite tropes is loathe-to-love (aka hate-to-love and/or enemies-to-lovers), and when it takes place in the kitchen? Count. Me. In. What a place for cooks to clash! Egos flare, attraction sparks, passions ignite, and love fans into a flame. A perfect example of this is Jenny Proctor’s third Hawthorne brother book, How to Kiss Your Enemy All that friction between chefs Lennox and Tatum is so fun. Our very own Jan Thompson also has chef rivals in her Savannah Sweethearts series, Call You Home. Bonus, Jan’s title features a deaf heroine! (I love seeing diverse representation in Christian fiction. Isn’t it beautiful to explore God’s wide world through the eyes of others whose experience vary from our own?) Let’s give a shout out to Piper and Isaac! And one of my all-time favorite rival chef romances is Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish from rom-com queen Bethany Turner with chefs Hadley and Max battling it out for reality television glory.

If grumpy/sunshine romances are more your thing, what’s more fun than a broody, crabby chef? Valerie Comer’s chef Levi Esteban from Better Than a Crown is a prime example of hard-headed and brooding hero (and I adored him).

Billionaire, widower, and single dad romances are market staples, and you can find all three in Jan Thompson’s His Morning Kiss, where we meet a personal chef Skye.

See what I mean about putting chefs into all sorts of romance tropes? What a *perfect* way to add a little forced proximity, caregivers, or any number of other sub-tropes we love.

And I’ve got a few more personal chef books for you!  Lavished with Lavender from Valerie Comer features both a nurse and a personal chef, which is doubly fab in my book (cheers for Chef Tony!). And I can’t forget my dear friend Teresa Tysinger’s personal chef Leah Spencer in Say It’s For Good, which also combines the tropes of second chances and a fake relationship with Teresa’s signature Southern flavor and gorgeous backdrops.

Speaking of forced proximity (and workplace romance!), Sarah Monzon’s Freedom’s Kiss is full of sparks between food truck owner Adam and chef-hopeful Olivia.  Lindi Peterson’s Chef Grant reconnects with his childhood sweetheart and friend in Sweet Love of Mine, and you’ll have fun with Paige’s unique and tasty offerings in Elizabeth Maddrey’s opposites attract tale, A Splash of Substance while learning about sustainable food!

We’ve covered a lot of tropes already, but I can’t leave without appreciating the chef of at least one marriage of convenience book. Dwight Williams, chef of the legendary Maple Pit in Toni Shiloh’s Buying Love, is just the sort of hero worth appreciating. (Come on, maple barbecue and all the other maple goodness? Stop. I’m drooling.)

While it’s still fairly early in the back-to-school season, a lot of us are looking forward to Christmas books!! If that’s your favorite, Carolyn Miller’s upcoming holiday release will feature TWO chefs, Alphonse and Camille. Plus it’s a collection of short romances, so you know I’m down for that. (This tall girl LOVES her short books LOL!) You can pre-order Muskoka Holiday Morsels for auto-download on 11/2/23.

I also happen to have a holiday romance featuring a chef heroine. CJ Sinclair is visiting her sister this Christmas as she sorts out her life after breaking free of a traumatic relationship. There, CJ reconnects with her former best friend and first love, ex-military musician Tobin, in Now and Forever Christmas, a friends-to-more second chance tale with a wacky, lovable family lightening the serious moments. There are plenty of those, since CJ walked away from God for a while and yearns for redemption and forgiveness with her fresh start.

Whew! We covered a lot of ground today! LOL! I hope our chef characters feel appreciated. 😉 Wouldn’t you agree the passion, artistry, and dedication of chefs make the most overdone of tropes more palatable?

Since all of our chefs here are fictional, I’d like to offer my own personal appreciation gift to one lucky reader! To enter the random drawing for an eBook edition of Now and Forever Christmas, be sure to comment with your favorite fictional chef, the title of the book they’re in, and/or which of YOUR favorite tropes I missed! Remember, until tomorrow 9/12, your comments are ALSO your entries into the 2023 Back-to-School Bash!

Until next time, happy reading!

Escape into a Story · Romance Settings

Destination Christmases

Destination Christmas blog postDo you travel for Christmas?

It’s been years since my crew has been away from home on Christmas. We have a lot of family we’re close to, which used to mean a lot of obligations over the holidays. As much as we loved everyone, it was exhausting. My husband and I decided early on that we wanted to keep Christmas Eve and the early morning of Christmas Day limited to us and the kids, and since then it’s become a sacred tradition we all look forward to. In a season that’s often as filled with anxiety as it is with wonder, that slice of time we carve out and safeguard gives my crew of introverts some breathing room between bouts of being “on” for our extended loved ones.

However, we do regularly travel around the holidays to see family in the Midwest, and there’s something special about celebrating the holidays with loved ones away from home. Whether traveling ” back home” or, as in my case, to family who moved away, family traditions feel different when you don’t live with your family of origin anymore. Sweeter somehow, even when the relationships might be complicated or strained. And then there’s exploring the local traditions of the place you’re visiting, indulging in local culture and flavors…

It’s no wonder why holiday travel is a common element in many Christmas romance books.

But then there’s an actual destination Christmas—essentially a vacation or road trip to a locale that isn’t and never has been home. Ski trips, sunny beaches, a private getaway…

I’ve never done a destination Christmas, and with a close knit family and three daughters, I honestly can’t imagine making this a reality. It certainly is fun to dream about, though! I’d love to whisk my crew off to Disney one year. It sounds fun (though I know it will probably never happen LOL).

Maybe that’s why I enjoy the concept of destination Christmases in fiction so much. It gives life to impractical dreams alongside the joy of reading romance and new love. I can revel in exploring complicated family dynamics and need for second chances in someone else’s life on the pages. There are new holiday traditions to vicariously experience, new places to discover and local flavors that inspire my imagination.

How about you? Do you enjoy traveling for the holidays? Do you go “home”? Visit family? Or have you ever taken a destination holiday to somewhere new and exciting?

If virtually experiencing a destination Christmas is more your thing, here’s a short list of suggestions I’m happy to share with you to fill your December TBR and get you into the holiday spirit!

I’m sure there are TONS more, but of course I never want to inundate you with too many. LOL! If you’ve read any contemporary Christian or inspirational holiday travel/road trip/destination Christmas stories recently that left an impression, I’d LOVE to hear your suggestions in the comments. And be sure to answer my questions above. I so enjoy chatting with you all every month!

Until next time,

New Releases · Story Inspiration

Sister Stories

The sister relationship is one of the most complicated. From best friends to mortal enemies, every set of sisters has a different dynamic and relationship, and that’s true not only from family to family but sister to sister within the same family.

With three daughters and a sister of my own, it’s definitely a relationship I have a lot of experience with. I’ve had a lot of conversations with mom friends who grew up with sisters or raised multiple daughters, and the best word to describe each sister relationship is, perhaps, complicated.

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel

Family dynamics fascinate me, especially birth order studies. I love exploring the commonalities and differences. But there’s just something extra intriguing about sisters, which is why I wrote a trio of them in my Sinclair Sisters trilogy.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. – Marion C. Garretty

While each book focuses primarily on the heroine finding romance, I did something a little different in this series. In each book, each chapter contains a peek into their pasts as well as their unfolding present day story. Often there’s an interaction between the hero and heroine that plays into their present day romance, but equally as often there’s another relationship played a role in pushing her forward toward resolving a conflict with the hero: her sister.

It’s funny, because I never set out to make these ROMANCES into a sister trilogy. From the beginning of This and Every Christmas, Clari talked about her sisters. They were united in their parents’ obsessive affection for all things Christmas, and slowly I began to understand how vital the relationship between the three girls was to them. Clari was a natural teacher and mother figure to Lucy (and her other students) in large part because an oldest sister grows up playing those roles by default.

As I wrote this book during the pandemic quarantine of 2020, my three daughters were stuck with each other 24/7 with no way to distance except for their bedroom doors. I began to realize how important the sister relationship was to each of them (my girls AND the fictional Sinclair girls). They fought like crazy but became incredibly close. They developed inside jokes. Shared experiences. They will forevermore have stories that only the three of them know and understand. Even now that we’ve moved on to a more normal life as teenagers, they still have secret conversations, sister sleepovers, push each other’s buttons, and fiercely defend when an outsider treats one of them poorly.

We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. – Shannon Celebi

In writing Charlie—aka CJ—Sinclair’s book Now and Forever Christmas in 2021, the sister relationship played an even larger role in helping CJ’s romance with Tobin unfold. In the past scenes, youngest sister Cindy proves the perfect listener when CJ needs one, providing insight she didn’t expect from someone three years younger. In the present, CJ found refuge and healing in her older sister’s home. She’s the bridge between her oldest and youngest sister, equally close to both but in very different ways.

You’re not my best friend. You’re my sister, and that’s more. – Jenny Han

Cindy’s story has been the most difficult to write because I watch my youngest trying to find her own place with two older sisters who are polar opposites and understanding Cindy probably felt the same way. While the Sinclair sisters bonded over their mutual teenage embarrassment, they grew apart over the years as distance and life experience separated them. Cindy chose to stay in Florida after college. She loves her independent life, but of course, she still misses her family. Still longs for their former closeness. A part of her would love to live nearby and watch her nieces and nephews grow up. But she also needs her space and to live life on her own terms. It’s been fun to explore the way she sees that sister dynamic through a third lens I haven’t yet explored.

So distant yet so close. So different yet so similar. That’s why I love my sister. – Maxime Lagacé

Cindy’s story, Not Another Christmas, comes out next month in the 2022 Christmas Lights Collection, Destination Christmas. I’m excited to share it with you October 18th! If you haven’t already read them in the 2020 and 2021 Christmas Lights Collections, the first two Sinclair Sisters books are available now on Amazon.

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. – Unknown

I know Tara Grace Ericson and Marion Ueckermann have contemporary romance series following sisters, but I would LOVE it if you’d share any other CONTEMPORARY Christian/Inspirational romance series or books where the sister relationship plays a significant role. Or if you’ve read Clari and CJ’s stories, tell me if you thought the sister dynamic rang true for you! OR, share with us some of your own sister stories! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time,

Devotional Thought · Excerpt

A Valentine Excerpt & Devotional

A Valentine Excerpt & devotional

You might be surprised to learn that this romance author doesn’t love Valentine’s Day. Hold off on the pitchforks and mob for a sec, I’ll explain.

I don’t love Valentine’s Day for the same reason I don’t love Mother’s Day. See, my mom always used to tell us that while she appreciated the nice things we did for her on that special day, the sweet things we did the other 364 days of the year meant so much more. Now that I’m grown with a husband and kids of my own, I understand her logic. What good is a holiday if we don’t treat the ones we love with care and appreciation the rest of the year?

My husband agrees, which is why after nearly twenty years of marriage, I can almost guarantee I won’t be getting flowers on Valentine’s Day. We probably won’t even go out for a date until the weekend after because the restaurant crowds are insane (and this year, everything’s still closed in NM anyway). But I can guarantee that when I’m exhausted or just because he feels like it, my sweet man will bring home a bouquet or a Route 44 unsweet peach tea from Sonic. Or he might do the dishes without being asked. Or tell me to go ahead and escape for an evening despite his own exhaustion.

That’s romance in its truest form right there.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, and here’s why: it’s God’s plan for our lives. How? Because 1 John 4 says “God is love,” we are created in His image, and He repeatedly tells us to love one another. This passage defines for us exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, and not just with a romantic partner (let’s face it, sometimes they’re the hardest ones to love this way LOL).

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV)
I’m including the NLT version as well because I like the subtle nuances between the language of both.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (NLT)

These are the traits I’m seeking to exemplify in my everyday life and interactions with others, how I’m trying to raise my children, how I even need to treat myself. 365 days a year. What does this passage whisper in your own heart?

If you’ve read any of my books, you’ve probably noticed how frequently I refer to this passage as my characters are growing in their faith and discovering how to get past their issues and love their special someone. This passage appears in What Makes a Home more than any of my other books. The words burrow deep into Jobie’s mind and heart and ultimately lead her to salvation, which changes her life from the inside out.

And just because it is almost Valentine’s Day, I’ve included an excerpt from the book as they get ready to celebrate their first Valentine’s together. Enjoy!

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” Jobie tried to keep her voice low but felt several pairs of curious eyes watching their every move.

“I took the day off. I have a Valentine project I’m working on.”

“Oh yeah? Hopefully, they’re giving you better advice than last week’s mess.”

Caleb shook his head, chagrin lighting his features. “I know, I know. I messed that one up. But I think you’ll actually like this project. Mabel and Pops have given their seal of approval this time.”

“Ooh! I’m intrigued. So… when do I get to see this project?” Her heart skipped like a pig-tailed schoolgirl.

Caleb grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “I could be persuaded to start Valentine’s Day a little early.”

“Mmmm. Does that mean you’re angling for an early birthday present, too?”

“That can wait. But I don’t think I can.” He rocked on his heels with an adorable bounce.

Jobie threw her head back and laughed. She took a step forward and tipped her chin up to him.

He dropped a soft kiss to her mouth.

She pushed him away with a soft laugh. “Get out of here, goober. I have a class to finish.”

“I’ll see you at five o’clock.” He tossed her a wink and strode out of the room with confidence.

She admired the view until Wanda’s “mm-mm-mm” made her blush. Yep, that was her thought, too.

“Okay, time to pack up, people! I’ve got things to do!”

Jobie smiled to herself. It was a good thing she really loved that goofball.

And that he loved her, flaws and all.

Here’s wishing you much love—His love—wherever you are, and not only for Valentine’s Day but every day of the year. I pray that you’ll walk in patience (which is SO HARD), kindness, humility, honor, integrity, justice, faith, trust, truth, hope, and perseverance in all of your relationships, romantic and otherwise.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Cor 13:13


Excerpt · Giveaway · New Releases

Whatever Happens Next (not just a book title) + giveaway

Well, it’s release day today for my fourth novel, Whatever Happens Next. Of the whole series, it’s easily my favorite. Not only because it’s my eighth book now, so I’ve learned more and write better. Nor is it the characters, who I absolutely love and were a joy to write. Those are part of why I love this book and am excited to share it with the world.

But the biggest reason? The title prompts me to think and to trust.

Finishing a series is a bittersweet thing. Both author and reader reflect on the books individually and as a unit. We say goodbye to characters we’ve grown to love.

Authors also reflect on our craft. What did we do well? What could we have done better? When should we turn it into a boxed set? And of course—what’s next? Christian authors have the honor and privilege to bring that question to God, trusting Him to guide our steps for the future. What are His plans? What story has He birthed in our hearts? What spiritual truths can we impart to our readers that will inspire, uplift, encourage? We have a lot of praying and trusting to do when it comes to what’s next.

And trust is hard, isn’t it?

In the novel, Air Force TSgt Dyson receives PCS orders that will send him clear across the country just as he’s beginning to care for Jenna. When should he tell her? Can he trust that God’s in control over their relationship the way he trusts God to order the rest of his life? Jenna has a hard time trusting, mostly herself, after a single bad decision left its mark. Change stirs up her life from every direction, forcing her to let go and realize that even if she doesn’t trust herself, she can trust the Lord. Letting go and allowing Him to order her out-of-control life isn’t easy, but it’ll be the most beautiful thing in the world if she can. And wow, does Dyson partner beside her the whole way (well, most of the way, because he’s not perfect and has a lot to figure out himself).

I find in this uncertain season and the utter insanity that has been 2020 so far, a lot of us are asking, “What’s next?” It’s been one thing after another this year, so what awful thing is awaiting us after COVID? Lots of questions. My anxious heart has been encouraged by remembering those three title words in prayer. I will trust the Lord with whatever happens next, because I know He holds me in the palm of His mighty hand.

Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Isaiah 41:10 says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

So in the midst of all the nuttiness and heartache that has been 2020, I hope these words will be a positive reminder to you. Trust Him with whatever happens next—whether it’s a pandemic, a health crisis, an election year, a job change, fiscal worries, or something else. Be blessed, my friends.

And now, to change the subject a little and celebrate together, how about a quick excerpt from the book?

Excerpt ©2020 Jaycee Weaver (formatting may be wonky or contain errors due to copy/paste issues):

I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit from Whatever Happens Next. Today’s the last day it will be available for the 99¢ pre-order price, so I do hope you’ll take a chance and give the book a try! It’s not necessary to read the previous three books in order to enjoy this one, though there will be some characters whose stories will be clearer if you have.

To celebrate the release, I’ll be giving away one eBook copy to a randomly selected commenter below who answers this question: when in your life did you feel uncertainty and have to trust blindly with whatever happened next? Did everything work out in the end? Winner will be selected by Friday evening, May 15th, 8pm MDT.

New Releases · Romance Tropes

Retelling the (Fairy) Tale

Ah, fairy tales. Like so much classic literature, fairy tales form the basis for many contemporary stories. In recent years, retellings have even become so popular they’ve become their own subgenre in fiction. And it makes sense. The originals are clean and usually end happily. Good triumphs over evil. The impossible becomes possible. Romance. Magic. Wonder. They’re inspirational and usually teach a lesson.

Best of all, they’re timeless.

So how do we take an old story and craft it into something new and unique without contorting it into just another twisted clone on the bookshelf?

Well, it’s not easy. I’ll tell you that. But with a little creativity and inspiration all around us, the task doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, authors Andrea Boyd and Mikal Dawn teamed up with three Inspy Romance authors—myself (Jaycee Weaver), Toni Shiloh, and Angela Ruth Strong—to release a brand new anthology of such tales. Last week on October 1, Once Upon a Christmas: Contemporary Retellings of Timeless Tales hit the shelves, and the reviews so far affirm that we seem to have found success in remaking these classic old stories into something new, fun, and relevant to today’s contemporary romance readers. (Yay!)

Rather than blend into the background with straight modernizations or retelling the tale with simple nods or twists, we decided to give each story a Christmas spin. Andrea took Sleeping Beauty and gave her a real-life sleeping disorder with three fierce and funny aunts in a gorgeous old theater for a holiday production of the musical of the same title. Mikal brought Mulan out of China and into the boardroom with a fierce (but flirty) legal battle on her father’s behalf, the wicked Hun insisting on a Christmas victory. For an updated Snow White, Toni sent her sheltered heiress fleeing into a snowstorm and hiding from a wicked stepmother in an orchard owned by a handsome hero and his seven “uncles” over the holidays. Angela twisted the classic favorite Cinderella into a whole new story, giving her lumberjack-like prince the nutty stepfamily as a perfect obstacle standing between Ella and her happy (New Year) ever after. And lastly, it was my joy to take The Little Mermaid out of her Las Vegas aquarium and into the dry southwest, where she discovers the power of her own voice during the romantic holiday season.

We sure hope you’ll give this set of novellas a chance to live up to your fairy tale expectations…and I suppose your Christmas tale expectations, too. If you’ve already read our retellings of these timeless tales, be sure to comment with what you enjoyed most! We love your feedback. If you haven’t yet had the chance, we’d love to know—what’s your favorite fairy tale, retelling, or Christmas trope?

Giveaway · Real Life

Plan Your Summer Book-cation

May is nearly over, people! Can you believe it? The second most jam-packed month of the year is almost done. School will be out soon, vacations are being planned, and the weather is finally warming up after the eternal winter we had this year. Can you tell I’m excited?!

I don’t know if you have kids at home or not, but I have three girls all in the throes of tween and teen hormonal chaos. Add in all the family birthdays and Mother’s Day, graduations, baby showers and weddings, field trips and finals…whew! It’s enough to make a girl long for her cozy corner, some coffee, and an invisibility cloak so she can just read until everything settles back down.

Even if that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, you’ve still got all summer to get in some quality reading time. Whether you’re staying home, playing hometown tourist, or gearing up for a big vacation, I have some suggestions for enjoying a nice summer bookcation. It’s the perfect time to change up your reading habits and discover something new.

I’d like to challenge you, dear Inspy Romance reader, to spend some time outside this summer–outside of your comfort zone, that is! There’s a whole bookish world out there, just waiting to be explored and enjoyed. Here’s my list of ideas to get you going:

  • Pick up a novella. Novellas are often overlooked by serious readers. I’ve heard all the reasons, believe me. But I have to tell you, novellas have come a long way. Most of our Inspy authors here and quite a number of other authors have put out some excellent titles with well-developed characters and storylines. Roughly 20-40,000 words or 75-140 pages, give or take, novellas are perfect for a summer afternoon when you want to finish a book in one sitting without taking all day (or all night!) to do it.
  • Try a new trope. What is a trope? It’s that basic story idea that sucks you in every time. Think friends-to-more, second chances, secret baby, or marriage-of-convenience for example. Whatever your reason for avoiding a specific kind (I get it, secret babies are so not my thing), give one a chance this summer! You might just enjoy the frivolity of that handsome undercover billionaire who falls for his old sweetheart again after she shows up in their small town with a kid he never knew about. (I’m totally winking here.)
  • Discover a new-to-you author. This should be a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get comfortable with the handful of favorites you usually reach for. And I get it. It’s a scary world out there with a whole lot of unfamiliar names–taking a chance when time and budgets are limited is a risk. But here at Inspy Romance, we’ve got over two dozen authors and I’m sure you haven’t read everyone just yet (we’ve had a lot of new faces come since April, including me!). To find some other good options, check out the many Inspirational or Christian Romance reader groups on social media (like ours HERE).
  • Explore a slightly different genre. Clearly, if you’re here, you enjoy contemporary romance. But did you know some of our authors also write historical? Or romantic suspense? Have you considered cozy mysteries? What about exploring young adult fiction? And with that one, if you find a clean, inspirational YA fiction you really enjoyed, please, PLEASE send me a message. I’ve got three readers with a long summer ahead of me and I’d love to recommend books that are *safe* and worthwhile.
  • Read in a different format. If you just LOVE paper, give an eBook a chance. If that’s your usual, pick up a paper copy! It’s a little odd at first, getting used to the nuances of a different format, but in doing so you might just re-discover why you fell in love with reading in the first place. Maybe the paper satisfies your nostalgia. Or you’ll find the e-reader makes packing books for your next trip a whole lot lighter (more room for souvenirs!).
  • Give Kindle Unlimited a free trial. No one here is officially endorsing KU or receiving a kickback for mentioning it. I discovered it a few years ago and haven’t looked back. Nearly all of my favorite authors have at least one book enrolled. With an internet connection and your device, getting books is easy (up to 10 at a time). It’s not for everyone, but it’s all the perks of a library card with even more choices. And free 30-day trial? Yes, please!
  • Revisit your local library. You might practically live there, but I, for one, have trouble getting over to the library during the school year. It’s always a special treat to take the kids and let them choose books or participate in summer activities there while I get to look around, too!
  • Make reading a social thing. Join a book club or start one with some girlfriends. Or go on social media and join some avid reader groups. Swap books with a friend, your teenager, or grown child. Even introverts enjoy talking books with other people sometimes.
  • Cozy up in a new spot. Yeah, I know. That chair you love is so snuggly and the light is just right. But what about those summer days as a kid, leaned up against a tree? Or next to the pool while the kiddies are watched by a lifeguard? And the backyard sounds pretty nice for a morning retreat, listening to the birdies, right? The world’s a great big place, which means the possibilities are endless. Ah, sigh. I can’t wait!

Have more ideas for enjoying your summer bookcation this year? Comment below! I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would, too.

And to help you get started with a new-to-you author, I’d like to offer a free eBook of my latest novel, What Makes a Home. One winner will be chosen at random and announced during the next Sunday edition!


Getting to Know You · Story Inspiration

You did what, now?

That’s what I ask myself all the time. My poor hubby might also ask me this…a lot. Yeah, I’m kind of impulsive and impetuous (and impertinent and all kinds of other im-words).

This time, though, it was a really good thing!

When they sent me the invitation to become a part of InspyRomance, I have to admit I did a pretty goofy happy dance around my office. (Craft room, whatever.) Thankfully, nobody was home or my kids would surely have laughed at me (they’re all tweens and teens, so I’m a constant source of their laughter and eye-rolling). I prayed and knew it was the right thing to do! My gut said to leap, so I did.

I won’t bore you with my bio since you can find it here or here. Or better yet, in the back of my books. Haha! Instead, I’d rather tell you about what I write and where I write about.

See, I’m a crazy avid reader, mostly contemporary romance. Of course, I enjoy a good historical a few times a year and plenty of romantic suspense, too. But it’s CCR that I’m truly a fan of so naturally, it’s also what I write. And since I live in the Land of Enchantment, it only makes sense to set my books here.

Albuquerque, New Mexico is a quirky little city. We have great food (especially if you like it a little spicy and heavy on the cheese). There are tons of great restaurants, wineries, and microbreweries. And the farm-to-table movement is thriving.

The area is rich with culture and tradition and hosts hundreds of festivals every year. Some of my favorites are the Expo New Mexico State Fair, the Albuquerque Folk Festival, Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Festival, and of course, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. There are hiking and biking trails galore, too. Plus if you like sports, we have a great baseball team and a brand-new professional soccer team! How could I write about anywhere else?! Think of all the great dates I can come up with. LOL!

The Everyday Love Series is definitely heavy on the Burque love. It’s evident in every book I write, how much I love this place. And on that note, I’m happy to announce that TODAY is the release day for the third book in the series, What Makes a Home! Every book can be read standalone, so feel free to jump in wherever. I absolutely love these characters and I hope you will, too. I’ve recently revisited the first two books in the series and made some improvements in their formatting and the flow. What Could Be was my first book, and therefore probably the roughest to read, but the story still holds a significant place in my heart. (It’s also my loudest love song to my hometown.)

I look forward to getting to know you here at InspyRomance, and elsewhere if you’re on social media (I’m everywhere). Be sure to comment for your entry into Inspy’s regular drawing! And since you’re here, I’m happy to announce to you FIRST that my eBook novella Adrift is now permanently FREE on all retailers. I hope you’ll check it out!

Also, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to stop by Inspy’s Christian Romance Reader Gathering group. I’m excited to do a takeover on April 24th from 7-9 Eastern. I hope you’ll join me for some fun! I’ll be sharing a bit about my latest book as well as hosting a GIVEAWAY!