Spoiler alert: it’s chaos in there. Most of us aren’t even sure which way is up half the time. Between story ideas, editing, marketing, and obligations to our non-author lives, it can be a bit of a mess.
Before you scroll down to the helpful infographic below, be warned. What you are about to see might horrify you.
Still curious? Just remember what happened to the cat. I tried to warn you.
One more thing. A disclaimer. The inner thoughts you’ll soon be privy to are relevant to the mind of a clean contemporary romance writer (trust me, I’ve done the research). Writers of other genres may include such additions as obscure historical facts, life on other worlds, historically accurate costuming, and creative ways to dispose of bodies.
Did you just shiver? I did. Okay! Fine. If you’re still here, you’re prepared to handle it. Here goes:
The struggle is real, my friends.
It’s a wonder any of us churn out those stories coherently some days. I think it’s all the coffee and rabbit trails that save us most of the time. Or fantasizing all those kissing scenes.
Nah, what really keeps us going are the days we get a good review or a personal message from a reader who truly loved our work. And a whole lot of prayer. And coffee. Yeah, yeah. Don’t even try to tell me that coffee and prayer don’t make everything better. I know the truth.
So. Now that you know the inner workings of the clean romantic writer’s mind, you’re officially grafted into the twisted, gnarled web of insanity with us. What does that mean? It means we need you, dear reader. We need your support in so many forms. See, creative types are prone to rather extreme highs and lows emotionally (and often mentally). Our hearts and souls pour onto the page with every word we craft. We need your reviews–positive, of course, but also sometimes negative. Especially when they’re thoughtfully presented in a way we can learn from.
You can tag us and mention us on social media. Create graphics or post pics of our books out in the wild. We love personal notes and treasure your excitement over a new release. We’re over the moon when you join our reader groups and street teams and engage with our stories and treat our characters like real people.
And most of all, we need your prayers. Inspirational romance writers (well, all of us truly, right?) wouldn’t be able to do what we do if it weren’t for the calling placed upon our hearts by the most Creative One of all. Yes, that infographic is a comical look at the thoughts that flit through our heads. But there’s plenty of truth there, too. As you’re escaping your reality within our created worlds, please take just a moment to remember your favorite authors in prayer. And then send a virtual coffee. Or two.
You might as well just make it a triple and send a funny GIF. Yes!! Do that.
Be blessed, my friends! In honor of kissing scenes and glorious coffee, I’m giving away one eBook of Whatever Comes Our Way to a random commenter below. Thanks for stopping by today!