Devotional Thought · Giveaway · Writing Process

Plotting & Pantsing Explained + giveaway

Spend any time on social media with your favorite authors these days, and you’ll come across a number of terms the average reader doesn’t understand. Like any field, there’s a bit of lingo involved that can confuse a person on the outside looking in. Always a reader first, I enjoy sharing some of that insider knowledge with other readers. I mean, we read because we love books, right? And not just the story or the characters—we love the literary world, whether we understand it or not.

I had someone ask me the other day what it meant when their favorite author claimed to be a “total pantser.” I can explain, in a nutshell, for those of you who’ve asked the same question.

Many authors consider themselves “plotters,” or someone who plots out their novel before they begin writing. In general, plotters have an outline that falls somewhere on the spectrum from a general outline with a loose structure and character bios, to well-organized, detailed outlines with personality typed character sheets and a fully structured plan from start to finish. I’m in quite a few author groups online, and I’ll tell you, the true plotter is a rare bird.

A bit more common is the “pantser,” or an author who writes “by the seat of their pants.” The most organized that the majority of pantsers get is to work up character bios and a rough synopsis for the beginning and ending, but are completely at the mercy of the process. Typically, an idea for the story comes, and pantsers flesh it out little by little. More often than not, the writing process happens by following a whole lot of rabbit trails.

Occasionally, an author will claim to be a plantser. I’d say this is the most common writing style, but perhaps that’s just my own tendency to walk the line between extremes. The plantser is more organized than a total pantser, but not as rigid and detailed as a complete plotter. Make sense?

So… how does this relate to inspy romance, other than the obvious?

Well, I think it’s safe to say we’re all plantsers in our own ways. Whether you’re a writer, reader, doctor, teacher, stay-home parent, or any other identifier, life never goes as planned. And few people ever fall completely to one side or the other on any issue. Not only that but as Christians, we must allow the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2) to drive the plot of our lives as well as form our character according to His will.

The New Living Translation of Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” And 1 Corinthians 10: 31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Then there’s James 4:15, “What you ought to say is, ‘If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.'”

Finding that sweet spot between plotting out life and flying by the seat of our pants certainly isn’t easy, and there’s nothing wrong with either side. But I wonder. Is your life your own, being plotted and planned and structured, or are you living by your whims and whatever life throws at you? Or have you found that happy medium where your plans surrender to His will, even when circumstances are out of your hands?

I’ll be honest. I’m a pantser all the way. But with the start of a whole new year, I’m finding He is calling me to become a better plantser—and not just in my writing. I’m ready to add more structure and discipline while surrendering my whims and desires to whatever it is He’s asking of me. In everything—what I write, what I read, as a substitute teacher, a mom, a friend, a wife. It feels like I’m standing on the precipice of something new and beautiful. A lot like the feeling I get when an idea for a new story sparks.

I sure can’t wait to see where He takes me! How about you?

**One random commenter will receive a copy of my first novel, What Could Be, which deals with a young woman learning to let go of her carefully plotted life and surrender to His will.**


Romance Settings · Special Occasions

Hey! What about Thanksgiving?!

Here in the US, it seems like the last wisps of smoke from the fireworks have barely begun to fade from the July sky when all the craft and hobby stores begin rolling out the fall and Christmas stuff. It never fails, immediately people begin lamenting it coming “earlier every year” and grousing about seeing Christmas trees before the kids have even gone back to school. Annoyed that poor Tom Turkey’s day gets overlooked, sandwiched invisibly between the pumpkins and candy canes.

As a crafter who’s done dozens of craft shows over the years, I usually smile and point out that Hobby Lobby isn’t in the business of tormenting consumers, they’re supplying those of us who have to build a holiday inventory. Those gorgeous wreaths on Etsy aren’t made overnight! But I digress.

I was talking about poor, neglected little American Tom Turkey and his Canadian cousin (who celebrates in October), and the thankful observance that gets overshadowed by all of the holiday hustle and bustle. So for all of you asking the question, “But what about Thanksgiving?!” I have a list of delicious books for you that, while not necessarily Thanksgiving books per se, at least feature Thanksgiving scenes (and probably a dash of family drama).

And for all of you outside the US, my apologies for this very American-centric post. At least I can redeem it by sharing some fun titles that feature themes of thankfulness, something we can all use more of, right?

From our InspyRomance authors, in no particular order:

Merrillee Whren, A Family to Call Ours

Staci Stallings, Dance With Me

Elizabeth Maddrey, Pathway to Peace

Janet Ferguson, Magnolia Storms

Hallee Bridgeman, Courting Calla

Sally Howe Bayless, Love, Lies, and Homemade Pie

Valerie Comer, The Cowboy’s Christmas Reunion

Kimberly Rose Johnson, A Love That Lasts

Jaycee Weaver, each of the books in the Everyday Love series have a Thanksgiving scene (totally unintentional and I JUST realized this! Haha!)

Toni Shiloh, Jaycee Weaver, Angela Ruth Strong, and 2 others, Once Upon a Christmas has Thanksgiving scenes in at least two of the five stories

Hallee Bridgeman, Jaycee Weaver, and 3 others, When Snowflakes Never Cease (Crossroads Collection 6)—Hallee’s story within the collection and mine both feature Thanksgiving. Yes, I’ve noticed a trend for Thanksgiving scenes within my books! LOL!

And here are a few other books that take place over Thanksgiving, late fall, or have themes of thankfulness (side note—while not Inspy endorsed, each describes themselves and/or their books as Christian/Inspirational.):

Melanie Snitker, Finding Grace

JoAnn Durgin, By Grace Draw Near

Crystal Walton, Her Stand-In Cowboy

During my search, I also discovered that Love Inspired has a number of Thanksgiving-themed books, such as A Texas Thanksgiving by Margaret Daley. While I haven’t read this one, I have read several of her others and always enjoy a bit of romantic suspense.

Of course, this list is by no means complete, so please be sure to comment below if you know of any other contemporary Christian or Inspirational romances that feature at least a Thanksgiving scene or theme. I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would too!

And since it’s so much fun to read about Thanksgiving (*cough* and apparently write it, Jaycee, ya nerd *cough*), I’ll give away ONE ebook of the winner’s choice of any of my three Everyday Love books to a random commenter. An extra entry if you comment with a contemporary Thanksgiving-ish romance book!

Devotional Thought · Giveaway · Writing Process

Inside a Writer’s Brain (reader beware)

Have you ever read a book and wondered, what on earth must go on inside this author’s mind to come up with this stuff?

Spoiler alert: it’s chaos in there. Most of us aren’t even sure which way is up half the time. Between story ideas, editing, marketing, and obligations to our non-author lives, it can be a bit of a mess.

Before you scroll down to the helpful infographic below, be warned. What you are about to see might horrify you.

Still curious? Just remember what happened to the cat. I tried to warn you.

One more thing. A disclaimer. The inner thoughts you’ll soon be privy to are relevant to the mind of a clean contemporary romance writer (trust me, I’ve done the research). Writers of other genres may include such additions as obscure historical facts, life on other worlds, historically accurate costuming, and creative ways to dispose of bodies.

Did you just shiver? I did. Okay! Fine. If you’re still here, you’re prepared to handle it. Here goes:


The struggle is real, my friends.

It’s a wonder any of us churn out those stories coherently some days. I think it’s all the coffee and rabbit trails that save us most of the time. Or fantasizing all those kissing scenes.

Nah, what really keeps us going are the days we get a good review or a personal message from a reader who truly loved our work. And a whole lot of prayer. And coffee. Yeah, yeah. Don’t even try to tell me that coffee and prayer don’t make everything better. I know the truth.

So. Now that you know the inner workings of the clean romantic writer’s mind, you’re officially grafted into the twisted, gnarled web of insanity with us. What does that mean? It means we need you, dear reader. We need your support in so many forms. See, creative types are prone to rather extreme highs and lows emotionally (and often mentally). Our hearts and souls pour onto the page with every word we craft. We need your reviews–positive, of course, but also sometimes negative. Especially when they’re thoughtfully presented in a way we can learn from.

You can tag us and mention us on social media. Create graphics or post pics of our books out in the wild. We love personal notes and treasure your excitement over a new release. We’re over the moon when you join our reader groups and street teams and engage with our stories and treat our characters like real people.

And most of all, we need your prayers. Inspirational romance writers (well, all of us truly, right?) wouldn’t be able to do what we do if it weren’t for the calling placed upon our hearts by the most Creative One of all. Yes, that infographic is a comical look at the thoughts that flit through our heads. But there’s plenty of truth there, too. As you’re escaping your reality within our created worlds, please take just a moment to remember your favorite authors in prayer. And then send a virtual coffee. Or two.

You might as well just make it a triple and send a funny GIF. Yes!! Do that.

Be blessed, my friends! In honor of kissing scenes and glorious coffee, I’m giving away one eBook of Whatever Comes Our Way to a random commenter below. Thanks for stopping by today!