Giveaway · New Releases · romantic comedy

Edge of Seventeen (+giveaway)

Are you hearing Stevie Nicks right about now with that title? LOL! I’ve had 80s music queued up on my Spotify for months now as I’ve been working on my seventeenth book, which just released yesterday. Seventeen. Just the word makes me a little nostalgic, you know?
My 17 year old last weekend before prom (face covered for privacy).

My oldest is seventeen and just attended her junior prom last weekend. The weekend before that I was digging through old photos and came across a few from the 90s when I was also seventeen. Sure About You, which appears in The 80s Rom-Com Club, is book seventeen in my career, and like my memories and watching my kids grow up, it’s got me reminiscing.

Me around age 17

Apparently, I’m not alone in this. There’s a huge trend for all things nostalgic going on in the US right now. Movie and television reboots of hits from the 80s and 90s, Gen Z’s fashion throwbacks, even popular brands from back in the day are revisiting their old logos and/or packaging to engage with their customers on an emotional level. The last couple of years seem to be all about the nostalgia, and for good reason—we’re all recovering from two of the strangest and hardest years in which we’ve been forced to face our own mortality, and as a result we’re desperate to reclaim some of those happy feelings we associate with simpler times.

Of course, trends had absolutely nothing to do with why we created The 80s Rom-Com Club. The six of us just wanted to celebrate the sheer joy of romantic comedies we love from one of the most fun decades in recent history. If that brings a bit of nostalgia, great! But honestly, what’s better than escaping between the pages into worlds of fun, lighthearted humor, complexity balanced with hope, silly social media conversations between girlfriends, faith, and a guaranteed HEA for characters we’ve come to love?!

Not much, am I right?! LOL! At least, we don’t think so.

That’s why we’re so excited to be releasing this set right now. Life is hard. The world is nuts. Throw on a loose off-shoulder sweater and some neon leggings, wrap your hair in a scrunchie, crank up the 80s tunes, and bring on the rom-coms! And don’t forget to enter our release week giveaway over at!

And to celebrate my own (Edge of) Seventeen moment here (just like the white-winged dove…), I’ll draw a name out of the comments by this Friday night for winner’s choice of one of my books if you answer these TWO questions: 1) What’s your favorite 80s flick, and 2) How many of my seventeen books have you read? Can’t wait to read your responses!

Giveaway · Romance Tropes · Roundup

Childhood Sweethearts (+giveaway)

Childhood Sweethearts + giveawayWhat’s your favorite trope within CCR? I see this question asked a lot, and I have to admit I am one of those people who can’t choose a favorite ANYTHING to save her life. I mean, in all the breadth of the whole world, why would I limit myself? I do find myself drawn to some more than others, however, and one of my top ten favorites is childhood sweethearts.

Here’s how I’ll define childhood sweethearts, in case you’re wondering: a couple who knew each other as children/young teens and either one or both experienced a strong affinity for the other.

Best friends? Counts. Childhood crush? Definitely counts. Next door neighbors sweet on each other? Totally counts.

As you can see, I might be a little liberal in my definition of childhood sweethearts. But considering a little quick research (thanks to DuckDuckGo) reveals that only about 2% of the population marries their childhood first love and the numbers aren’t much higher for marrying a high school sweetheart, there’s got to be more to the story than two kids who’ve loved only each other most of their lives.

Perhaps that’s what makes childhood sweethearts such a wonderful trope—how well it pairs with others. Think about it. Second chance romances, reunion romances, marriage of convenience, friends to lovers… and that’s not even factoring in the various subgenres like cowboy romance, Southern romance, etc. The options are fairly limitless and equally appealing.

I’ve written a number of friends-to-lovers type books (and read a gazillion more), but childhood sweethearts is something I’ve only played with a couple times in the past year or two. I have to say, though, it’s a lot of fun keeping each story unique!

For example, in This and Every Christmas (which released individually on Oct 1), Noah and Clari met several times as kids. It was fun crafting vignettes in which their annual meetings were memorable enough they’d recognize each other years later. I got to pair this novella with the single dad trope, throw in a tree farm and a music teacher, all under the umbrella of the Christmas romance subgenre.

The sequel to this tale is coming up at the end of the month in the 2021 Christmas Lights collection Home for Christmas (eBook) and individually (paperback) October 26. Now and Forever Christmas is technically a friends-to-more/second chance romance, but since they were young teen sweethearts, I think it sort of counts.

I’m kind of loving this trope right now, if you can’t tell. The third sister will get her HEA in 2022 with Not Another Christmas, but for that one I’m twisting the childhood sweethearts into childhood enemies who gradually discover more. I’ve never done enemies-to-lovers, but that is one of my top five favorite tropes, so I’m kind of excited to finally write one.

And of course, I can’t forget to talk about Braver With You, which is in the upcoming Save the Date collection. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing me talk about this one (LOL! we’re in the home stretch, people!), but I’m really attached to Ashlyn and Conrad. This is the purest (as in, closest to the definition of) childhood sweethearts story I’ve written… or read for that matter, now that I think of it. They’ve only ever loved or dated each other and never faced a potential breakup. From their first pretend wedding as kids to the one they’re stressed over now, there’s never been a doubt in either of their minds that this was forever. These guys are the 2% statistic who defy the odds, and I adore them. Just because they’re sweet, though, doesn’t mean there isn’t trauma or chaos on the horizon they have to work through!

Have I enticed you to check out more of this fun trope? I hope so. And because I love contributing to your already out-of-control TBR pile, I’ve got a great list of other titles in CCR for you to choose from!

Starting with a randomly assembled list from several Inspy Romance authors and a couple others just because I can:

Okay, I’m letting the list get away from me. I know many more of our IR authors and CCR favorites have titles that fall under the “childhood sweethearts” heading, so I will leave the rest to YOU to put in the comments so I can add to my own out-of-control TBR. Influence away, my friends. Tell me why the title you’re commenting with qualifies! At the end of the week, one lucky commenter will be selected at random to win an eBook of their choice between This and Every Christmas or Braver With You (an ARC). Looking forward to reading your comments!

*As an Amazon associate, I may receive a small commission from any links clicked in the lists above.

Real Life · Real Life Romance

Where To Next?

I find myself fantasizing about locations lately—specifically getaways. See, this August marks my twentieth wedding anniversary. We haven’t gone anywhere without the kids for longer than a weekend, but this year we decided to plan a *real* vacation, just the two of us. And after being cooped up for over a year with hardly more than a date or two, we’re beyond ready to see some sights beyond New Mexico and get a little *us* time.

We’ve been dreaming and searching and building a budget, reading blogs, oohing and ahhing over pictures. Trouble is, we have a few ideas where we don’t want to go (ahem, a cruise, no can do for this girl), we just haven’t been able to decide where we do.

I’m asking you to help us figure out where to go!

The options are limited to mainland USA (at least this year) and neither of us want to visit anywhere too people-y. I adore beach and mountain retreats equally, and while we want to spend some quality time relaxing sans kids, I know we’ll also want to do a little sightseeing. After all, this shutterbug just got a new phone with a ridiculously awesome camera, so you know I’ve got the itch to go somewhere Instagram-worthy LOL!

My research endeavors so far have filled up a bucket list it’ll take two lifetimes to complete (and you should see my outside-the-US list!). So far the top contenders are somewhere in the Florida Keys or the Couer d’Alene/Yellowstone area. We’ve also drooled over places such as Glacier National Park, islands off the coast of Georgia, Cannon Beach in Oregon (with a tour of the Goonies sites!), and of course, Hawaii (which is sadly out of budget ha ha). As you can see, our tastes are all over the map.

I’ve been traveling virtually the past year to some wonderful places via Christian and Inspy romances, but so far nothing has leapt off the page as a getaway locale I’m just dying to see. What about you? Have you traveled anywhere recently, either in reality or in fiction, that stands out as an ideal romantic getaway? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

You can bet I’ll be doing my research after I scour your comments for new ideas, and chances are very, very high that if I can’t visit in real life, I just might have to take a virtual trip. So be sure to leave the title if you suggest a spot you read about even if you haven’t been there in person! I might even send future characters off to a fantasy locale based on your suggestions! I mean, what else is a girl who writes supposed to do?

Thanks in advance for all the amazing suggestions I know you’re sure to come up with, I’ll be responding throughout the day. And though I’m limiting the number of giveaways I’ll be doing this year, I’ll make an exception if YOUR suggestion ends up being our anniversary getaway destination! Winner will be notified via email as soon as we make a reservation. You can follow me on Instagram to find out where we chose to go this summer! Are you planning to go anywhere exciting after the restrictions lift? I’d love to hear about your plans as well.

Giveaway · New Releases

Series Boxed Sets: Yea or Nay? + giveaway

Series Boxed Sets: yea or nay?In recent years we’ve seen a huge uptick in the sales of boxed sets for books, especially eBooks. I’ve been part of half a dozen MABS—that’s multi-author box sets—over the last few years myself, and as a reader I love those because I can get to sample new-to-me names. But today, I’m talking about single author boxed sets. You may have heard the term omnibus edition to describe them.

There’s the series boxed set, like mine launching March 9, which is an entire series bundled up together in one file for a slightly discounted purchase price. Some authors prefer to box up a longer series into 2-3 smaller sets (i.e. books 1-3 separately from 4-6, and so forth).

I love series boxed sets, personally. It’s nice to have a complete collection knowing I haven’t missed one of the books in the series. And, you know, sometimes we’re waiting months or even years for an author to add a new book, so getting the complete series all at once eliminates that painful angst of waiting between books or *gasp* forgetting what happened previously.

Then there’s one trend I’ve been seeing recently in which a prolific author takes series starters (books 1) from multiple series and putting them together. Or they build a set around a certain theme or trope, regardless of series (beach, snow, holiday, career field, etc.). In my forays as a reader, I’ve discovered a few pros and cons to these different kinds of sets.

Pros: Getting to sample a variety of an author’s work, enjoying a common theme while exploring new characters, usually some form of discounted price and/or bonus material

Cons: Sometimes you’ve already read one of the books in the set, can be confusing

What say you? I’d love to hear your pros/cons to boxed sets from a single author. Do you usually buy them (and if so, what went into your decision)? What kind of boxes appeal to you most?

All commenters will be entered into a drawing for one eBook edition of my upcoming Everyday Love series boxed set, complete with bonus materials. Winner will be chosen at random by the end of this week.

Be sure to check out some of these boxed sets from our other awesome InspyRomance authors:

I did have one more question for you before I sign off and make myself another pot of coffee before settling in to write. What kinds of things do you like to see in a series boxed set? Do you expect just the books themselves, or are you interested in exclusive bonus material? Timelines? Recipes? Sneak previews of related books? The story-behind-the-story? Something else? I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on what makes a box extra special.

Be sure to comment so you’ll be entered in that giveaway I mentioned!

Until next time,

Giveaway · Guest Post · Writing Process

The Perks of Collection Writing + Giveaway (Guest Post by Teresa Tysinger)

Hey everybody! I’d like to introduce my dear friend and fellow author Teresa Tysinger. She’s got a great post for you today! As of now, she’s the only author in my collection team I’ve had the privilege to meet in person (though I’m praying that changes before long, because I LOVE these women).
Here’s us having coffee last month:

An author of Southern Contemporary Romance inspired by grace, Teresa writes on the fringes of being a wife, mom, and full-time communications and public relations professional. Her acclaimed debut novel, Someplace Familiar, released in 2017. Teresa is a member of ACFW, the Association for Women in Communications, and the Religion Communicators Council. She loves coffee, traveling, and prides herself in knowing and loving almost every genre of music. Born in Hawaii, raised in Florida, and educated in North Carolina, she now resides in Texas with her husband, daughter, and dog.

And now, without further ado:

Thank you, Jaycee! As a student I dreaded group projects. I would much rather be on my own and not be forced to share the responsibility of earning a good grade with other random classmates. Maybe it’s the introvert in me or the sort-of perfectionist? I also think it’s why writing suits me. Sitting at the computer is a quiet, solitary activity. I don’t have to debate with anyone else what to name my characters. I get to decide what happens. And, as an independently published author, it’s ultimately up to me what I “turn in” to readers.

Things changed when I was invited to contribute a novella for the Something Borrowed: Christmas Weddings Collection, releasing later this month. (See below for more details about this fun collection!) My initial excitement of being included in this amazing group of authors was quickly overshadowed by a little anxiety when the group decided to link the stories by making our heroines old friends. GULP. My story, while mine alone, suddenly felt much more like a group project. What if I didn’t agree with some of the details the others decided on? What if their stories somehow messed up the plans I had for mine? And [insert nail biting], what if they didn’t like my writing?

Spoiler Alert: I had nothing to worry about.

Instead of my “what if” worries coming true, I instead experienced some very real perks of writing as part of a collection.

  • Perk 1: Your voice matters. I went into this first collection experience worried that my opinions would get overshadowed by the others. Instead, every conversation in our private Facebook group was collaborative, open and inviting, and everyone had a voice. I really felt part of a true team. And, oh boy, if only you could see some of the message chains as we tossed ideas around—from the silly to the ridiculous, we had a blast!
  • Perk 2: Five heads are better than one. You’ve heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes as many other authors as you let in to “raise” a good book! In my case, five heads were better than one! The other authors on this collection has years more experience and collectively dozens of books under their belts. I gained instant writing mentors the minute I signed on for this project. Using Dropbox to share files, we tweaked synopses, edited manuscripts, helped fix plot issues, and even brainstormed cover design ideas together. My novella wouldn’t be the same without their input!
  • Perk 3: All for one, and one for all! My concern that these authors wouldn’t like my writing, of course, stems from my own insecurities. We all have them, and none of us are perfect. But I was not necessarily expecting to feel so championed by the kind, encouraging women I’ve met on this collection team. In the niche of Christian fiction, I think most authors would agree it’s a very encouraging and competition-free community. Add to that working toward the same goal of putting out a quality project and the support can’t be beat!
  • Perk 4: New friends. I’m extra lucky to say that a major perk for me of joining this collection is gaining new friends. This has not been just a simple business transaction. We’ve shared about life, prayed through hard times, celebrated individual victories, and enjoyed hanging out and laughing over Zoom calls. This perk is hard to beat and the one I’m most grateful for.

Man, this experience has been so fun! As is often the case, my worries were replaced by so many more blessings. I hope if you’ve ever been curious about how these collections come together, this sheds some light on it. Have other questions about it? Leave those in the comments and we’ll get a discussion going.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! I invite you to also check out Suddenly Forever, my next novel and the second in the Laurel Cove Romance Series. Available on October 6, this poignant and tender story of grief and hope is near and dear to my heart. Learn more about it and my other books at


To celebrate the release of Suddenly Forever I’m hosting a giveaway for a bundle of my fall favorites. I’d like to invite you to join in the fun! Enter HERE ( The winner will be announced on October 9 during my book launch “bonfire” event on Facebook. Details for that are on the giveaway form.


**This giveaway is not sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Inspy Romance. **


Escape into a Story · Giveaway · Real Life

When Life Impacts Your Reading + giveaway

Crazy times we’re living in, aren’t they? As if our world wasn’t overstressed and sending us safe into the escape of fictional worlds already, now we’re facing the uncertainty of a new virus pandemic, quarantine, and a multitude of other new stressors. And many of us are trying to find new ways to cope because the old ways aren’t always working.

Everyone I’ve spoken to (by phone and internet, of course, ha ha!) since this whole thing began has talked about how their anxiety, stress, and even depression symptoms have magnified in unprecedented and unexpected ways. I can certainly vouch for this in myself. One major change I’ve noticed is that I can’t immerse in fictional worlds the way I’ve always done. Books and authors who’ve long been my standbys now can’t hold my attention.

And I found I’m not alone in this issue. A lot of readers I’ve asked are experiencing the same frustration and changes in their reading patterns. Some can’t engage in the story. Some are reading slower. Some find a lack of interest. It’s not fun and throwing many of us for a loop!

So what do we do when life interferes with our favorite escape method? I have a few ideas for you.

  • Find a new place to read. I know, options are limited. But maybe move outside. Sit on the balcony or patio or porch. An isolated spot under a tree somewhere.
  • Read deeper. This one hasn’t worked for me, but it might for you. By this, I mean, find an author or subject that’s more intense, more suspenseful, or longer than your usual choices.
  • Read lighter. ChickLit. Romantic comedy. Cheesy and predictable. Just find something lighthearted that’s guaranteed to make you laugh.
  • Reader shorter. Basically, try novellas or short stories for awhile. This one’s been working for me. When I’m stressed or anxious, I need a quick one-sitting book.
  • Give yourself permission to put the book down. It’s okay to put one book down and grab something different without finishing. It’s okay to put down half a dozen different books and read a chapter of each and rotate through them. You don’t HAVE to finish a book before choosing another. I’m saying this for you type A readers out there who need permission. *wink*
  • Many of the ARCs can wait. Apologies to all of my author friends out there who have a book releasing soon and are depending on your ARC readers. I’m right there with you, having a new book out on May 12. But right now, knowing you’ve committed to reading a book for someone can place added pressure on a reader’s brain. That pressure of having to read certain books by certain dates can make reading even more difficult for an overstressed mind. On behalf of authors who love you and know we could NOT do this without you, I’m giving permission to set the ARC aside and read what YOU want to for a little bit. The stress will pass. You will faithfully come back to that ARC as soon as you can. Authors trust you with their ARCs knowing you take this responsibility seriously, but we’re readers too. We get it.
  • Change up reading scripture. Even reading your Bible right now can be tough. I get it. Try changing translations for a bit—the Message and the Voice are pleasantly different.
  • Take a book break. *gasp!* I know. It’s unfathomable. But sometimes, it’s necessary. Find an Inspy book turned movie and let your brain wander into a visual space. Go for more walks. Play with the kids. Pick up other hobbies you’ve set aside for too long. When you’ve decompressed, your love for literature will still be there.

I happen to know many of our Inpsy Romance authors have a variety of content to offer you in this uncertain season. There’s a great list here. A ton of us are offering additional free books and you’ll find many are pushing to release more rapidly for those who are fortunate to not be experiencing reading distress during quarantine. I hope and pray you’re doing well where you are, and that you’re handling things okay. I’d love to hear your thoughts if your reading has been impacted by stress or other emotional upheaval. What have you found helps?

Let’s leave with a GIVEAWAY today! I’d like to send an advance copy to one giveaway winner. My latest novel, Whatever Happens Next is up for pre-order and releases May 12th, but one commenter will be drawn at random for an advance release copy a whole month early!

She needs to stay. He has orders to go. They’ll have to trust God with whatever happens next.

Growing up in nowhere Oklahoma gave US Air Force vehicle maintainer TSgt Dyson what his momma calls itchy feet. His wanderlust has kept him from romantic entanglements for years, until the day an over-dramatic, strawberry-scented chatterbox slams into him and turns his world upside down.

Jenna Davis was a quintessential good girl, deeply rooted in her family and faith until one mistake three years ago changed everything. Unable to admit her failure, she goes through the motions watching everyone else live their dreams. But it’s hard to find her purpose when opening up to anyone—even God—feels impossible. Then she meets Dyson, who personifies the strong, silent type.

Dyson gets her to open up and begin dreaming again, rebuilding the trust she’s lost in men and especially in herself. But Dyson has something important to tell Jenna, and he knows it’ll be the end of everything they’ve built. After all, how can he ask her to leave everything and everyone behind when he can never stay?

Romance Settings · Special Occasions

Hey! What about Thanksgiving?!

Here in the US, it seems like the last wisps of smoke from the fireworks have barely begun to fade from the July sky when all the craft and hobby stores begin rolling out the fall and Christmas stuff. It never fails, immediately people begin lamenting it coming “earlier every year” and grousing about seeing Christmas trees before the kids have even gone back to school. Annoyed that poor Tom Turkey’s day gets overlooked, sandwiched invisibly between the pumpkins and candy canes.

As a crafter who’s done dozens of craft shows over the years, I usually smile and point out that Hobby Lobby isn’t in the business of tormenting consumers, they’re supplying those of us who have to build a holiday inventory. Those gorgeous wreaths on Etsy aren’t made overnight! But I digress.

I was talking about poor, neglected little American Tom Turkey and his Canadian cousin (who celebrates in October), and the thankful observance that gets overshadowed by all of the holiday hustle and bustle. So for all of you asking the question, “But what about Thanksgiving?!” I have a list of delicious books for you that, while not necessarily Thanksgiving books per se, at least feature Thanksgiving scenes (and probably a dash of family drama).

And for all of you outside the US, my apologies for this very American-centric post. At least I can redeem it by sharing some fun titles that feature themes of thankfulness, something we can all use more of, right?

From our InspyRomance authors, in no particular order:

Merrillee Whren, A Family to Call Ours

Staci Stallings, Dance With Me

Elizabeth Maddrey, Pathway to Peace

Janet Ferguson, Magnolia Storms

Hallee Bridgeman, Courting Calla

Sally Howe Bayless, Love, Lies, and Homemade Pie

Valerie Comer, The Cowboy’s Christmas Reunion

Kimberly Rose Johnson, A Love That Lasts

Jaycee Weaver, each of the books in the Everyday Love series have a Thanksgiving scene (totally unintentional and I JUST realized this! Haha!)

Toni Shiloh, Jaycee Weaver, Angela Ruth Strong, and 2 others, Once Upon a Christmas has Thanksgiving scenes in at least two of the five stories

Hallee Bridgeman, Jaycee Weaver, and 3 others, When Snowflakes Never Cease (Crossroads Collection 6)—Hallee’s story within the collection and mine both feature Thanksgiving. Yes, I’ve noticed a trend for Thanksgiving scenes within my books! LOL!

And here are a few other books that take place over Thanksgiving, late fall, or have themes of thankfulness (side note—while not Inspy endorsed, each describes themselves and/or their books as Christian/Inspirational.):

Melanie Snitker, Finding Grace

JoAnn Durgin, By Grace Draw Near

Crystal Walton, Her Stand-In Cowboy

During my search, I also discovered that Love Inspired has a number of Thanksgiving-themed books, such as A Texas Thanksgiving by Margaret Daley. While I haven’t read this one, I have read several of her others and always enjoy a bit of romantic suspense.

Of course, this list is by no means complete, so please be sure to comment below if you know of any other contemporary Christian or Inspirational romances that feature at least a Thanksgiving scene or theme. I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would too!

And since it’s so much fun to read about Thanksgiving (*cough* and apparently write it, Jaycee, ya nerd *cough*), I’ll give away ONE ebook of the winner’s choice of any of my three Everyday Love books to a random commenter. An extra entry if you comment with a contemporary Thanksgiving-ish romance book!

Devotional Thought · Giveaway · Real Life

Perfect Love in an Imperfect World

You know that verse, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)? Man, it’s so easy to get stuck on those middle two words “fall short,” isn’t it? Especially if you’re a recovering perfectionist like me. Failing and falling short are hard to come to terms with when you’re striving to be the best version of yourself.

And when you consider that many translators have misinterpreted Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” well, it’s easy to see why so many Christians out there have resorted to a rather hypocritical version of faith, keeping their sins and struggles and shortcomings hidden behind closed doors and putting up walls that make talking about a lot of things taboo. Which, of course, leads to other people perceiving the Church as fake and insincere and self-righteous. And face it, too often, we are. It’s sad.

Now, why am I bringing all of this up on an Inspy Romance post? To put it succinctly, 1 John 4 repeatedly tells us “God is love.” And later, that “perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.”

So many Christians are trying to be perfect that we begin to fear failure. We fear being a bad example to the world. We fear being exposed, raw, vulnerable. And yet, that’s the ultimate display of love, isn’t it? “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). That’s not necessarily a literal meaning–we lay down our lives the minute we put self-preservation beneath connecting to others in love and in lovingkindness (intentionally one word, it’s a thing). When you “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31), you put others’ needs above your own. Make sense?

That’s what makes love perfect. When, like Christ, we don’t hesitate to show that we can be patient, kind, honoring, selfless, calm, forgiving, truthful, protecting, trusting, hopeful, and perseverant (1 Cor. 13:4-7 paraphrased). Those are the things that drive out fear. His love in action.

A lot of romance novels, including Christian and inspirational ones, feature characters who have to overcome their fear before finding love. That’s real life. And it goes beyond the meet-cute and dating. Marriage also requires us to step out of fear and into perfect love–selfless, 1 Cor. 13 love–continually. Yet, because we’re human and therefore imperfect, we’re going to fall short. Continually.

But in Christ, we only need to love and accept grace. Extend it to ourselves and to others. Quit nipping at each other when others fail or fall short or struggle. Because there’s no way anyone can measure up to a literal standard of Matthew 5:48 above. Perfection isn’t attainable this side of Heaven.

Most of my characters struggle with accepting some element of this post, as I think most of us do in real life. In What Could Be, Brynn has struggled with her own bit of perfectionism and fear of failure. In Whatever Comes Our Way, Gina falls for a youth pastor who shows her that love is bigger than fear or anxiety, bigger than the past. And in my latest, What Makes a Home, a lost young woman discovers what the Bible says about love and can’t help but fall in love first with God, then later, her neighbor. People who put her needs before their own inspire Jobie to do the same because if that’s love, then it’s revolutionary.

I’d like to live a revolutionary love. Wouldn’t you?

If God is love and we are made in His image, then it stands to reason, we should be love, too. So whether it’s in a romance, among friends or family, or to the stranger down the street, be love.

Love never fails. So says 1 Corinthians 13:8. So even if you fall short of His glory, in Him, with His love, you can’t possibly fail. Get up, shake off the mistakes you and others make, take courage, and just love some more.

Now, just to lighten up an otherwise heavy post, I’d like to give a copy of What Makes a Home to one reader this week. Simply comment below with one way you relate to this post, and someone will be chosen at random to win an eBook!

(All verses quoted here from the NIV.)

Giveaway · Real Life

Plan Your Summer Book-cation

May is nearly over, people! Can you believe it? The second most jam-packed month of the year is almost done. School will be out soon, vacations are being planned, and the weather is finally warming up after the eternal winter we had this year. Can you tell I’m excited?!

I don’t know if you have kids at home or not, but I have three girls all in the throes of tween and teen hormonal chaos. Add in all the family birthdays and Mother’s Day, graduations, baby showers and weddings, field trips and finals…whew! It’s enough to make a girl long for her cozy corner, some coffee, and an invisibility cloak so she can just read until everything settles back down.

Even if that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, you’ve still got all summer to get in some quality reading time. Whether you’re staying home, playing hometown tourist, or gearing up for a big vacation, I have some suggestions for enjoying a nice summer bookcation. It’s the perfect time to change up your reading habits and discover something new.

I’d like to challenge you, dear Inspy Romance reader, to spend some time outside this summer–outside of your comfort zone, that is! There’s a whole bookish world out there, just waiting to be explored and enjoyed. Here’s my list of ideas to get you going:

  • Pick up a novella. Novellas are often overlooked by serious readers. I’ve heard all the reasons, believe me. But I have to tell you, novellas have come a long way. Most of our Inspy authors here and quite a number of other authors have put out some excellent titles with well-developed characters and storylines. Roughly 20-40,000 words or 75-140 pages, give or take, novellas are perfect for a summer afternoon when you want to finish a book in one sitting without taking all day (or all night!) to do it.
  • Try a new trope. What is a trope? It’s that basic story idea that sucks you in every time. Think friends-to-more, second chances, secret baby, or marriage-of-convenience for example. Whatever your reason for avoiding a specific kind (I get it, secret babies are so not my thing), give one a chance this summer! You might just enjoy the frivolity of that handsome undercover billionaire who falls for his old sweetheart again after she shows up in their small town with a kid he never knew about. (I’m totally winking here.)
  • Discover a new-to-you author. This should be a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get comfortable with the handful of favorites you usually reach for. And I get it. It’s a scary world out there with a whole lot of unfamiliar names–taking a chance when time and budgets are limited is a risk. But here at Inspy Romance, we’ve got over two dozen authors and I’m sure you haven’t read everyone just yet (we’ve had a lot of new faces come since April, including me!). To find some other good options, check out the many Inspirational or Christian Romance reader groups on social media (like ours HERE).
  • Explore a slightly different genre. Clearly, if you’re here, you enjoy contemporary romance. But did you know some of our authors also write historical? Or romantic suspense? Have you considered cozy mysteries? What about exploring young adult fiction? And with that one, if you find a clean, inspirational YA fiction you really enjoyed, please, PLEASE send me a message. I’ve got three readers with a long summer ahead of me and I’d love to recommend books that are *safe* and worthwhile.
  • Read in a different format. If you just LOVE paper, give an eBook a chance. If that’s your usual, pick up a paper copy! It’s a little odd at first, getting used to the nuances of a different format, but in doing so you might just re-discover why you fell in love with reading in the first place. Maybe the paper satisfies your nostalgia. Or you’ll find the e-reader makes packing books for your next trip a whole lot lighter (more room for souvenirs!).
  • Give Kindle Unlimited a free trial. No one here is officially endorsing KU or receiving a kickback for mentioning it. I discovered it a few years ago and haven’t looked back. Nearly all of my favorite authors have at least one book enrolled. With an internet connection and your device, getting books is easy (up to 10 at a time). It’s not for everyone, but it’s all the perks of a library card with even more choices. And free 30-day trial? Yes, please!
  • Revisit your local library. You might practically live there, but I, for one, have trouble getting over to the library during the school year. It’s always a special treat to take the kids and let them choose books or participate in summer activities there while I get to look around, too!
  • Make reading a social thing. Join a book club or start one with some girlfriends. Or go on social media and join some avid reader groups. Swap books with a friend, your teenager, or grown child. Even introverts enjoy talking books with other people sometimes.
  • Cozy up in a new spot. Yeah, I know. That chair you love is so snuggly and the light is just right. But what about those summer days as a kid, leaned up against a tree? Or next to the pool while the kiddies are watched by a lifeguard? And the backyard sounds pretty nice for a morning retreat, listening to the birdies, right? The world’s a great big place, which means the possibilities are endless. Ah, sigh. I can’t wait!

Have more ideas for enjoying your summer bookcation this year? Comment below! I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would, too.

And to help you get started with a new-to-you author, I’d like to offer a free eBook of my latest novel, What Makes a Home. One winner will be chosen at random and announced during the next Sunday edition!


Getting to Know You · Story Inspiration

You did what, now?

That’s what I ask myself all the time. My poor hubby might also ask me this…a lot. Yeah, I’m kind of impulsive and impetuous (and impertinent and all kinds of other im-words).

This time, though, it was a really good thing!

When they sent me the invitation to become a part of InspyRomance, I have to admit I did a pretty goofy happy dance around my office. (Craft room, whatever.) Thankfully, nobody was home or my kids would surely have laughed at me (they’re all tweens and teens, so I’m a constant source of their laughter and eye-rolling). I prayed and knew it was the right thing to do! My gut said to leap, so I did.

I won’t bore you with my bio since you can find it here or here. Or better yet, in the back of my books. Haha! Instead, I’d rather tell you about what I write and where I write about.

See, I’m a crazy avid reader, mostly contemporary romance. Of course, I enjoy a good historical a few times a year and plenty of romantic suspense, too. But it’s CCR that I’m truly a fan of so naturally, it’s also what I write. And since I live in the Land of Enchantment, it only makes sense to set my books here.

Albuquerque, New Mexico is a quirky little city. We have great food (especially if you like it a little spicy and heavy on the cheese). There are tons of great restaurants, wineries, and microbreweries. And the farm-to-table movement is thriving.

The area is rich with culture and tradition and hosts hundreds of festivals every year. Some of my favorites are the Expo New Mexico State Fair, the Albuquerque Folk Festival, Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Festival, and of course, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. There are hiking and biking trails galore, too. Plus if you like sports, we have a great baseball team and a brand-new professional soccer team! How could I write about anywhere else?! Think of all the great dates I can come up with. LOL!

The Everyday Love Series is definitely heavy on the Burque love. It’s evident in every book I write, how much I love this place. And on that note, I’m happy to announce that TODAY is the release day for the third book in the series, What Makes a Home! Every book can be read standalone, so feel free to jump in wherever. I absolutely love these characters and I hope you will, too. I’ve recently revisited the first two books in the series and made some improvements in their formatting and the flow. What Could Be was my first book, and therefore probably the roughest to read, but the story still holds a significant place in my heart. (It’s also my loudest love song to my hometown.)

I look forward to getting to know you here at InspyRomance, and elsewhere if you’re on social media (I’m everywhere). Be sure to comment for your entry into Inspy’s regular drawing! And since you’re here, I’m happy to announce to you FIRST that my eBook novella Adrift is now permanently FREE on all retailers. I hope you’ll check it out!

Also, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to stop by Inspy’s Christian Romance Reader Gathering group. I’m excited to do a takeover on April 24th from 7-9 Eastern. I hope you’ll join me for some fun! I’ll be sharing a bit about my latest book as well as hosting a GIVEAWAY!