Giveaway · Romance Tropes · Special Occasions

Love in the Kitchen (+giveaway)

Did you know September 10-16 is Chef Appreciation Week this year? How exciting is that?!

I know, I know, it’s back-to-school season, but I’ve already written a back-to-school post. Yeah, I’ve already written a food post too, but this time I thought it would be fun to talk about those who fulfill our fictional food fantasies, CHEF characters!

Romance is FULL of chef heroes and heroines. There’s just something about being in the kitchen surrounded by food that creates the perfect setting for love… or loathing. Chef heroes and heroines add a whole lot of extra flavor to typical romance tropes (pun totally intended). So in honor of Chef Appreciation Week, let’s explore how those tropes are so much tastier with chefs at the helm as we show our appreciation for those who heat up the kitchen.

One of my favorite tropes is loathe-to-love (aka hate-to-love and/or enemies-to-lovers), and when it takes place in the kitchen? Count. Me. In. What a place for cooks to clash! Egos flare, attraction sparks, passions ignite, and love fans into a flame. A perfect example of this is Jenny Proctor’s third Hawthorne brother book, How to Kiss Your Enemy All that friction between chefs Lennox and Tatum is so fun. Our very own Jan Thompson also has chef rivals in her Savannah Sweethearts series, Call You Home. Bonus, Jan’s title features a deaf heroine! (I love seeing diverse representation in Christian fiction. Isn’t it beautiful to explore God’s wide world through the eyes of others whose experience vary from our own?) Let’s give a shout out to Piper and Isaac! And one of my all-time favorite rival chef romances is Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish from rom-com queen Bethany Turner with chefs Hadley and Max battling it out for reality television glory.

If grumpy/sunshine romances are more your thing, what’s more fun than a broody, crabby chef? Valerie Comer’s chef Levi Esteban from Better Than a Crown is a prime example of hard-headed and brooding hero (and I adored him).

Billionaire, widower, and single dad romances are market staples, and you can find all three in Jan Thompson’s His Morning Kiss, where we meet a personal chef Skye.

See what I mean about putting chefs into all sorts of romance tropes? What a *perfect* way to add a little forced proximity, caregivers, or any number of other sub-tropes we love.

And I’ve got a few more personal chef books for you!  Lavished with Lavender from Valerie Comer features both a nurse and a personal chef, which is doubly fab in my book (cheers for Chef Tony!). And I can’t forget my dear friend Teresa Tysinger’s personal chef Leah Spencer in Say It’s For Good, which also combines the tropes of second chances and a fake relationship with Teresa’s signature Southern flavor and gorgeous backdrops.

Speaking of forced proximity (and workplace romance!), Sarah Monzon’s Freedom’s Kiss is full of sparks between food truck owner Adam and chef-hopeful Olivia.  Lindi Peterson’s Chef Grant reconnects with his childhood sweetheart and friend in Sweet Love of Mine, and you’ll have fun with Paige’s unique and tasty offerings in Elizabeth Maddrey’s opposites attract tale, A Splash of Substance while learning about sustainable food!

We’ve covered a lot of tropes already, but I can’t leave without appreciating the chef of at least one marriage of convenience book. Dwight Williams, chef of the legendary Maple Pit in Toni Shiloh’s Buying Love, is just the sort of hero worth appreciating. (Come on, maple barbecue and all the other maple goodness? Stop. I’m drooling.)

While it’s still fairly early in the back-to-school season, a lot of us are looking forward to Christmas books!! If that’s your favorite, Carolyn Miller’s upcoming holiday release will feature TWO chefs, Alphonse and Camille. Plus it’s a collection of short romances, so you know I’m down for that. (This tall girl LOVES her short books LOL!) You can pre-order Muskoka Holiday Morsels for auto-download on 11/2/23.

I also happen to have a holiday romance featuring a chef heroine. CJ Sinclair is visiting her sister this Christmas as she sorts out her life after breaking free of a traumatic relationship. There, CJ reconnects with her former best friend and first love, ex-military musician Tobin, in Now and Forever Christmas, a friends-to-more second chance tale with a wacky, lovable family lightening the serious moments. There are plenty of those, since CJ walked away from God for a while and yearns for redemption and forgiveness with her fresh start.

Whew! We covered a lot of ground today! LOL! I hope our chef characters feel appreciated. 😉 Wouldn’t you agree the passion, artistry, and dedication of chefs make the most overdone of tropes more palatable?

Since all of our chefs here are fictional, I’d like to offer my own personal appreciation gift to one lucky reader! To enter the random drawing for an eBook edition of Now and Forever Christmas, be sure to comment with your favorite fictional chef, the title of the book they’re in, and/or which of YOUR favorite tropes I missed! Remember, until tomorrow 9/12, your comments are ALSO your entries into the 2023 Back-to-School Bash!

Until next time, happy reading!

Devotional Thought · Reader Input Request

Fools for Love

Fools for LoveIt’s April 1st, known to many as April Fools’ Day, day marked for many by pranks and mischief (or one that goes on as normal with little notice, ha ha!). Since I recently did a post on pranks for my third Sinclair Sisters book, I won’t do a repeat of that. Instead, let’s talk about characters who make fools of themselves for love!

Embarrassing moments aren’t much fun to experience firsthand, but boy are they a delight to read in a rom-com. Whether it’s a meet cute gone wrong or a grand gesture that requires a bit of humble pie, there’s no denying the glee (and vicarious cringes) we readers find in a moment we’d prefer not to endure ourselves but LOVE when our characters do. Ah, catharsis, am I right? And what is more satisfying in a romance than the delicious moment the hero or heroine (especially one who has behaved badly due to pride or misunderstanding) is FINALLY willing to do whatever it takes to win the heart of the one they love?

Now, I’m using the term “fool” in a more modern sense for this post than the kind described in the Old Testament. For example, Proverbs 14:3a, “A fool’s mouth lashes out with pride,” or the warning in Ecclesiastes 7:5, “Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool.” Or even Proverbs 19:1, “A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.” Dozens of Proverbs describe fools as unwise, pleasure-seeking, someone who speaks without thinking, ineloquent, worthless, unfaithful, untrustworthy, lazy, among other undesirable traits. None of which are qualities we enjoy reading in a hero or heroine, am I right? Though, really, when a character has behaved like a biblical fool and on realizing their folly humbles themselves, that’s essentially what I’m trying to convey here—becoming a fool as a means to humble oneself for the sake of love.

That’s the kind of fool Paul calls himself in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 3:18-19, Paul says, “Stop deceiving yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.” He reminds us we belong to God, and not to follow human ways but God’s. In 2 Corinthians 11, in comparison to false teachers who boast about their successes but reveal themselves to be true fools, Paul makes himself a “fool” by boasting of his weakness. Paul wasn’t afraid or intimidated by others or by his past, he was so sold out to Christ that he did whatever it took to spread the gospel and minister to people.

And I don’t think it’s really much of a leap to extend this kind of dedication or foolishness to a relationship intended for marriage (IRL or fictional). After all, Paul commanded husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church, giving himself up for her, and Jesus Himself said there’s no greater love than laying down one’s life (self) for a friend. Love goes the distance, does whatever it takes, even if it costs us everything.

Sometimes I think it’s harder for us to lay down our PRIDE than our lives. It’s certainly more likely to come up in an everyday situation. The Bible is filled with examples of people refusing to humble themselves and paying the price, as well as those who did and were rewarded. It’s a character trait God places a high priority on, which (in my opinion) accounts for why humility and a willingness to sacrifice (aka dying to oneself) might be among the most alluring heroic traits in real life as well as fiction.

So I’d love to ask what Christian romances you’ve read in which the hero or heroine made a fool of themselves for love? Remember, I’m defining foolishness as humbling oneself, acknowledging their own pride or a mistake and laying themselves down in the name of love. And of course, since I’m a sucker for a good rom-com and it’s April Fools’ Day, I’d love your recommendations for titles where maybe that happened a bit embarrassingly or publicly in a humorous way! (And you’re always invited to leave other comments below with your thoughts on the topic. I always enjoy our conversations!)

Until next time,

Escape into a Story · Memory Lane

2023 Goal: Read More Romance (+sale & freebie!)

Read More Romance in 2023I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore. It’s been years since I’ve bothered. Just as soon as I made a list of goals, habits I wanted to change (or develop LOL), weight to lose, well, I’d break it and never manage to get back on track. And then the Type A overachiever side of me would heap on the guilt and self-condemnation, and the next year my list would basically look identical to the failed list of the one before.

Have you ever been caught up in that cycle?

Instead, I like to look at what worked the year before, what didn’t, and then readjust my priorities to a more realistic, doable level. Unofficially, of course. No more resolution lists.

Have you seen the TikTok/Reel clip that shows someone’s written goals and then they cross out letters or add to the end of the line so it completely changes the meaning? For example, “read 50 books” becomes “read 5 books” when they black out the zero. Or “get a new car” becomes “get a new career.” That’s how I feel looking at lists of resolutions—how can I rework them so I don’t fail (AGAIN)?!

But there’s one resolution I never have to worry about failing at: READ MORE ROMANCE. Ha ha! You IR blog readers know what I’m talking about! Check, check, and check in that box!

Speaking of goals (in lieu of resolutions… goals sound so much more achievable, don’t they?), do you set an annual reading goal for yourself?

I like to join the GoodReads annual reading challenge. I purposefully set it lower than the number I’ll actually read because I tend to go so far overboard, I get a little embarrassed looking at the real number. Which is currently at 200 out of a goal of 180… (Wait, was this post about resolutions or confessions? *face palm*) But keeping track there all year round is still a fun way to stay accountable to the goal, whether you’re realistic, lofty, or subversive in setting one.

How about you? What kinds of goals (reading or otherwise) are you setting for yourself as we head into the new year? Or, like me, have you basically given up on making resolutions and are simply looking forward to the end of 2022 with the hope of a better year filled with quality, inspiring romance reads?

To help you reach your reading goals (however unofficial they may be), our own Valerie Comer has a whole list of FREE and 99¢ books available from Christian and Inspirational authors to fill your eReader with. CLICK HERE to access the sale! You’ll find books from a number of IR authors as well as other respected authors in the Christian romance community. The sale ends TODAY, though, so hurry and get clicking!

Before I sign off my last post of 2022, I want to wish you well. I pray for you, dear readers, comes from Numbers 6:24-26:

24“ ‘ “The Lord bless you and keep you;

25the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

26the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’

And laughter. May He also bring you joy and laughter. Happy New Year!

New Releases · Story Inspiration

Sister Stories

The sister relationship is one of the most complicated. From best friends to mortal enemies, every set of sisters has a different dynamic and relationship, and that’s true not only from family to family but sister to sister within the same family.

With three daughters and a sister of my own, it’s definitely a relationship I have a lot of experience with. I’ve had a lot of conversations with mom friends who grew up with sisters or raised multiple daughters, and the best word to describe each sister relationship is, perhaps, complicated.

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel

Family dynamics fascinate me, especially birth order studies. I love exploring the commonalities and differences. But there’s just something extra intriguing about sisters, which is why I wrote a trio of them in my Sinclair Sisters trilogy.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. – Marion C. Garretty

While each book focuses primarily on the heroine finding romance, I did something a little different in this series. In each book, each chapter contains a peek into their pasts as well as their unfolding present day story. Often there’s an interaction between the hero and heroine that plays into their present day romance, but equally as often there’s another relationship played a role in pushing her forward toward resolving a conflict with the hero: her sister.

It’s funny, because I never set out to make these ROMANCES into a sister trilogy. From the beginning of This and Every Christmas, Clari talked about her sisters. They were united in their parents’ obsessive affection for all things Christmas, and slowly I began to understand how vital the relationship between the three girls was to them. Clari was a natural teacher and mother figure to Lucy (and her other students) in large part because an oldest sister grows up playing those roles by default.

As I wrote this book during the pandemic quarantine of 2020, my three daughters were stuck with each other 24/7 with no way to distance except for their bedroom doors. I began to realize how important the sister relationship was to each of them (my girls AND the fictional Sinclair girls). They fought like crazy but became incredibly close. They developed inside jokes. Shared experiences. They will forevermore have stories that only the three of them know and understand. Even now that we’ve moved on to a more normal life as teenagers, they still have secret conversations, sister sleepovers, push each other’s buttons, and fiercely defend when an outsider treats one of them poorly.

We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. – Shannon Celebi

In writing Charlie—aka CJ—Sinclair’s book Now and Forever Christmas in 2021, the sister relationship played an even larger role in helping CJ’s romance with Tobin unfold. In the past scenes, youngest sister Cindy proves the perfect listener when CJ needs one, providing insight she didn’t expect from someone three years younger. In the present, CJ found refuge and healing in her older sister’s home. She’s the bridge between her oldest and youngest sister, equally close to both but in very different ways.

You’re not my best friend. You’re my sister, and that’s more. – Jenny Han

Cindy’s story has been the most difficult to write because I watch my youngest trying to find her own place with two older sisters who are polar opposites and understanding Cindy probably felt the same way. While the Sinclair sisters bonded over their mutual teenage embarrassment, they grew apart over the years as distance and life experience separated them. Cindy chose to stay in Florida after college. She loves her independent life, but of course, she still misses her family. Still longs for their former closeness. A part of her would love to live nearby and watch her nieces and nephews grow up. But she also needs her space and to live life on her own terms. It’s been fun to explore the way she sees that sister dynamic through a third lens I haven’t yet explored.

So distant yet so close. So different yet so similar. That’s why I love my sister. – Maxime Lagacé

Cindy’s story, Not Another Christmas, comes out next month in the 2022 Christmas Lights Collection, Destination Christmas. I’m excited to share it with you October 18th! If you haven’t already read them in the 2020 and 2021 Christmas Lights Collections, the first two Sinclair Sisters books are available now on Amazon.

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. – Unknown

I know Tara Grace Ericson and Marion Ueckermann have contemporary romance series following sisters, but I would LOVE it if you’d share any other CONTEMPORARY Christian/Inspirational romance series or books where the sister relationship plays a significant role. Or if you’ve read Clari and CJ’s stories, tell me if you thought the sister dynamic rang true for you! OR, share with us some of your own sister stories! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time,

Devotional Thought · Real Life

The Black Moment

The Black MomentLast week, our own Lindi Peterson touched briefly on the topic of black moments framed from the perspective of The Storm Before the Rainbow. Many of you know I’ve experienced my own storm this past year, and I’ve clung to the hope of seeing the rainbow with everything I’ve had. Today I’d like to go deeper on the topic, and maybe even get a little personal.

If you’re still not clear on the term “black moment,” it’s that pivotal point between the second and third act when all hope seems lost. The main character is faced with losing what their heart longs for most—what they’ve been fighting for or against the whole story—and must face internal conflict that’s driven them to or from their goal all along.

Generally, it’s a false belief (i.e. I’ll never love again, I can’t be with him/her) or fear (i.e. everyone leaves, I’m unworthy of love) or both. Whatever it is, that thing holds them back from moving forward toward their happy ending until they confront it and accept the truth.

It’s especially beautiful in Christian fiction because we know the Source of all hope, freedom, and love, so when the hero or heroine faces their darkest moment, there’s a natural opportunity for them to be free of it in Christ. Obviously, that doesn’t always require a profound salvation moment on the pages. Many times it’s simply applying what they know to be true because of their faith and finally surrendering it to the Lord. Christian characters, like real-life Christians, naturally go through storms that require us to surrender.

To be completely honest, I don’t always love black moments in fiction.

I’ve been known to choose books by authors who don’t write them at all (like Brooke St. James), simply because I’ve had enough black moments in my life or in my loved one’s lives that I just need something completely happy to escape into. A romance where the relationships are easy. There’s conflict, obviously, because conflict always drives any story, but that conflict doesn’t always come from an internal issue or tension between hero and heroine. Sometimes it’s a circumstance or inconvenience that they deal with, without a lot of drama, and everything ends well.

girl hugging a bookBut while I thrive on those books, they aren’t typically the ones that stick with us. The books that leave a profound mark—when we close the cover with a sigh and simply hold it in our arms, savoring that deliciously satisfying feeling—give us that satisfaction by putting us through the wringer. By putting the characters through the wringer. The deeper the lows, the more gratifying the highs.

It’s been two years of black (at at least dark and bleak) moments for most everyone I know, but this is where the power of story really hits home for me. Where story translates from fictional escape to real-world application. The victories we read on the pages give us hope that in our own black moments, God will be there for us, too, speaking love and truth and peace into our storms and reminding us that He made the rainbow to come after as a promise.rainbow and raindrops

Sometimes I write my own personal black moments into my characters.

For instance, Ada in More Than Enough battles perfectionism and feelings she’ll never be enough no matter how much she does and does and does for other people. It was hard to knock her down in the length of a novella, but I know all too well how those feelings can be a tripping hazard and get in the way of surrendering all to the Father. I sat in that theater with her, knowing intimately that no amount of doing and helping and fixing will ever be enough to silence the lies that I AM NOT enough. But HE is.

Jenna from Whatever Happens Next cries out to God because she used to hear His voice so naturally. She sees the dust on her Bible and opens its pages and wonders why He no longer speaks to her that way. Does He still love her? Why can’t she hear Him anymore? Feel His presence? Oh, how I cried with her because I was going through my own dry spell spiritually and I ACHED to feel His embrace again.

And while I’ve never personally endured what Gina in Whatever Comes Our Way did, I’ve had panic attacks. I’ve felt the slithers of anxiety crawling under my skin and keeping me from trusting the Lord completely.

For these characters, their black moments had the potential to keep them separated from the loves of their lives, from finding romance and happily ever afters. That may not be the risk we face in our own black moments, of course, but that doesn’t mean fictional black moments don’t still translate into our own realities.

Every time I’ve faced my own darkest moments, knowing God was there, that He saw me, CHANGED ME permanently. He took something that was crushing me and keeping me from Him and performed open heart surgery, removing that issue and replacing it with a story of victory that I can walk in each day. I can remember MY story and help impact someone else’s by sharing it in some way.

Next month, I’ll be speaking at a women’s conference on my very blackest, capital letters Black Moment. Reliving it all as I put together my message—looking at the pictures of what I looked like at my worst in the hospital as I fought for my life, re-reading texts and posts from those weeks—has been HARD. It’s putting me through the wringer all over again. But I can’t wait to tell this story. I can’t wait for the opportunity to write those feelings into future characters.

All because of the power of story; the power of testimony. The power of the black moment to move us from our stuck place, our worst place, into HIS best for us. The line between fiction and reality is often a thin one. And praise God for that. Because isn’t it wonderful to have hope? To know that after the darkest of night comes the dawn?

So tell me in the comments—what fictional black moment resonated deeply within you? What character’s pivotal moment left an impact on you because you understood it and felt understood yourself? (Titles/authors without spoilers, please.)

Remember, we’re in the middle of the Back to School Bash, so your comments become entries into our many, many amazing giveaways! I can’t wait to see what inspirational romance titles you suggest. And if you have some go-to authors for escaping black moments entirely, well, I’m totally open to those as well. We need a bit of balance in our lives, don’t we? Ha ha!

Until next time,


Giveaway · Romance Tropes · Roundup

Childhood Sweethearts (+giveaway)

Childhood Sweethearts + giveawayWhat’s your favorite trope within CCR? I see this question asked a lot, and I have to admit I am one of those people who can’t choose a favorite ANYTHING to save her life. I mean, in all the breadth of the whole world, why would I limit myself? I do find myself drawn to some more than others, however, and one of my top ten favorites is childhood sweethearts.

Here’s how I’ll define childhood sweethearts, in case you’re wondering: a couple who knew each other as children/young teens and either one or both experienced a strong affinity for the other.

Best friends? Counts. Childhood crush? Definitely counts. Next door neighbors sweet on each other? Totally counts.

As you can see, I might be a little liberal in my definition of childhood sweethearts. But considering a little quick research (thanks to DuckDuckGo) reveals that only about 2% of the population marries their childhood first love and the numbers aren’t much higher for marrying a high school sweetheart, there’s got to be more to the story than two kids who’ve loved only each other most of their lives.

Perhaps that’s what makes childhood sweethearts such a wonderful trope—how well it pairs with others. Think about it. Second chance romances, reunion romances, marriage of convenience, friends to lovers… and that’s not even factoring in the various subgenres like cowboy romance, Southern romance, etc. The options are fairly limitless and equally appealing.

I’ve written a number of friends-to-lovers type books (and read a gazillion more), but childhood sweethearts is something I’ve only played with a couple times in the past year or two. I have to say, though, it’s a lot of fun keeping each story unique!

For example, in This and Every Christmas (which released individually on Oct 1), Noah and Clari met several times as kids. It was fun crafting vignettes in which their annual meetings were memorable enough they’d recognize each other years later. I got to pair this novella with the single dad trope, throw in a tree farm and a music teacher, all under the umbrella of the Christmas romance subgenre.

The sequel to this tale is coming up at the end of the month in the 2021 Christmas Lights collection Home for Christmas (eBook) and individually (paperback) October 26. Now and Forever Christmas is technically a friends-to-more/second chance romance, but since they were young teen sweethearts, I think it sort of counts.

I’m kind of loving this trope right now, if you can’t tell. The third sister will get her HEA in 2022 with Not Another Christmas, but for that one I’m twisting the childhood sweethearts into childhood enemies who gradually discover more. I’ve never done enemies-to-lovers, but that is one of my top five favorite tropes, so I’m kind of excited to finally write one.

And of course, I can’t forget to talk about Braver With You, which is in the upcoming Save the Date collection. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing me talk about this one (LOL! we’re in the home stretch, people!), but I’m really attached to Ashlyn and Conrad. This is the purest (as in, closest to the definition of) childhood sweethearts story I’ve written… or read for that matter, now that I think of it. They’ve only ever loved or dated each other and never faced a potential breakup. From their first pretend wedding as kids to the one they’re stressed over now, there’s never been a doubt in either of their minds that this was forever. These guys are the 2% statistic who defy the odds, and I adore them. Just because they’re sweet, though, doesn’t mean there isn’t trauma or chaos on the horizon they have to work through!

Have I enticed you to check out more of this fun trope? I hope so. And because I love contributing to your already out-of-control TBR pile, I’ve got a great list of other titles in CCR for you to choose from!

Starting with a randomly assembled list from several Inspy Romance authors and a couple others just because I can:

Okay, I’m letting the list get away from me. I know many more of our IR authors and CCR favorites have titles that fall under the “childhood sweethearts” heading, so I will leave the rest to YOU to put in the comments so I can add to my own out-of-control TBR. Influence away, my friends. Tell me why the title you’re commenting with qualifies! At the end of the week, one lucky commenter will be selected at random to win an eBook of their choice between This and Every Christmas or Braver With You (an ARC). Looking forward to reading your comments!

*As an Amazon associate, I may receive a small commission from any links clicked in the lists above.

Author Thoughts · Roundup

Unkissable (and other unconventional titles)

The cover is unarguably the single biggest draw to a reader in deciding whether or not to choose a book. A close second, though, is often the title. Just the other day, I read a comment online from a woman who couldn’t bring herself to read a friend’s book simply because the single-word title was off-putting. (Of course, my brain immediately pondered the likelihood of a novel titled Moist.)

It got me wondering, though, like poor lovesick Juliet—what’s in a name? Would a book by any other title be just as sweet?

From an author standpoint, titling is hard, especially if you’re an indie without the benefit of a marketing team of experts who understand both genre expectations and what sells. Sometimes a title will simply come naturally as we’re writing. Sometimes it takes as much brainstorming as the book itself. And realistically, without that panel of professionals, how do we know what single word or short string of words is going to lure in the reader while conveying everything it must?

After all, not every romance can follow that old formula of The _____’s  _______ or Her/His ________ ________, right? They’d all start to feel a little Mad-Libs-like after awhile. I thought it would be fun for today if a few of our Inspy Romance authors shared one of their titles that at first glance might not make sense for contemporary Christian romance!

To kick things off, I’d like to share the title of my upcoming fairy tale twist on The Frog Prince, which will be releasing May 25th as part of the Once Upon a Summer collection. Writing this tale was a bit of a challenge for several reasons. To start, the original Grimm’s fairy tale is only about a page and a half long. There’s a spoiled princess, an enchanted frog who’s really a prince, a pond and a golden ball, a broken promise, a ridiculous hissy fit, and a loyal servant whose heart had been banded with iron so it wouldn’t break. Disney’s recent Princess and the Frog was no help since it isn’t based on that fairy tale at all, but is instead their loose twist of a different tale, The Frog Princess (E.D. Baker).

What struck me while writing was how very unlikable the princess was in the Grimm’s story. Why did the prince fall in love with her? Why would my frog prince want a kiss from such a snotty diva?

And why would I name my fairy tale—the very tale we get our pop-culture fascination with kissing frogs from—Unkissable?

Weird choice, I know, but the title came when I set out to give Charlotte a redemption story. I made her a Hollywood reality star with a reputation for throwing fits. Her prince is Jaime Reyes, the younger brother of Derek, the hero of A Splash of Love, my Little Mermaid retelling in 2019’s Once Upon a Christmas. I wanted to focus on retelling the story with as many elements of the original tale (sparse as they were) as possible, but as Christian fiction, bring her redemption and grace and restoration. The reader deserves to know why the frog prince wants to help her, befriend her, and ultimately be kissed by her.

Enough about my tale, let’s look at a few of my awesome Inspy Romance friends’ titles (don’t worry, I have their permission and it’s all in the spirit of camaraderie and fun). While they may not make sense for a romance at first, when we step back at examine the series they’re part of or read the story itself, the titles work.

First up, Laurie Larsen’s Pawleys Island Paradise book 5, Path to Discovery. At first glance, we might assume it’s a self help book. But in the scope of the series, we notice the other titles follow the same format of ___ to ____ (the way to a state of being). Clever, right?

Or how about Valerie Comer’s Dandelions for Dinner? The fourth installment in her Farm Fresh Romance series seems a little odd, but every book has a title with an edible (who knew dandelions were edible?!) fresh food. BTW, this series is really cute.

Janet W. Ferguson’s Going Up South doesn’t exactly scream romance either. However, when you realize the bad-boy hero has no where to go but up (while having to go South!), it totally makes sense.

I asked Tabitha Bouldin about her upcoming island romance, Stealing the First Mate. We laughed over it sounding like a historical pirate romance. In reality, it’s about unrequited love and a boat tour! It sounds super fun and I look forward to checking it out when it releases the end of the month.

My good friend Toni Shiloh’s short A Proxy Wedding made me scratch my head at first. What in the world did it mean? Turns out, two people agree to stand in as proxy so their two friends serving in the military could get married, and they discover feelings of their own along the way.

As you can see, in the end, these titles do make sense (and they’re some pretty fun stories, too). I’m sure we could talk unconventional titles for romances a good long while, so why don’t you share a few you’ve come across in the comments. What made you decide to read the book? Do you think Unkissable is an odd choice for a fairy tale retelling?

Giveaway · New Releases

Series Boxed Sets: Yea or Nay? + giveaway

Series Boxed Sets: yea or nay?In recent years we’ve seen a huge uptick in the sales of boxed sets for books, especially eBooks. I’ve been part of half a dozen MABS—that’s multi-author box sets—over the last few years myself, and as a reader I love those because I can get to sample new-to-me names. But today, I’m talking about single author boxed sets. You may have heard the term omnibus edition to describe them.

There’s the series boxed set, like mine launching March 9, which is an entire series bundled up together in one file for a slightly discounted purchase price. Some authors prefer to box up a longer series into 2-3 smaller sets (i.e. books 1-3 separately from 4-6, and so forth).

I love series boxed sets, personally. It’s nice to have a complete collection knowing I haven’t missed one of the books in the series. And, you know, sometimes we’re waiting months or even years for an author to add a new book, so getting the complete series all at once eliminates that painful angst of waiting between books or *gasp* forgetting what happened previously.

Then there’s one trend I’ve been seeing recently in which a prolific author takes series starters (books 1) from multiple series and putting them together. Or they build a set around a certain theme or trope, regardless of series (beach, snow, holiday, career field, etc.). In my forays as a reader, I’ve discovered a few pros and cons to these different kinds of sets.

Pros: Getting to sample a variety of an author’s work, enjoying a common theme while exploring new characters, usually some form of discounted price and/or bonus material

Cons: Sometimes you’ve already read one of the books in the set, can be confusing

What say you? I’d love to hear your pros/cons to boxed sets from a single author. Do you usually buy them (and if so, what went into your decision)? What kind of boxes appeal to you most?

All commenters will be entered into a drawing for one eBook edition of my upcoming Everyday Love series boxed set, complete with bonus materials. Winner will be chosen at random by the end of this week.

Be sure to check out some of these boxed sets from our other awesome InspyRomance authors:

I did have one more question for you before I sign off and make myself another pot of coffee before settling in to write. What kinds of things do you like to see in a series boxed set? Do you expect just the books themselves, or are you interested in exclusive bonus material? Timelines? Recipes? Sneak previews of related books? The story-behind-the-story? Something else? I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on what makes a box extra special.

Be sure to comment so you’ll be entered in that giveaway I mentioned!

Until next time,

Devotional Thought · Excerpt

A Valentine Excerpt & Devotional

A Valentine Excerpt & devotional

You might be surprised to learn that this romance author doesn’t love Valentine’s Day. Hold off on the pitchforks and mob for a sec, I’ll explain.

I don’t love Valentine’s Day for the same reason I don’t love Mother’s Day. See, my mom always used to tell us that while she appreciated the nice things we did for her on that special day, the sweet things we did the other 364 days of the year meant so much more. Now that I’m grown with a husband and kids of my own, I understand her logic. What good is a holiday if we don’t treat the ones we love with care and appreciation the rest of the year?

My husband agrees, which is why after nearly twenty years of marriage, I can almost guarantee I won’t be getting flowers on Valentine’s Day. We probably won’t even go out for a date until the weekend after because the restaurant crowds are insane (and this year, everything’s still closed in NM anyway). But I can guarantee that when I’m exhausted or just because he feels like it, my sweet man will bring home a bouquet or a Route 44 unsweet peach tea from Sonic. Or he might do the dishes without being asked. Or tell me to go ahead and escape for an evening despite his own exhaustion.

That’s romance in its truest form right there.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, and here’s why: it’s God’s plan for our lives. How? Because 1 John 4 says “God is love,” we are created in His image, and He repeatedly tells us to love one another. This passage defines for us exactly what we’re supposed to be doing, and not just with a romantic partner (let’s face it, sometimes they’re the hardest ones to love this way LOL).

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (NIV)
I’m including the NLT version as well because I like the subtle nuances between the language of both.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (NLT)

These are the traits I’m seeking to exemplify in my everyday life and interactions with others, how I’m trying to raise my children, how I even need to treat myself. 365 days a year. What does this passage whisper in your own heart?

If you’ve read any of my books, you’ve probably noticed how frequently I refer to this passage as my characters are growing in their faith and discovering how to get past their issues and love their special someone. This passage appears in What Makes a Home more than any of my other books. The words burrow deep into Jobie’s mind and heart and ultimately lead her to salvation, which changes her life from the inside out.

And just because it is almost Valentine’s Day, I’ve included an excerpt from the book as they get ready to celebrate their first Valentine’s together. Enjoy!

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” Jobie tried to keep her voice low but felt several pairs of curious eyes watching their every move.

“I took the day off. I have a Valentine project I’m working on.”

“Oh yeah? Hopefully, they’re giving you better advice than last week’s mess.”

Caleb shook his head, chagrin lighting his features. “I know, I know. I messed that one up. But I think you’ll actually like this project. Mabel and Pops have given their seal of approval this time.”

“Ooh! I’m intrigued. So… when do I get to see this project?” Her heart skipped like a pig-tailed schoolgirl.

Caleb grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “I could be persuaded to start Valentine’s Day a little early.”

“Mmmm. Does that mean you’re angling for an early birthday present, too?”

“That can wait. But I don’t think I can.” He rocked on his heels with an adorable bounce.

Jobie threw her head back and laughed. She took a step forward and tipped her chin up to him.

He dropped a soft kiss to her mouth.

She pushed him away with a soft laugh. “Get out of here, goober. I have a class to finish.”

“I’ll see you at five o’clock.” He tossed her a wink and strode out of the room with confidence.

She admired the view until Wanda’s “mm-mm-mm” made her blush. Yep, that was her thought, too.

“Okay, time to pack up, people! I’ve got things to do!”

Jobie smiled to herself. It was a good thing she really loved that goofball.

And that he loved her, flaws and all.

Here’s wishing you much love—His love—wherever you are, and not only for Valentine’s Day but every day of the year. I pray that you’ll walk in patience (which is SO HARD), kindness, humility, honor, integrity, justice, faith, trust, truth, hope, and perseverance in all of your relationships, romantic and otherwise.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Cor 13:13


Devotional Thought · New Releases

The Fruits of Faith and Peace

The Fruits of Peace and JoyI’ve been a Christian so long that, at times, it’s been easy to take my faith for granted. Dry seasons, wandering seasons, passionately in love with Him seasons.

Every frustrating dry season when I long to hear His voice but for some reason can’t inevitably ends up with a hard self-examination and facing my need to weed out the parts that aren’t bringing Him glory or redirect myself onto the path He’s chosen.

But the fruits of those seasons are always a rich harvest for which I am thankful. Each season has come with life lessons and helped shape me into a more empathetic person full of grace (toward everyone but myself, sadly).

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. There is no law against these things! – Galatians 5:22-23 NLT

The last bit always cracks me up. Do you ever hear people rant, “There ought to be a law!” about one frustrating thing or another? I imagine the religious lawmakers of Paul’s day said it a lot. And while there is no law against the fruits of the spirit, growing them in our daily lives is certainly no easier than following the Old Testament law.

By now, we can agree that 2020 has been a YEAR. Patience runs thin (which is the most difficult fruit of the spirit to grow anyway, IMO). Kindness, goodness, and gentleness are hard to find if you’re watching the news or other media, though if you look around in real life, you’ll find them like plants flourishing in the shade. Same goes for love and joy. I won’t even get started on self-control (hello, extra pounds).

I started out the year writing two books. The first, my final novel in the Everyday Love series which released in May. The second, Always Been Yours, part of the Something Borrowed collection with several of my dearest author friends. Hanady and Keenan’s friends-to-more story came together just how I envisioned. I wasn’t sure what the rest of my writing year held, but I trusted the Lord to show me the way.

Then… in came invitations from two more collections for this Christmas. Peace settled into my spirit while praying about joining them, so I did. And then came quarantine and stay-home orders, giving me more dedicated time to write than ever. With three commitments, I needed every second. Unfortunately, though I exercised self-discipline and saw that fruit grow in abundance, joy and peace began shriveling on the vine.

I finished my second book and excitedly began work on the third, a spin-off from my May release Whatever Happens Next. Rob and Vera’s story came pouring out in the beginning. By the time I hit the middle of Christmas Mercy for the seventh Crossroads collection, though, I struggled. Anxiety and self-doubt strangled my peace.

This was early summer when we were all growing weary of quarantine, our state remaining closed, and mourning all of our canceled plans. Still, I faithfully continued to write and work through the emotions and lack of peace and was overwhelmed by God’s reminder in my life of His mercy. His grace. His good gifts even when we’re a mess inside.

As I made plans to begin my final novella of the year, fear wanted to settle in and make its mark. I had to faithfully practice trust and fight off the doubts of the enemy while also resting in the promise that if God called me to it, He would equip me for it. And because He is faithful, He answered my fervent prayers and expanded my creativity to write This and Every Christmas, part of Hearts Aglow (The Christmas Lights Collection 2020). This story is unlike anything else I’ve ever written. How I wrote it was different, too. It grew me and stretched me and through it I learned so much about the kind of storyteller He calls me to be.

It also reminded me of the words in John 15:5. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. My vine will wither, the fruits shrivel, and words fail. He is the vine from which I grow, from which the fruits of my spirit will grow. These three books are the fruits of faithfulness and self-discipline as I sought peace despite my anxieties. They bring joy to my heart and are a strong reminder of what a big, wonderful God we serve. How He loves me through every up and down and calls me to do the same with Him (and others!). Seeing them out in the world, knowing how much they’ve been prayed and labored over is a tangible bit of each fruit that God has worked in me through 2020.

What fruits are flourishing in you this year? Are you struggling with any? How can I pray for or encourage you?

Be sure to comment, or if you’d prefer, you can always email or message me on Facebook. If you’d like to hear more devotional thoughts or stay current on what’s happening in my writer life, you can also subscribe to my irregularly delivered newsletter (and receive a free book).
