Roundup · Writing Process

It’s Complicated: How Authors Really Feel About Their First Book

It's Complicated title imageConfession: I don’t like my first book. I’m actually pretty embarrassed by it.

Back in 2017 when I first wrote What Could Be, I was like a proud new first-time mama. My book baby was perfect. Beautiful. And certain to make its mark on the world.

Aaaaaaand then I read it again months after I’d released it into the world. My face burned with embarrassment and regret. I wanted to immediately unpublish it and hide it away for eternity. The pacing was slow. The heroine was annoyingly perfect. The chemistry fell flat. And wow, I really should have hired an editor. Instead, I’d already turned it into a series! Ever the problem solver, I got a team together and put that book through more editing, proofreading, critiquing, and then launched a second edition.

And it’s still not a great book.

Each book in the series is an improvement over the one before, but not everyone gives them a chance because there are still so many problems with that first book. Now, while I try to love the book that made me a published author, my feelings toward it are…complicated. As it turns out, I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Here’s what some of our own InspyRomance authors had to say about their first books:

I recently revisited the manuscript of my first book, Holding on to Someday, and it makes me cringe at some of the errors I made. I wish I had time to go back and rewrite some of it, but then it wouldn’t be a first book, would it? lol! – K Leah

Teresa Tysinger says, When I set out to write my first book, I knew a lot about storytelling — I had been an avid reader and studied literature for a long time. But I knew very little about the craft of writing a novel as a sellable product. I’m so incredibly proud of my first book, Someplace Familiar. It represents a courage I didn’t think I had. When I look over it, however, it is easy to find things I’d change. No matter your career or hobby, though, shouldn’t we look back and see growth since the beginning?

“Authors aren’t supposed to publish the first book they ever wrote. But I didn’t hear that advice until after I’d already released Falling for the Foe. It has a flabby middle and I wish I’d known then how to ratchet up the dramatic tension. I was so shy about writing kisses that the lead characters only manage a hug at the end! Despite that, I’m proud of what this book stands for. It’s a signpost of how God brought to fruition my desire to share stories, and it’s introduced the country of my birth to many readers.” – Milla Holt

Merrillee Whren was a lot smarter than I was. Ha ha! She said, The first and the second books I wrote never came close to seeing publication. My first sale to Love Inspired was the 9th book I wrote. I eventually sold them the fourth and fifth books, after I went back and revised them. A good portion of my sixth book became part of my Pinecrest series. The eighth book was my RWA Golden Heart winner and my first indie book. I eventually indie published the third book by cutting a lot of it and turning it into a novella.”

Liwen Y. Ho’s remarks sum up my own feelings so well! “I’m grateful that I was able to start my author journey with Taking a Chance on the Heartbreaker, but am I proud of the book? Not exactly. Lol. It is what it is though—a story (based on my own love story) of God’s grace and redemption and how He took something broken and made it beautiful. It’s also very much a reminder of how much I’ve grown as an author since then and how God can take something so imperfect and use it for good. I had to start somewhere as an author and I’m thankful it was with that book.”

Regarding her debut novel, Elizabeth Maddrey says, I still love the story of my first book, Wisdom to Know, but it’s also one of those situations where I didn’t know how much I didn’t know (despite having read a lot of craft books.) Readers generally still have positive things to say about it, and there’s a part of me that isn’t sure I’d be able to write the story today with out that optimistic ignorance that comes with being a debut author.”

I very much understand what she means. Writing—or pursuing any creative endeavor, really—requires revealing a part of ourselves to the world. That’s a very vulnerable position to find ourselves in. Without that “optimistic ignorance,” I imagine few creatives would have the guts to put their work into the world. But what a tragedy that would be!

I published the very first book I ever wrote, Love on Ice, last year just in time for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Even after loads of editing, there are still things I’d tweak. But do I love it? Absolutely! (And I’m thankful readers like it too!)” – Carolyn Miller

Like Merrillee Whren, Lindi Peterson didn’t publish her first book. There are two things I remember about my first manuscript. At the end of every chapter my heroine went to sleep–and when I actually wrote the end, I printed it, (which took ages back then!) and set it on the kitchen table, declared to my husband, ‘I wrote a book. I wrote The End!’ He asked what I was going to do with it. I said ‘I have no idea!’ That book will never be published. 🙂

I especially admire Shannon Taylor Vannatter’s frankness in her confession: Ugh!! I have 2. Both published by small print on demand publishers (when it was a new thing) and completely unedited. I want readers to know that anything published before 2010 is badly written. There were only 2 of them, but they were really bad. 2010 and after, I had an editor. And boy did I need one. I still need one.

Veteran author Valerie Comer shares her own reflection on what it was like to reread her early books. About a year ago, I decided to set a new series in the world of my first published series, so I reread all six books and made copious notes. My first book, Raspberries and Vinegar, made me cringe so many times! It feels so clunky to me now, but I couldn’t think of any way to make it better without a total rewrite that would change the essence of the story. The readers who found me through that first book… and loved it… are still my most avid fans. But boy, do I feel like my writing is so much stronger 40-some books later!

“I still love the story I told in Falling on Main Street, but I cringe when I see the writing itself… so much narration, not a lot of emotional impact, and a lot of cliches. But – it was the story of my heart and God has been faithful to use it and readers still seem to enjoy it!” – Tara Grace Ericson

Angela Ruth Strong says, Finding Love in Sun Valley makes me cringe, but I’m so thankful for it. I wrote it during the most difficult year of my life, so I basically went through aversion therapy. I also don’t think my work was ready to be published yet, but at the same time, it was a gift from God. It was released in hardback, sold in Costco, and optioned for film, which likely will never happen again. God was pretty much saying, ‘You can do this. Don’t give up. Your life story is just getting started.’

InspyRomance alum Janet W. Ferguson shared her candid thoughts as well. I read and rewrote Leaving Oxford so many times, it makes me crazy to try to look at it for any reason. I’ve thought about adding a 5th book to that series, but that would mean I might have to, so I have put it off indefinitely.”

The truth is, “it’s complicated,” defines the relationship every author has with their first book. Whether or not that book was ever published, there’s a mix of pride and embarrassment whenever we consider that early work. And that makes sense. After all, we’re supposed to grow with experience and get better with practice, no matter what we put our hands to. Ball players don’t reach the pros if they remain at their high school level. James Beard awarded chefs don’t cook the way they did their first time in the kitchen. Lucky for them, their first dish is nothing more than a memory, while authors’ early works continue to line shelves for anyone to pick up and judge.

So as you’re reading those backlist books from your favorite (or even new) authors, please consider them with grace and know that we’re improving our craft little by little as flawed humans who have to learn and grow like anyone else. Try not to judge our early efforts too harshly. Because we know those books are a little rough, but we’re not the same anymore. And if you’ve ever given an author a try, only to DNF a book for its flaws, maybe give one of their later books a chance. You may just find they’ve come into their own and figured out a thing or two about storytelling.

My dear friend Toni Shiloh had this to say to her author friends recently, and it’s such a wonderful perspective that I have to share. A LIFE TO LIVE is the very first book I ever wrote and published. But for so many years I have looked at it in shame. Cringing at the “bad writing”, “broken rules” writers aren’t supposed to do, and remembering what that very first cover looked like… But I don’t want to look at my efforts any longer and be a harsh critic who holds no grace. … This book gave my first good reviews, got me readers who wanted to know when I’d publish another book. This book led me to the wonderful Christian fiction author community and the many talented authors I’ve met along the way. This book gave me fans who are still reading every book I publish and cheering for me without prompt. This book is a sign of growth as a writer and turning dreams into reality. I’m proud of this story and proud of where I am today.”

Thanks for joining me today! Have you read any of these authors’ debut novels? What made you love that book or decide to keep reading their work even if that one wasn’t your favorite? Are you more likely to give them grace if you’ve read their later books? Share your thoughts in the comments!

And because I’m working toward loving my first book again, I’m giving the Everyday Love series a facelift. They’ll get new covers next month, and there’s a new series order! I’m sharing the images with YOU first. 😊 What do you think?

Until next time,

Romance Settings · Special Occasions

Hey! What about Thanksgiving?!

Here in the US, it seems like the last wisps of smoke from the fireworks have barely begun to fade from the July sky when all the craft and hobby stores begin rolling out the fall and Christmas stuff. It never fails, immediately people begin lamenting it coming “earlier every year” and grousing about seeing Christmas trees before the kids have even gone back to school. Annoyed that poor Tom Turkey’s day gets overlooked, sandwiched invisibly between the pumpkins and candy canes.

As a crafter who’s done dozens of craft shows over the years, I usually smile and point out that Hobby Lobby isn’t in the business of tormenting consumers, they’re supplying those of us who have to build a holiday inventory. Those gorgeous wreaths on Etsy aren’t made overnight! But I digress.

I was talking about poor, neglected little American Tom Turkey and his Canadian cousin (who celebrates in October), and the thankful observance that gets overshadowed by all of the holiday hustle and bustle. So for all of you asking the question, “But what about Thanksgiving?!” I have a list of delicious books for you that, while not necessarily Thanksgiving books per se, at least feature Thanksgiving scenes (and probably a dash of family drama).

And for all of you outside the US, my apologies for this very American-centric post. At least I can redeem it by sharing some fun titles that feature themes of thankfulness, something we can all use more of, right?

From our InspyRomance authors, in no particular order:

Merrillee Whren, A Family to Call Ours

Staci Stallings, Dance With Me

Elizabeth Maddrey, Pathway to Peace

Janet Ferguson, Magnolia Storms

Hallee Bridgeman, Courting Calla

Sally Howe Bayless, Love, Lies, and Homemade Pie

Valerie Comer, The Cowboy’s Christmas Reunion

Kimberly Rose Johnson, A Love That Lasts

Jaycee Weaver, each of the books in the Everyday Love series have a Thanksgiving scene (totally unintentional and I JUST realized this! Haha!)

Toni Shiloh, Jaycee Weaver, Angela Ruth Strong, and 2 others, Once Upon a Christmas has Thanksgiving scenes in at least two of the five stories

Hallee Bridgeman, Jaycee Weaver, and 3 others, When Snowflakes Never Cease (Crossroads Collection 6)—Hallee’s story within the collection and mine both feature Thanksgiving. Yes, I’ve noticed a trend for Thanksgiving scenes within my books! LOL!

And here are a few other books that take place over Thanksgiving, late fall, or have themes of thankfulness (side note—while not Inspy endorsed, each describes themselves and/or their books as Christian/Inspirational.):

Melanie Snitker, Finding Grace

JoAnn Durgin, By Grace Draw Near

Crystal Walton, Her Stand-In Cowboy

During my search, I also discovered that Love Inspired has a number of Thanksgiving-themed books, such as A Texas Thanksgiving by Margaret Daley. While I haven’t read this one, I have read several of her others and always enjoy a bit of romantic suspense.

Of course, this list is by no means complete, so please be sure to comment below if you know of any other contemporary Christian or Inspirational romances that feature at least a Thanksgiving scene or theme. I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would too!

And since it’s so much fun to read about Thanksgiving (*cough* and apparently write it, Jaycee, ya nerd *cough*), I’ll give away ONE ebook of the winner’s choice of any of my three Everyday Love books to a random commenter. An extra entry if you comment with a contemporary Thanksgiving-ish romance book!

New Releases · Romance Tropes

Retelling the (Fairy) Tale

Ah, fairy tales. Like so much classic literature, fairy tales form the basis for many contemporary stories. In recent years, retellings have even become so popular they’ve become their own subgenre in fiction. And it makes sense. The originals are clean and usually end happily. Good triumphs over evil. The impossible becomes possible. Romance. Magic. Wonder. They’re inspirational and usually teach a lesson.

Best of all, they’re timeless.

So how do we take an old story and craft it into something new and unique without contorting it into just another twisted clone on the bookshelf?

Well, it’s not easy. I’ll tell you that. But with a little creativity and inspiration all around us, the task doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, authors Andrea Boyd and Mikal Dawn teamed up with three Inspy Romance authors—myself (Jaycee Weaver), Toni Shiloh, and Angela Ruth Strong—to release a brand new anthology of such tales. Last week on October 1, Once Upon a Christmas: Contemporary Retellings of Timeless Tales hit the shelves, and the reviews so far affirm that we seem to have found success in remaking these classic old stories into something new, fun, and relevant to today’s contemporary romance readers. (Yay!)

Rather than blend into the background with straight modernizations or retelling the tale with simple nods or twists, we decided to give each story a Christmas spin. Andrea took Sleeping Beauty and gave her a real-life sleeping disorder with three fierce and funny aunts in a gorgeous old theater for a holiday production of the musical of the same title. Mikal brought Mulan out of China and into the boardroom with a fierce (but flirty) legal battle on her father’s behalf, the wicked Hun insisting on a Christmas victory. For an updated Snow White, Toni sent her sheltered heiress fleeing into a snowstorm and hiding from a wicked stepmother in an orchard owned by a handsome hero and his seven “uncles” over the holidays. Angela twisted the classic favorite Cinderella into a whole new story, giving her lumberjack-like prince the nutty stepfamily as a perfect obstacle standing between Ella and her happy (New Year) ever after. And lastly, it was my joy to take The Little Mermaid out of her Las Vegas aquarium and into the dry southwest, where she discovers the power of her own voice during the romantic holiday season.

We sure hope you’ll give this set of novellas a chance to live up to your fairy tale expectations…and I suppose your Christmas tale expectations, too. If you’ve already read our retellings of these timeless tales, be sure to comment with what you enjoyed most! We love your feedback. If you haven’t yet had the chance, we’d love to know—what’s your favorite fairy tale, retelling, or Christmas trope?