Real Life · Story Inspiration

The Summit

Well, I turned forty last weekend. I’m surprisingly okay with that number. I mean, it took a little bit of processing and a whole lot of emotional taking of stock (oh my gosh, <insert life event> happened how long ago?!), but more than anything, I feel like I’m standing on this great mountaintop and I’m looking across a nice, wide summit at this amazing gift called life.

And it’s good.

The Sandia Mountain range.

Earlier this month, I hiked the Domingo Baca/TWA Canyon trail in the Sandia Mountains. My husband did it about twenty years ago and always told stories about it. Mostly about how tough it was, but worth it. We’ve waited and waited until the kids were old enough to make it without complaining too much or needing to be carried, and finally, this was the year!

If you’ve ever read any of my books, you’ll know how much I love my mountains. They call to me. So we answered, the five of us, with our backpacks, lunches, and water. We ventured out into an overcast day with a chance of thunderstorms. Not exactly optimal weather, but we prayed it would hold out until we were finished. It mostly did.

And I just have to interject here that it was pretty much the equivalent of climbing UP the stairs in our two-story house repeatedly for five straight hours, stopping to rest, eat, sip, and shutterbug, and then climbing down those stairs for two more. Yes, the incline was pretty much the same. No, I’m not exaggerating. Much.

Wreckage litters the long, narrow canyon.

But for about an hour in between the going up and coming down, we explored the wreckage of a Martin 404 airplane, once TWA flight 260, that crashed up there in 1955. Being up there in the middle of it was sobering and adventure-inspiring at the same time. To walk among tragedy and see how nature has taken it over was absolutely incredible. (And of course, now hubby and I have a book about it on request with the library!)

One of the engines.

I came home with my family that evening ravenous and uplifted in a way I haven’t been in years. Connected with my people, connected with nature, connected with God. And we were drained and sore, but we did it! Over seven miles in a day. I’m sure you can imagine.

I obsess over bee photos.

When it was all said and done, it was exactly what I didn’t even know I needed to reset my perspective. There’s something incredibly wonderful about experiencing the wild world with those we love. And adding to that the thrill of a successful adventure? Happy sigh. Like that wonderful feeling you get after reading a whole series back-to-back and it ends just perfectly.

This peak is above the crash site.

That night when we came home, I was reading (as always haha). The story was going a little slower than I had patience for, so I read faster to compensate. It got me thinking about how we voracious readers enjoy a story’s climb. The build up of anticipation, the long looks between hero and heroine, the tension and conflict that grow as everything rushes toward the peak and then resolves. But as I recalled standing on the giant rocks, looking down at the world below and seeing how far we’d climbed, it reminded me to not only slow down and fully experience the climb, but also to enjoy the summit a while.

To savor the best part of the story, both in the books I’m reading and in real life.

Plus, you totally know this adventure is going into a book. *wink wink*

Devotional Thought · Giveaway · Real Life

Perfect Love in an Imperfect World

You know that verse, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)? Man, it’s so easy to get stuck on those middle two words “fall short,” isn’t it? Especially if you’re a recovering perfectionist like me. Failing and falling short are hard to come to terms with when you’re striving to be the best version of yourself.

And when you consider that many translators have misinterpreted Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” well, it’s easy to see why so many Christians out there have resorted to a rather hypocritical version of faith, keeping their sins and struggles and shortcomings hidden behind closed doors and putting up walls that make talking about a lot of things taboo. Which, of course, leads to other people perceiving the Church as fake and insincere and self-righteous. And face it, too often, we are. It’s sad.

Now, why am I bringing all of this up on an Inspy Romance post? To put it succinctly, 1 John 4 repeatedly tells us “God is love.” And later, that “perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.”

So many Christians are trying to be perfect that we begin to fear failure. We fear being a bad example to the world. We fear being exposed, raw, vulnerable. And yet, that’s the ultimate display of love, isn’t it? “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). That’s not necessarily a literal meaning–we lay down our lives the minute we put self-preservation beneath connecting to others in love and in lovingkindness (intentionally one word, it’s a thing). When you “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31), you put others’ needs above your own. Make sense?

That’s what makes love perfect. When, like Christ, we don’t hesitate to show that we can be patient, kind, honoring, selfless, calm, forgiving, truthful, protecting, trusting, hopeful, and perseverant (1 Cor. 13:4-7 paraphrased). Those are the things that drive out fear. His love in action.

A lot of romance novels, including Christian and inspirational ones, feature characters who have to overcome their fear before finding love. That’s real life. And it goes beyond the meet-cute and dating. Marriage also requires us to step out of fear and into perfect love–selfless, 1 Cor. 13 love–continually. Yet, because we’re human and therefore imperfect, we’re going to fall short. Continually.

But in Christ, we only need to love and accept grace. Extend it to ourselves and to others. Quit nipping at each other when others fail or fall short or struggle. Because there’s no way anyone can measure up to a literal standard of Matthew 5:48 above. Perfection isn’t attainable this side of Heaven.

Most of my characters struggle with accepting some element of this post, as I think most of us do in real life. In What Could Be, Brynn has struggled with her own bit of perfectionism and fear of failure. In Whatever Comes Our Way, Gina falls for a youth pastor who shows her that love is bigger than fear or anxiety, bigger than the past. And in my latest, What Makes a Home, a lost young woman discovers what the Bible says about love and can’t help but fall in love first with God, then later, her neighbor. People who put her needs before their own inspire Jobie to do the same because if that’s love, then it’s revolutionary.

I’d like to live a revolutionary love. Wouldn’t you?

If God is love and we are made in His image, then it stands to reason, we should be love, too. So whether it’s in a romance, among friends or family, or to the stranger down the street, be love.

Love never fails. So says 1 Corinthians 13:8. So even if you fall short of His glory, in Him, with His love, you can’t possibly fail. Get up, shake off the mistakes you and others make, take courage, and just love some more.

Now, just to lighten up an otherwise heavy post, I’d like to give a copy of What Makes a Home to one reader this week. Simply comment below with one way you relate to this post, and someone will be chosen at random to win an eBook!

(All verses quoted here from the NIV.)

Giveaway · Real Life

Plan Your Summer Book-cation

May is nearly over, people! Can you believe it? The second most jam-packed month of the year is almost done. School will be out soon, vacations are being planned, and the weather is finally warming up after the eternal winter we had this year. Can you tell I’m excited?!

I don’t know if you have kids at home or not, but I have three girls all in the throes of tween and teen hormonal chaos. Add in all the family birthdays and Mother’s Day, graduations, baby showers and weddings, field trips and finals…whew! It’s enough to make a girl long for her cozy corner, some coffee, and an invisibility cloak so she can just read until everything settles back down.

Even if that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, you’ve still got all summer to get in some quality reading time. Whether you’re staying home, playing hometown tourist, or gearing up for a big vacation, I have some suggestions for enjoying a nice summer bookcation. It’s the perfect time to change up your reading habits and discover something new.

I’d like to challenge you, dear Inspy Romance reader, to spend some time outside this summer–outside of your comfort zone, that is! There’s a whole bookish world out there, just waiting to be explored and enjoyed. Here’s my list of ideas to get you going:

  • Pick up a novella. Novellas are often overlooked by serious readers. I’ve heard all the reasons, believe me. But I have to tell you, novellas have come a long way. Most of our Inspy authors here and quite a number of other authors have put out some excellent titles with well-developed characters and storylines. Roughly 20-40,000 words or 75-140 pages, give or take, novellas are perfect for a summer afternoon when you want to finish a book in one sitting without taking all day (or all night!) to do it.
  • Try a new trope. What is a trope? It’s that basic story idea that sucks you in every time. Think friends-to-more, second chances, secret baby, or marriage-of-convenience for example. Whatever your reason for avoiding a specific kind (I get it, secret babies are so not my thing), give one a chance this summer! You might just enjoy the frivolity of that handsome undercover billionaire who falls for his old sweetheart again after she shows up in their small town with a kid he never knew about. (I’m totally winking here.)
  • Discover a new-to-you author. This should be a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get comfortable with the handful of favorites you usually reach for. And I get it. It’s a scary world out there with a whole lot of unfamiliar names–taking a chance when time and budgets are limited is a risk. But here at Inspy Romance, we’ve got over two dozen authors and I’m sure you haven’t read everyone just yet (we’ve had a lot of new faces come since April, including me!). To find some other good options, check out the many Inspirational or Christian Romance reader groups on social media (like ours HERE).
  • Explore a slightly different genre. Clearly, if you’re here, you enjoy contemporary romance. But did you know some of our authors also write historical? Or romantic suspense? Have you considered cozy mysteries? What about exploring young adult fiction? And with that one, if you find a clean, inspirational YA fiction you really enjoyed, please, PLEASE send me a message. I’ve got three readers with a long summer ahead of me and I’d love to recommend books that are *safe* and worthwhile.
  • Read in a different format. If you just LOVE paper, give an eBook a chance. If that’s your usual, pick up a paper copy! It’s a little odd at first, getting used to the nuances of a different format, but in doing so you might just re-discover why you fell in love with reading in the first place. Maybe the paper satisfies your nostalgia. Or you’ll find the e-reader makes packing books for your next trip a whole lot lighter (more room for souvenirs!).
  • Give Kindle Unlimited a free trial. No one here is officially endorsing KU or receiving a kickback for mentioning it. I discovered it a few years ago and haven’t looked back. Nearly all of my favorite authors have at least one book enrolled. With an internet connection and your device, getting books is easy (up to 10 at a time). It’s not for everyone, but it’s all the perks of a library card with even more choices. And free 30-day trial? Yes, please!
  • Revisit your local library. You might practically live there, but I, for one, have trouble getting over to the library during the school year. It’s always a special treat to take the kids and let them choose books or participate in summer activities there while I get to look around, too!
  • Make reading a social thing. Join a book club or start one with some girlfriends. Or go on social media and join some avid reader groups. Swap books with a friend, your teenager, or grown child. Even introverts enjoy talking books with other people sometimes.
  • Cozy up in a new spot. Yeah, I know. That chair you love is so snuggly and the light is just right. But what about those summer days as a kid, leaned up against a tree? Or next to the pool while the kiddies are watched by a lifeguard? And the backyard sounds pretty nice for a morning retreat, listening to the birdies, right? The world’s a great big place, which means the possibilities are endless. Ah, sigh. I can’t wait!

Have more ideas for enjoying your summer bookcation this year? Comment below! I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would, too.

And to help you get started with a new-to-you author, I’d like to offer a free eBook of my latest novel, What Makes a Home. One winner will be chosen at random and announced during the next Sunday edition!


Getting to Know You · Story Inspiration

You did what, now?

That’s what I ask myself all the time. My poor hubby might also ask me this…a lot. Yeah, I’m kind of impulsive and impetuous (and impertinent and all kinds of other im-words).

This time, though, it was a really good thing!

When they sent me the invitation to become a part of InspyRomance, I have to admit I did a pretty goofy happy dance around my office. (Craft room, whatever.) Thankfully, nobody was home or my kids would surely have laughed at me (they’re all tweens and teens, so I’m a constant source of their laughter and eye-rolling). I prayed and knew it was the right thing to do! My gut said to leap, so I did.

I won’t bore you with my bio since you can find it here or here. Or better yet, in the back of my books. Haha! Instead, I’d rather tell you about what I write and where I write about.

See, I’m a crazy avid reader, mostly contemporary romance. Of course, I enjoy a good historical a few times a year and plenty of romantic suspense, too. But it’s CCR that I’m truly a fan of so naturally, it’s also what I write. And since I live in the Land of Enchantment, it only makes sense to set my books here.

Albuquerque, New Mexico is a quirky little city. We have great food (especially if you like it a little spicy and heavy on the cheese). There are tons of great restaurants, wineries, and microbreweries. And the farm-to-table movement is thriving.

The area is rich with culture and tradition and hosts hundreds of festivals every year. Some of my favorites are the Expo New Mexico State Fair, the Albuquerque Folk Festival, Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Festival, and of course, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. There are hiking and biking trails galore, too. Plus if you like sports, we have a great baseball team and a brand-new professional soccer team! How could I write about anywhere else?! Think of all the great dates I can come up with. LOL!

The Everyday Love Series is definitely heavy on the Burque love. It’s evident in every book I write, how much I love this place. And on that note, I’m happy to announce that TODAY is the release day for the third book in the series, What Makes a Home! Every book can be read standalone, so feel free to jump in wherever. I absolutely love these characters and I hope you will, too. I’ve recently revisited the first two books in the series and made some improvements in their formatting and the flow. What Could Be was my first book, and therefore probably the roughest to read, but the story still holds a significant place in my heart. (It’s also my loudest love song to my hometown.)

I look forward to getting to know you here at InspyRomance, and elsewhere if you’re on social media (I’m everywhere). Be sure to comment for your entry into Inspy’s regular drawing! And since you’re here, I’m happy to announce to you FIRST that my eBook novella Adrift is now permanently FREE on all retailers. I hope you’ll check it out!

Also, if you’re on Facebook, be sure to stop by Inspy’s Christian Romance Reader Gathering group. I’m excited to do a takeover on April 24th from 7-9 Eastern. I hope you’ll join me for some fun! I’ll be sharing a bit about my latest book as well as hosting a GIVEAWAY!