Giveaway · Real Life

Plan Your Summer Book-cation

May is nearly over, people! Can you believe it? The second most jam-packed month of the year is almost done. School will be out soon, vacations are being planned, and the weather is finally warming up after the eternal winter we had this year. Can you tell I’m excited?!

I don’t know if you have kids at home or not, but I have three girls all in the throes of tween and teen hormonal chaos. Add in all the family birthdays and Mother’s Day, graduations, baby showers and weddings, field trips and finals…whew! It’s enough to make a girl long for her cozy corner, some coffee, and an invisibility cloak so she can just read until everything settles back down.

Even if that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, you’ve still got all summer to get in some quality reading time. Whether you’re staying home, playing hometown tourist, or gearing up for a big vacation, I have some suggestions for enjoying a nice summer bookcation. It’s the perfect time to change up your reading habits and discover something new.

I’d like to challenge you, dear Inspy Romance reader, to spend some time outside this summer–outside of your comfort zone, that is! There’s a whole bookish world out there, just waiting to be explored and enjoyed. Here’s my list of ideas to get you going:

  • Pick up a novella. Novellas are often overlooked by serious readers. I’ve heard all the reasons, believe me. But I have to tell you, novellas have come a long way. Most of our Inspy authors here and quite a number of other authors have put out some excellent titles with well-developed characters and storylines. Roughly 20-40,000 words or 75-140 pages, give or take, novellas are perfect for a summer afternoon when you want to finish a book in one sitting without taking all day (or all night!) to do it.
  • Try a new trope. What is a trope? It’s that basic story idea that sucks you in every time. Think friends-to-more, second chances, secret baby, or marriage-of-convenience for example. Whatever your reason for avoiding a specific kind (I get it, secret babies are so not my thing), give one a chance this summer! You might just enjoy the frivolity of that handsome undercover billionaire who falls for his old sweetheart again after she shows up in their small town with a kid he never knew about. (I’m totally winking here.)
  • Discover a new-to-you author. This should be a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get comfortable with the handful of favorites you usually reach for. And I get it. It’s a scary world out there with a whole lot of unfamiliar names–taking a chance when time and budgets are limited is a risk. But here at Inspy Romance, we’ve got over two dozen authors and I’m sure you haven’t read everyone just yet (we’ve had a lot of new faces come since April, including me!). To find some other good options, check out the many Inspirational or Christian Romance reader groups on social media (like ours HERE).
  • Explore a slightly different genre. Clearly, if you’re here, you enjoy contemporary romance. But did you know some of our authors also write historical? Or romantic suspense? Have you considered cozy mysteries? What about exploring young adult fiction? And with that one, if you find a clean, inspirational YA fiction you really enjoyed, please, PLEASE send me a message. I’ve got three readers with a long summer ahead of me and I’d love to recommend books that are *safe* and worthwhile.
  • Read in a different format. If you just LOVE paper, give an eBook a chance. If that’s your usual, pick up a paper copy! It’s a little odd at first, getting used to the nuances of a different format, but in doing so you might just re-discover why you fell in love with reading in the first place. Maybe the paper satisfies your nostalgia. Or you’ll find the e-reader makes packing books for your next trip a whole lot lighter (more room for souvenirs!).
  • Give Kindle Unlimited a free trial. No one here is officially endorsing KU or receiving a kickback for mentioning it. I discovered it a few years ago and haven’t looked back. Nearly all of my favorite authors have at least one book enrolled. With an internet connection and your device, getting books is easy (up to 10 at a time). It’s not for everyone, but it’s all the perks of a library card with even more choices. And free 30-day trial? Yes, please!
  • Revisit your local library. You might practically live there, but I, for one, have trouble getting over to the library during the school year. It’s always a special treat to take the kids and let them choose books or participate in summer activities there while I get to look around, too!
  • Make reading a social thing. Join a book club or start one with some girlfriends. Or go on social media and join some avid reader groups. Swap books with a friend, your teenager, or grown child. Even introverts enjoy talking books with other people sometimes.
  • Cozy up in a new spot. Yeah, I know. That chair you love is so snuggly and the light is just right. But what about those summer days as a kid, leaned up against a tree? Or next to the pool while the kiddies are watched by a lifeguard? And the backyard sounds pretty nice for a morning retreat, listening to the birdies, right? The world’s a great big place, which means the possibilities are endless. Ah, sigh. I can’t wait!

Have more ideas for enjoying your summer bookcation this year? Comment below! I’d love to hear them, and I’m sure our other readers would, too.

And to help you get started with a new-to-you author, I’d like to offer a free eBook of my latest novel, What Makes a Home. One winner will be chosen at random and announced during the next Sunday edition!


26 thoughts on “Plan Your Summer Book-cation

  1. Jaycee, what a wonderful idea! I would never have thought of something like a
    book-cation. I love all the suggestions. One of my favorites is audiobooks. As we travel to see grandchildren this summer, I can listen while my husband is listening to his music. There also great around the house. I can listen-read while cleaning and household chores.
    Unfortunately, I live in a very small town where a book club is out of the question. I would really love to be in one.
    I do have plans to share my love for books with my granddaughters. They love to read. I plan on taking a series of books to introduce them to. Especially the oldest one, she will be a senior this year. I want to get her familiar with Christian books, instead of what the going thing is. I don’t understand teenagers fascination with these strange books. Anyway, that’s part of my plan this summer. I would love to share your ideas for the summer.
    Thank you for the suggestions and ideas. I plan to put some of them in my summer plans!

    1. That all sounds wonderful! If you’re on Facebook, I highly recommend joining our Christian Romance Reader Gathering group. We’re starting a Back List Book Club there very soon, which will be a great opportunity to read a few new authors and explore some of their older books while chatting about them with other readers! Who says book club has to be in-person, right? I’m all about book club in my jammies! Haha!

      If you find me on Facebook and look through my groups (or DM me), I can point you to a Christian YA book group as well that might give you some ideas for your granddaughters!

  2. You have definitely got me ready for summer! It’s my favorite season, and it’s my favorite time to READ! In fact, I love reading summer beach reads … in the summer. Often I can find a beach book that takes place in the same beach I’m visiting on vacation. That is really cool … and it can lead us to find a new coffee shop, restaurant or museum that is mentioned in the plot, in real life!

    1. Summer is my favorite season, too. I just love the weather and being outside and the kids all being home without schedules we have to adhere to. And I think you’ve just inspired me to do a bookish scavenger hunt this summer!

  3. Hi, Jaycee!! I’ve found so many new to me authors lately!! I have quite a few of their books on my Kindle, and am looking forward to reading A LOT this summer!!! I read everywhere I go, so inside, outside, I’ll have my kindle or a paperback!!

    1. Yay! I always love to read, but summer and fall are my favorite seasons to read. Well, they’re my favorite seasons in general, so…. Haha! I also read everywhere I go. My husband loves to tease me when he catches me reading while cooking.

  4. Siting by the pool is one of my favorite places to read in the summer because I find it so relaxing. Also, I’ve been thinking about tryong a cozy mystery so this might be the perfect time to try out that genre.

  5. Hi Jaycee! What an inspiring blog and summer reading challenge. As a retiree, I have explored most of the ideas. Last fall, I tried to read at least one book by each Inspy Romance author. Through Bookbub and Amazon recommendations I have explored new genre and authors. In our SW Michigan community, our county is blessed with 16 libraries that offer a variety of book clubs, children activities, and more. I belong the Lake Bluff Book Club and this stretches my horizons and makes me read “Real” books and genre I would not normally read. Two libraries in the area, not only have summer reading programs for kids, but also for adults. I try to participate in both. Free chocolate is my motivator. Best wishes and happy writing.

    1. That’s wonderful! Sounds like you have a fantastic book club and library.

      Did you know that we had quite a number of author changes in April of this year? If you check out the Authors tab above, you’ll see a whole bunch of new names and faces to explore!

  6. Love your ideas, Jaycee! One of my favorites over the summer is reading in the hammock beside a mountain stream when we’re camping. Hopefully the day is breezy enough to keep the mosquitoes at bay…

    1. Ooooooh, I do love hammock reading. I can’t wait to get back to the mountains this year! Ours were all closed last summer due to extreme fire danger. But we had a blessedly wet winter and spring, so it’s sure to be a gorgeous summer!

  7. Thanks for the reading ideas. I just saw someone mention audio books. I’ll have to look into that!

    1. Hi Susan! If you scroll to the top of this page, you’ll find our BOOKS tab and under it a link to audiobooks by Inspy Romance authors! That might be a fun place to start. I usually have an audiobook on the go for my daily walks and, this time of year, for yard/garden work.

  8. Challenge taken !!!! At least with some of them. I will write them down and do my best. Have a wonderful Wednesday 🙂

  9. Hi Jaycee, thanks for sharing your ideas- love the idea of a book-cation:) Here in the Southern Hemisphere, we are coming into Winter, and while we get a end of school term break, our main summer holidays happen over the Christmas break.
    Our family also enjoy audiobooks- we listen together as we drive to and from school, driving on holidays- sometimes even in the house while the kids play Lego.

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