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Hope and Glory

Hope. That’s the word that most often comes to mind when I think of how spring feels. But, even though flowers and eggs have replaced pumpkins and leaves in our decor, the need for thanksgiving hasn’t been replaced in my heart.

Today is Easter, a day that represents so much. And with all that it represents, all that it means, my heart is full of too much to find the right words to adequately express how I feel today. So I will give glory instead.

Glory to God for His care of me.

Glory to God for His care of my family.

Glory to God for inspiration, perseverance, and mercy.

Glory to God for miracles that still happen, big and small, seen and unseen.

Glory to God for grace unending. Grace that covers a multitude of shortcomings. Grace that gives new life and new hope and says that you’re never too far gone to make a course correction.

Glory to God for His Love. Love that said, “I can’t bear the thought of eternity without my people. I will make a way.” Love that looked within and said, “My Son will be that way. The way, the truth, the life.” Love that the built the bridge across the divide with a pure and humble life and set a living example for how to live freely and get along with others, even when they hate you for it. Love that was taunted, assaulted, and broken without fighting back. Love that was bloodied and brutalized and mocked. Love that then prayed His forgiveness for all of those things and all of the things hundreds of generations had yet to do as He wheezed His last breaths. Love that died on a cross in this world, defeated the devil in the next, and came back to this world on the Third Day. Love that could’ve said, “Ha! In yo’ FACE!” but said, “Check out my scars. I told you this would happen and that when all seemed lost I’d be back.” Love that sent His Spirit to stick around forever, so that though the devil still had the freedom to play and mess with the world, His Spirit would lift up believers and remind them they’re never alone and there’s still victory. That someday, He’d be more than just spirit again and we’d see His face and though bodies might die and journeys might not be easy, burdens might not be light, we come to Him and it’s better. Because Love conquers all. Love wins. Even when all seems lost, there is Hope on the Third Day because LOVE IS.

Glory to the One who called Himself I AM. Because He Is. And because God is Love, so Love Is. Before, during, after; a circle that never starts or stops. He just is, His love just is, and it’s yours if you only believe and call Him.

Glory to the One who calls me. Calls me His child, calls me to Him, calls me to live and breathe and do. Calls you.

There’s so much more I’d love to write, but that’s all I’ve got today. Be blessed. Love others. Snuggle a little closer to the One who loves you. His arms are open, ready, and waiting. You’ve never gone too far that you can’t come home again. You are loved. Never, ever lose hope. Because just like spring comes after the losses of fall and the dead of winter, a new season of life and love and beauty will come for you, too. There is always hope.

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