Giveaway · New Releases · romantic comedy

Edge of Seventeen (+giveaway)

Are you hearing Stevie Nicks right about now with that title? LOL! I’ve had 80s music queued up on my Spotify for months now as I’ve been working on my seventeenth book, which just released yesterday. Seventeen. Just the word makes me a little nostalgic, you know?
My 17 year old last weekend before prom (face covered for privacy).

My oldest is seventeen and just attended her junior prom last weekend. The weekend before that I was digging through old photos and came across a few from the 90s when I was also seventeen. Sure About You, which appears in The 80s Rom-Com Club, is book seventeen in my career, and like my memories and watching my kids grow up, it’s got me reminiscing.

Me around age 17

Apparently, I’m not alone in this. There’s a huge trend for all things nostalgic going on in the US right now. Movie and television reboots of hits from the 80s and 90s, Gen Z’s fashion throwbacks, even popular brands from back in the day are revisiting their old logos and/or packaging to engage with their customers on an emotional level. The last couple of years seem to be all about the nostalgia, and for good reason—we’re all recovering from two of the strangest and hardest years in which we’ve been forced to face our own mortality, and as a result we’re desperate to reclaim some of those happy feelings we associate with simpler times.

Of course, trends had absolutely nothing to do with why we created The 80s Rom-Com Club. The six of us just wanted to celebrate the sheer joy of romantic comedies we love from one of the most fun decades in recent history. If that brings a bit of nostalgia, great! But honestly, what’s better than escaping between the pages into worlds of fun, lighthearted humor, complexity balanced with hope, silly social media conversations between girlfriends, faith, and a guaranteed HEA for characters we’ve come to love?!

Not much, am I right?! LOL! At least, we don’t think so.

That’s why we’re so excited to be releasing this set right now. Life is hard. The world is nuts. Throw on a loose off-shoulder sweater and some neon leggings, wrap your hair in a scrunchie, crank up the 80s tunes, and bring on the rom-coms! And don’t forget to enter our release week giveaway over at!

And to celebrate my own (Edge of) Seventeen moment here (just like the white-winged dove…), I’ll draw a name out of the comments by this Friday night for winner’s choice of one of my books if you answer these TWO questions: 1) What’s your favorite 80s flick, and 2) How many of my seventeen books have you read? Can’t wait to read your responses!