Devotional Thought · New Releases

More Than Enough

More Than EnoughPart of a romance author’s writing process involves getting inside our characters heads and understanding how they think. One of the most important parts of this process is asking, “what is his/her lie?” A”lie” is the false belief they live with that shapes how the he or she reacts to situations and other characters. Overcoming this lie is a significant part of what drives the story.

In real life, we all have lies we live under, too.

No one will ever love me for me. I’m too much to handle. I’ve sinned to much. If they knew what I’d done, they’d never forgive me. My size/health/disability/appearance/shortcoming defines me. I’ve failed at everything else, there’s no point trying anymore. No matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough. So. Many. Lies.

I’ll admit, for many years my lie was I am either too much or not enough. Too much of the things no one wants (too loud, talkative, opinionated, descriptive, rough around the edges—take your pick) and not enough of the “right” things (not gentle enough, selfless enough, thin enough, worthy). My struggle to overcome this lie came to a head a few years ago, and it was during this season I funneled many of my feelings and frustrations into the character of Adaline Danvers, the heroine in More Than Enough (which I first wrote in 2019 for the Crossroads Collection When Snowflakes Never Cease).

While a significant majority of Ada’s story is hers alone, I have lived her need to project a perfect mom image while internally resenting expectations and feeling like a failure. I have walked in her shoes with the compulsion to help, to control, to find validation in doing things perfectly and then falling on my face until I had no choice but to submit to God.

When our lies become part of our identity, they become the filter or lens through which we perceive what others tells us and the catalyst for how we react in situations where that lie is thrown up in front of our faces. Every encounter that reinforces our lie increases its stronghold over us.

That’s a dangerous thing, especially for we who consider ourselves Christians.

We know the identity of the father of lies (John 8:44). He’s not our biggest fan. In fact, he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so we may have life to the full (John 10:10). In Christ, we have authority over the enemy and the power he wields in our lives (Luke 10:19).

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough?

The truth is, you aren’t. (I know. The truth hurts.)

But the good new for you, me, and my sweet heroine Adaline, is that GOD IS. Nothing we can do will ever be enough to make up for our shortcomings and failures. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” We will never be good enough for God’s kingdom on our own. We will always be too much of one thing and not enough of another. But GOD is enough. JESUS is enough. His sacrifice for us ONE time on the cross is enough to cover a multitude of sins, failures, shortcomings, and flaws.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17)! And this includes freedom from the lies we’ve believed. It doesn’t matter what your lie is, God’s grace is enough to cover it. To break its power over you. And the beauty of the way God does things is it doesn’t require a whole lot. Jesus told the disciples that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (Matt. 17:20)! What will it take to break the hold of the lies you’ve believed?

**Side note: I am not saying every malady will be made whole this side of heaven if only you believe hard enough. That would be unbiblical, and frankly, damaging. Some things require a lot more than simple faith to walk in freedom. There’s no shame in seeking therapy, medication, dietary changes, support from other believers, and other wise resources available to you. Jesus alone is the source of our freedom, but He can and will use a plethora of resources to carry out His work.**

I won’t spoil Ada’s pivotal scene in More Than Enough for you, but I hope if you choose to read it you will identify with her struggles and the way God brings her to her knees so she can finally accept that HE is enough. I also hope that if you’ve been struggling with inadequacies and feelings of not being enough—or any other lie that keeps you bound in captivity—that you will experience a similar breakthrough. I guarantee it won’t be easy, and it will probably hurt, but God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will walk beside you each step of the way until you discover the freedom He so freely gives.

You are more than enough, my friend. Not because YOU are, but because HE is more than enough.

And because He loves you so very, very much.

Devotional Thought · Real Life

The Black Moment

The Black MomentLast week, our own Lindi Peterson touched briefly on the topic of black moments framed from the perspective of The Storm Before the Rainbow. Many of you know I’ve experienced my own storm this past year, and I’ve clung to the hope of seeing the rainbow with everything I’ve had. Today I’d like to go deeper on the topic, and maybe even get a little personal.

If you’re still not clear on the term “black moment,” it’s that pivotal point between the second and third act when all hope seems lost. The main character is faced with losing what their heart longs for most—what they’ve been fighting for or against the whole story—and must face internal conflict that’s driven them to or from their goal all along.

Generally, it’s a false belief (i.e. I’ll never love again, I can’t be with him/her) or fear (i.e. everyone leaves, I’m unworthy of love) or both. Whatever it is, that thing holds them back from moving forward toward their happy ending until they confront it and accept the truth.

It’s especially beautiful in Christian fiction because we know the Source of all hope, freedom, and love, so when the hero or heroine faces their darkest moment, there’s a natural opportunity for them to be free of it in Christ. Obviously, that doesn’t always require a profound salvation moment on the pages. Many times it’s simply applying what they know to be true because of their faith and finally surrendering it to the Lord. Christian characters, like real-life Christians, naturally go through storms that require us to surrender.

To be completely honest, I don’t always love black moments in fiction.

I’ve been known to choose books by authors who don’t write them at all (like Brooke St. James), simply because I’ve had enough black moments in my life or in my loved one’s lives that I just need something completely happy to escape into. A romance where the relationships are easy. There’s conflict, obviously, because conflict always drives any story, but that conflict doesn’t always come from an internal issue or tension between hero and heroine. Sometimes it’s a circumstance or inconvenience that they deal with, without a lot of drama, and everything ends well.

girl hugging a bookBut while I thrive on those books, they aren’t typically the ones that stick with us. The books that leave a profound mark—when we close the cover with a sigh and simply hold it in our arms, savoring that deliciously satisfying feeling—give us that satisfaction by putting us through the wringer. By putting the characters through the wringer. The deeper the lows, the more gratifying the highs.

It’s been two years of black (at at least dark and bleak) moments for most everyone I know, but this is where the power of story really hits home for me. Where story translates from fictional escape to real-world application. The victories we read on the pages give us hope that in our own black moments, God will be there for us, too, speaking love and truth and peace into our storms and reminding us that He made the rainbow to come after as a promise.rainbow and raindrops

Sometimes I write my own personal black moments into my characters.

For instance, Ada in More Than Enough battles perfectionism and feelings she’ll never be enough no matter how much she does and does and does for other people. It was hard to knock her down in the length of a novella, but I know all too well how those feelings can be a tripping hazard and get in the way of surrendering all to the Father. I sat in that theater with her, knowing intimately that no amount of doing and helping and fixing will ever be enough to silence the lies that I AM NOT enough. But HE is.

Jenna from Whatever Happens Next cries out to God because she used to hear His voice so naturally. She sees the dust on her Bible and opens its pages and wonders why He no longer speaks to her that way. Does He still love her? Why can’t she hear Him anymore? Feel His presence? Oh, how I cried with her because I was going through my own dry spell spiritually and I ACHED to feel His embrace again.

And while I’ve never personally endured what Gina in Whatever Comes Our Way did, I’ve had panic attacks. I’ve felt the slithers of anxiety crawling under my skin and keeping me from trusting the Lord completely.

For these characters, their black moments had the potential to keep them separated from the loves of their lives, from finding romance and happily ever afters. That may not be the risk we face in our own black moments, of course, but that doesn’t mean fictional black moments don’t still translate into our own realities.

Every time I’ve faced my own darkest moments, knowing God was there, that He saw me, CHANGED ME permanently. He took something that was crushing me and keeping me from Him and performed open heart surgery, removing that issue and replacing it with a story of victory that I can walk in each day. I can remember MY story and help impact someone else’s by sharing it in some way.

Next month, I’ll be speaking at a women’s conference on my very blackest, capital letters Black Moment. Reliving it all as I put together my message—looking at the pictures of what I looked like at my worst in the hospital as I fought for my life, re-reading texts and posts from those weeks—has been HARD. It’s putting me through the wringer all over again. But I can’t wait to tell this story. I can’t wait for the opportunity to write those feelings into future characters.

All because of the power of story; the power of testimony. The power of the black moment to move us from our stuck place, our worst place, into HIS best for us. The line between fiction and reality is often a thin one. And praise God for that. Because isn’t it wonderful to have hope? To know that after the darkest of night comes the dawn?

So tell me in the comments—what fictional black moment resonated deeply within you? What character’s pivotal moment left an impact on you because you understood it and felt understood yourself? (Titles/authors without spoilers, please.)

Remember, we’re in the middle of the Back to School Bash, so your comments become entries into our many, many amazing giveaways! I can’t wait to see what inspirational romance titles you suggest. And if you have some go-to authors for escaping black moments entirely, well, I’m totally open to those as well. We need a bit of balance in our lives, don’t we? Ha ha!

Until next time,
