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It’s finally DECEMBER, you guys!

And boy, what a month it’s going to be. I’ve got a ton of bookish things on my calendar that I want to share with you, and I hope you’ll stop by and participate in some of them! Especially because most of the news I’m sharing involves tons of giveaways for books and Amazon gift cards (and who doesn’t want all that this time of year?)!

If you aren’t already subscribed, I highly recommend joining my email newsletter. Not only will you receive a free book, it’s the best way to get the latest updates. I try to only email 1-2x a month and make it worthwhile and not overly salesy. Yeah, I know, that’s not really a word (though it definitely IS a feeling, am I right?).

Okay, so here you go, with links and all, come join the fun:

December 1 — Becoming Us release day! It’s available NOW in paperback AND eBook, and is FREE to read via Kindle Unlimited. This collaboration with Jenn Faulk is one of my favorite projects of my writing career so far! We’d greatly appreciate your reviews when you’re finished (your honest reviews, however simple, are essential!).

December 2 — I’m blogging over on Inspy Romance! I’ve crafted a post FILLED with excellent reading options to last you the whole month long, and I’ll be choosing one lucky winner from the comments to receive a copy of Love, Laughter, and Luminarias!

Bookish Advent Giveaway

December 1-24 — The Bookish Advent Giveaway by Chautona Havig features 24 days of book giveaways from Christian authors (including ME!) PLUS a $350 Amazon gift card grand prize! Check daily on Instagram, IGTV, Facebook, and HERE to enter.

December 1-31 — A HUGE Christian eBook giveaway happening over here all month long. Discover some great new-to-you Christian authors and get free books, including my newsletter exclusive, Just Say Yes, plus a chance to win a $30 gift card to the eBook retailer of your choice.

December 7-12 — I’ve teamed up with Celebrate Lit for their 2nd Annual Merry Christmas Readers event. Enter for your chance to win 45+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself! The link to enter is HERE, but it won’t be active until the 7th, so check back then.

Christmas Round Robin

December 6-12 — Hallee Bridgeman is hosting her annual Christmas blog scavenger hunt! With 35+ authors participating, we’ll be awarding $350 Amazon gift card for first place, $250 Amazon card for second, and $150 Amazon card for third. The fun begins Sunday the 6th, and all scavenger hunt answers can be found using Amazon’s “Look inside” feature! START HERE on the 6th and follow the links at the bottom to enter and then visit the next post for their clue.

December 7-20 — Something Borrowed goes on tour with the amazing bloggers at Celebrate Lit! This super fun collection will make nearly 30 stops with spotlights and reviews, and for readers, a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, a set of 4 jewel pens, and a custom designed box of assorted chocolates from Chocglitz and Cream!

Love, Laughter, and Luminarias cover

December 22 — I’ll be sharing the story-behind-the-story on Love, Laughter, and Luminarias over on Alexis Goring’s Romantic Reads blog and giving away a copy to one lucky recipient! Also, did you see that I FINALLY got this one put into paperback? Yay!

Okay, that’s it. (Whew!) I’m tired already and the fun is just beginning today. But praise the Lord, His mercies are new every morning and He is faithful to sustain me through the season. He’s faithful to sustain YOU, too, if you only turn to Him and ask!

As you enjoy all the blessings (and probably a few hardships) of this holiday season, I pray you will find love, joy, and peace in abundance. I pray you and yours will find grace and mercy when you need it most and expect it least. I pray you will remember the Greatest Gift, that of our Savior Jesus Christ, who loves you infinitely more than you can imagine.

Be blessed and happy reading!

New Releases · Romance Tropes

Retelling the (Fairy) Tale

Ah, fairy tales. Like so much classic literature, fairy tales form the basis for many contemporary stories. In recent years, retellings have even become so popular they’ve become their own subgenre in fiction. And it makes sense. The originals are clean and usually end happily. Good triumphs over evil. The impossible becomes possible. Romance. Magic. Wonder. They’re inspirational and usually teach a lesson.

Best of all, they’re timeless.

So how do we take an old story and craft it into something new and unique without contorting it into just another twisted clone on the bookshelf?

Well, it’s not easy. I’ll tell you that. But with a little creativity and inspiration all around us, the task doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, authors Andrea Boyd and Mikal Dawn teamed up with three Inspy Romance authors—myself (Jaycee Weaver), Toni Shiloh, and Angela Ruth Strong—to release a brand new anthology of such tales. Last week on October 1, Once Upon a Christmas: Contemporary Retellings of Timeless Tales hit the shelves, and the reviews so far affirm that we seem to have found success in remaking these classic old stories into something new, fun, and relevant to today’s contemporary romance readers. (Yay!)

Rather than blend into the background with straight modernizations or retelling the tale with simple nods or twists, we decided to give each story a Christmas spin. Andrea took Sleeping Beauty and gave her a real-life sleeping disorder with three fierce and funny aunts in a gorgeous old theater for a holiday production of the musical of the same title. Mikal brought Mulan out of China and into the boardroom with a fierce (but flirty) legal battle on her father’s behalf, the wicked Hun insisting on a Christmas victory. For an updated Snow White, Toni sent her sheltered heiress fleeing into a snowstorm and hiding from a wicked stepmother in an orchard owned by a handsome hero and his seven “uncles” over the holidays. Angela twisted the classic favorite Cinderella into a whole new story, giving her lumberjack-like prince the nutty stepfamily as a perfect obstacle standing between Ella and her happy (New Year) ever after. And lastly, it was my joy to take The Little Mermaid out of her Las Vegas aquarium and into the dry southwest, where she discovers the power of her own voice during the romantic holiday season.

We sure hope you’ll give this set of novellas a chance to live up to your fairy tale expectations…and I suppose your Christmas tale expectations, too. If you’ve already read our retellings of these timeless tales, be sure to comment with what you enjoyed most! We love your feedback. If you haven’t yet had the chance, we’d love to know—what’s your favorite fairy tale, retelling, or Christmas trope?