Escape into a Story · Reader Input Request

Summer Reading List + an apology

Things have been weird in JayceeLand the past several months. I’m still trying to find my groove again, and what mojo I do find comes in small snippets that disappear soon after. So rather than force myself to write, I’m taking the summer off to focus on my family, my home, side projects I’ve set aside too long, and OF COURSE, reading. How better to beat the heat? (Or cold, if you’re in the southern hemisphere!)

I’ve been enjoying quite a bit of sweet-and-clean romance and romantic comedy the past few months. It’s been hard to focus on anything of much depth, but there have been a few titles I’ve been delighted to read that have both the lighthearted humor I’ve needed as well as character growth. So while the topics haven’t been exactly hard or complicated, the titles I’m sharing have plenty of substance. And since I adore novellas and shorter titles, I’ll include a few of those as well. Those of you who enjoy longer works can share your suggestions in the comments!

First, though, I owe an apology. I put a giveaway into my post last month and then completely forgot to draw a name and announce a winner. Let me rectify that now. Naomi M is the winner of a copy of Braver With You! I’ve sent you an email with the details for claiming your prize. I’m sorry I neglected to draw and announce last month!

Now, back to our summer reading list. I would love to hear what’s on YOUR summer reading list (or winter for those of you on the other side of the globe)!

A few of the books I’ve read and LOVED this month:

Betsy by Sarah Monzon – A delightful conclusion to a refreshingly different and thoroughly wonderful series!

The Bluff by Emma St. Clair – I literally laughed out loud through the whole book.

Maybe I Will by Melanie Jacobson – This series makes me want to visit New Orleans.

How to Kiss Your Best Friend by Jenny Proctor – My favorite trope, friends-to-more, handled so well!

The Next Worst Thing by Sara Jane Woodley – an unexpected delight!

The Hate Zone by Gigi Blume – I got Messy Love and its related freebie, and now I’m hooked on the whole Precio family!

And ones I’m looking forward to in the next month:

Love at Second Sight by Liwen Y. Ho – I LOVE her Fab Forties series!!

Battleshipped by Savannah Scott – Friendshipped and Courtshipped (a freebie short) were really good!

Complex by Kortney Keisel – Compared was SO STINKING GOOD, I’m excited about this one.

The Billionaire’s Best Friend by Elizabeth Maddrey – I LOVE Beth’s unusual takes on common tropes, so I cannot wait to see how she did a billionaire bestie book!

An Unlikely Alliance by Toni Shiloh – this one came out TODAY! Congrats, T!

To Believe in You by Emily Conrad – I added this just because the cover is so stunning, and now the whole series is on my TBR.

PLEASE be sure to leave your comments with some suggestions for my TBR on can’t miss reads coming out the next month or two or that recently came out. I’m especially looking for books that either aren’t heavy or handle heavy topics with a light and gentle hand, books that are funny but romantic, cute and sweet, silly, fun, and/or short. If they’re in Kindle Unlimited, I’ll be extra appreciative!! Thanks for hanging out with me today on the blog, I can’t wait to see what you’re reading. 🙂 And while I’m taking a break on social media, I’m still blogging here every month and sending newsletters. So if you want to keep in touch, be sure to subscribe at See ya soon!