Hey there, Dyson! It’s so good to have you here on the blog today.
Dyson: Thank you, ma’am. Pleasure to be here.
I still haven’t decided whether or not I like being called ma’am.
Dyson: (chuckles under his breath)
So, Dyson, is it just Dyson? I’m assuming that’s your last name. Do you go by anything else?
Dyson (pales and swallows hard): Yes, it’s my last name, the only one I go by. Though when the guys are making fun of me, it’s Shirley.
Shirley? Sounds like there’s a story there. Care to share it with us?
Dyson: Not particularly.
Well, I can see we aren’t going to weasel that one out of you. I guess readers can learn your secrets in the book. So, I know you’re a vehicle maintainer. What does that mean and how did you get into that position?
Dyson: Means I’m a mechanic, ma’am. Growing up my uncle ran a garage. Learned how to do a lot of that early on, so it was a natural fit when I joined the Air Force.
Interesting. So what would be your dream vehicle to work on?
Dyson: I’ve worked on pretty much everything with an engine over the years. But if I had my way, I’d own a 1966 or ’67 Ford Mustang GT350 fastback.
*Whistles* that’s a pretty good dream. Is that what you want to do when you retire, then?
Dyson: Have my own garage? Someday.
Must be nice to do something you enjoy for a living, especially within the Air Force. Makes me wonder, though. While others are fighting or elbow deep in Dept. of Defense projects, you’re in the shop. Do you ever struggle with feeling like you’re not really military?
Dyson: Sometimes, especially when people try to thank me for my service. But I try to remember the work I do protecting the vehicles helps those driving them protect our nation. I may not be out there gun in hand, but I’m fulfilling my calling so others can fulfill theirs.
That’s a great attitude. Okay, so I have a random question from a reader–what’s your favorite book or movie?
Dyson: I’m a big fan of Jack Ryan.
Ooh, yes. I like his character too. My next question is a little more personal. For those who haven’t met you yet–are you looking for a relationship?
Dyson: Not really. This girl ran into me the other day, though, and we had coffee. Can’t seem to get her out of my head.
Yeah? Why do you think that is?
Dyson: You can probably tell I’m not much of a talker. But she sure is. Cute as a chipmunk and smells like strawberry shortcake, too.
Ooh! Does this girl have a name?
Dyson: Jenna. (eyes get a far-off look) Too bad she’s not interested in leaving New Mexico. I’m expecting new orders soon.
Bummer. Sounds like you might have a bit of a quandary coming up if you two decide to pursue something. Do you think distance might be a deal breaker?
Dyson (shrugs): Maybe. But if we can trust God each step of the way for Whatever Happens Next, we’ll probably come out okay. At least, that’s what my momma tells me.
Your momma sounds like one smart lady. I bet our readers will like her. Is there anyone else significant in your life we’ll get to meet in your story?
Dyson: The most important people in my life are my momma, my sister Vera, and my niece Edie. I’d do anything for them.
Aw, that’s too sweet. I imagine you’re the strong, silent, protective type, then, huh?
Dyson: (nods head once)
Let’s circle back around to Jenna one last time. You said she’s a girl you ran into the other day and you can’t get her out of her head. But also, you’re not really looking for a relationship. If things were to get a little more interesting with this girl, what would it take for you to get serious about her?
Dyson: I’d hope she’d accept all of me, especially knowing I’ll likely have to move wherever my next orders send me. That could mean either a long distance relationship or leaving her home to be with me. And I like moving often–Momma says I have itchy feet–so she’d have to be okay with that because I’m not willing to leave those I love behind.
Awwww! I love that. You don’t sound like the type to love ’em and leave ’em. Does that mean you’re the staying kind?
Dyson: Well, I can only stay as long as the US Air Force allows me to. But yeah. I’d do just about anything for those I love. It’d sure be nice to meet someone who’d do the same for me.
Okay, well, thank you Dyson for joining us on the blog today. I’m excited to get to know you a bit better in Whatever Happens Next. For those of our readers who’ve joined us for today’s interview, we’d like to have a giveaway. One lucky reader will receive a copy of Dyson and Jenna’s story just for leaving a comment below asking Dyson any question! He’ll hang out for a while and help answer to the best of his ability. To learn more about Dyson, Jenna, and their love story, check out the book and visit my Pinterest board for ideas, images, and handy links that helped in my research and story-building process.