Devotional Thought · New Releases

More Than Enough

More Than EnoughPart of a romance author’s writing process involves getting inside our characters heads and understanding how they think. One of the most important parts of this process is asking, “what is his/her lie?” A”lie” is the false belief they live with that shapes how the he or she reacts to situations and other characters. Overcoming this lie is a significant part of what drives the story.

In real life, we all have lies we live under, too.

No one will ever love me for me. I’m too much to handle. I’ve sinned to much. If they knew what I’d done, they’d never forgive me. My size/health/disability/appearance/shortcoming defines me. I’ve failed at everything else, there’s no point trying anymore. No matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough. So. Many. Lies.

I’ll admit, for many years my lie was I am either too much or not enough. Too much of the things no one wants (too loud, talkative, opinionated, descriptive, rough around the edges—take your pick) and not enough of the “right” things (not gentle enough, selfless enough, thin enough, worthy). My struggle to overcome this lie came to a head a few years ago, and it was during this season I funneled many of my feelings and frustrations into the character of Adaline Danvers, the heroine in More Than Enough (which I first wrote in 2019 for the Crossroads Collection When Snowflakes Never Cease).

While a significant majority of Ada’s story is hers alone, I have lived her need to project a perfect mom image while internally resenting expectations and feeling like a failure. I have walked in her shoes with the compulsion to help, to control, to find validation in doing things perfectly and then falling on my face until I had no choice but to submit to God.

When our lies become part of our identity, they become the filter or lens through which we perceive what others tells us and the catalyst for how we react in situations where that lie is thrown up in front of our faces. Every encounter that reinforces our lie increases its stronghold over us.

That’s a dangerous thing, especially for we who consider ourselves Christians.

We know the identity of the father of lies (John 8:44). He’s not our biggest fan. In fact, he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came so we may have life to the full (John 10:10). In Christ, we have authority over the enemy and the power he wields in our lives (Luke 10:19).

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough?

The truth is, you aren’t. (I know. The truth hurts.)

But the good new for you, me, and my sweet heroine Adaline, is that GOD IS. Nothing we can do will ever be enough to make up for our shortcomings and failures. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” We will never be good enough for God’s kingdom on our own. We will always be too much of one thing and not enough of another. But GOD is enough. JESUS is enough. His sacrifice for us ONE time on the cross is enough to cover a multitude of sins, failures, shortcomings, and flaws.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17)! And this includes freedom from the lies we’ve believed. It doesn’t matter what your lie is, God’s grace is enough to cover it. To break its power over you. And the beauty of the way God does things is it doesn’t require a whole lot. Jesus told the disciples that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (Matt. 17:20)! What will it take to break the hold of the lies you’ve believed?

**Side note: I am not saying every malady will be made whole this side of heaven if only you believe hard enough. That would be unbiblical, and frankly, damaging. Some things require a lot more than simple faith to walk in freedom. There’s no shame in seeking therapy, medication, dietary changes, support from other believers, and other wise resources available to you. Jesus alone is the source of our freedom, but He can and will use a plethora of resources to carry out His work.**

I won’t spoil Ada’s pivotal scene in More Than Enough for you, but I hope if you choose to read it you will identify with her struggles and the way God brings her to her knees so she can finally accept that HE is enough. I also hope that if you’ve been struggling with inadequacies and feelings of not being enough—or any other lie that keeps you bound in captivity—that you will experience a similar breakthrough. I guarantee it won’t be easy, and it will probably hurt, but God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will walk beside you each step of the way until you discover the freedom He so freely gives.

You are more than enough, my friend. Not because YOU are, but because HE is more than enough.

And because He loves you so very, very much.

Giveaway · New Releases

From Fury to Feelings (+giveaway)

I LOVE hate-to-love, enemies-to-lovers, whatever you prefer to call the trope. For me, it comes second only to friends-to-more as my favorite! There’s something about the fury, the chemistry, the potential for so much emotional entanglement.

It’s funny, since I’m not a huge fan of drama. Those books where a misconception and/or refusal to talk makes you want to throttle them both… yeah, not my favorite. Maybe it’s because I don’t mind a little confrontation. I’m a firm believer in airing your grievances (with love and grace and tempering that tongue) and not leaving things unsaid for too long because then they fester. But I LOVE me some infuriated characters who get annoyed easily or drive each other nuts—especially if one of the characters gets a kick out of poking the bear. Maybe I’m a little twisted… LOL!

It can be a tough trope, though. In fact, we talked about it in detail on an episode of the StoryChats @InspyRomance Podcast a while back. It’s worth a listen if you love or hate this trope!

After writing two more emotionally intense stories in my Sinclair Sisters trilogy, I knew Cindy’s story was going to be a lot more fun and less dramatic for my newest book, Not Another Christmas. Which is HILARIOUSLY ironic, considering she is by far the most dramatic of the three sisters. I knew right away that she lived apart from her Christmas-obsessed family, and that in her past she was enemies with her love interest. That was about it for the longest time.

Cindy Lou Sinclair, so named by her fanatical parents for that adorable little Who, has grown into a highly organized, independent young woman who’s worked her way up to hotel concierge and has her sights set on being top dog at the Coconut Springs Hotel in sunny Fort Lauderdale, FL. Her plans are thwarted by the arrival of the hotel owner’s nephew, who just happens to be an all too familiar (and dang it, handsome) face. The boy-next-door; her teenage nemesis, constant competitor, and irritating prankster.

Now that Nick Hoover has gained some experience to go with his degree, he’s ready to return to the place he grew up and reconnect with his Florida family after his workaholic father moved him across the country from them fifteen years ago. The last person he expects to see in Florida is the New Mexico girl he loved to infuriate most, but he’s not complaining.

Tension, irritation, and attraction unfold, and soon they fall into familiar old patterns (read: PRANK WARS) until her fury evolves into friendship, which gives way to feelings. It was such a BLAST writing their pranks, both in their history and in the present. I did a TON of research and had so many laughs reading blogs, anecdotes, and my own family’s devious ideas. Pranks have never come naturally to me, so being able step into Nick and Cindy’s shoes for a bit was a hoot.

What do you think about books with the enemies-to-more or hate-to-love trope? How about pranks? Tell me WHY or WHY NOT below in the comments!

I’ve collected quite a list of reader-recommended titles featuring pranks, so if, like me, you find these books to be a perfect escape for an afternoon of laughs, here you are:

(Disclaimer: I have not read all of the titles in this list, but the authors are known for writing clean books.)

I would LOVE more recommendations on CONTEMPORARY titles with pranksters and jokesters, especially if you can find Christian and/or inspirational titles! I’ll even go for enemies-to-more or hate-to-love. Anyone who comments with their remarks on the tropes, what you think about Cindy and Nick’s book, and/or title recommendations will be entered into a giveaway for a FREE EBOOK of Destination Christmas, out now on Amazon (which you could buy instead for 99¢ or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited)! Void where prohibited.

*I may receive a tiny commission from purchases made via provided links.

Until next month, my friends!

New Releases · Story Inspiration

Sister Stories

The sister relationship is one of the most complicated. From best friends to mortal enemies, every set of sisters has a different dynamic and relationship, and that’s true not only from family to family but sister to sister within the same family.

With three daughters and a sister of my own, it’s definitely a relationship I have a lot of experience with. I’ve had a lot of conversations with mom friends who grew up with sisters or raised multiple daughters, and the best word to describe each sister relationship is, perhaps, complicated.

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite. – Elizabeth Fishel

Family dynamics fascinate me, especially birth order studies. I love exploring the commonalities and differences. But there’s just something extra intriguing about sisters, which is why I wrote a trio of them in my Sinclair Sisters trilogy.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. – Marion C. Garretty

While each book focuses primarily on the heroine finding romance, I did something a little different in this series. In each book, each chapter contains a peek into their pasts as well as their unfolding present day story. Often there’s an interaction between the hero and heroine that plays into their present day romance, but equally as often there’s another relationship played a role in pushing her forward toward resolving a conflict with the hero: her sister.

It’s funny, because I never set out to make these ROMANCES into a sister trilogy. From the beginning of This and Every Christmas, Clari talked about her sisters. They were united in their parents’ obsessive affection for all things Christmas, and slowly I began to understand how vital the relationship between the three girls was to them. Clari was a natural teacher and mother figure to Lucy (and her other students) in large part because an oldest sister grows up playing those roles by default.

As I wrote this book during the pandemic quarantine of 2020, my three daughters were stuck with each other 24/7 with no way to distance except for their bedroom doors. I began to realize how important the sister relationship was to each of them (my girls AND the fictional Sinclair girls). They fought like crazy but became incredibly close. They developed inside jokes. Shared experiences. They will forevermore have stories that only the three of them know and understand. Even now that we’ve moved on to a more normal life as teenagers, they still have secret conversations, sister sleepovers, push each other’s buttons, and fiercely defend when an outsider treats one of them poorly.

We didn’t want to admit it then, but we were friends. – Shannon Celebi

In writing Charlie—aka CJ—Sinclair’s book Now and Forever Christmas in 2021, the sister relationship played an even larger role in helping CJ’s romance with Tobin unfold. In the past scenes, youngest sister Cindy proves the perfect listener when CJ needs one, providing insight she didn’t expect from someone three years younger. In the present, CJ found refuge and healing in her older sister’s home. She’s the bridge between her oldest and youngest sister, equally close to both but in very different ways.

You’re not my best friend. You’re my sister, and that’s more. – Jenny Han

Cindy’s story has been the most difficult to write because I watch my youngest trying to find her own place with two older sisters who are polar opposites and understanding Cindy probably felt the same way. While the Sinclair sisters bonded over their mutual teenage embarrassment, they grew apart over the years as distance and life experience separated them. Cindy chose to stay in Florida after college. She loves her independent life, but of course, she still misses her family. Still longs for their former closeness. A part of her would love to live nearby and watch her nieces and nephews grow up. But she also needs her space and to live life on her own terms. It’s been fun to explore the way she sees that sister dynamic through a third lens I haven’t yet explored.

So distant yet so close. So different yet so similar. That’s why I love my sister. – Maxime Lagacé

Cindy’s story, Not Another Christmas, comes out next month in the 2022 Christmas Lights Collection, Destination Christmas. I’m excited to share it with you October 18th! If you haven’t already read them in the 2020 and 2021 Christmas Lights Collections, the first two Sinclair Sisters books are available now on Amazon.

The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. – Unknown

I know Tara Grace Ericson and Marion Ueckermann have contemporary romance series following sisters, but I would LOVE it if you’d share any other CONTEMPORARY Christian/Inspirational romance series or books where the sister relationship plays a significant role. Or if you’ve read Clari and CJ’s stories, tell me if you thought the sister dynamic rang true for you! OR, share with us some of your own sister stories! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time,

Giveaway · New Releases · romantic comedy

Edge of Seventeen (+giveaway)

Are you hearing Stevie Nicks right about now with that title? LOL! I’ve had 80s music queued up on my Spotify for months now as I’ve been working on my seventeenth book, which just released yesterday. Seventeen. Just the word makes me a little nostalgic, you know?
My 17 year old last weekend before prom (face covered for privacy).

My oldest is seventeen and just attended her junior prom last weekend. The weekend before that I was digging through old photos and came across a few from the 90s when I was also seventeen. Sure About You, which appears in The 80s Rom-Com Club, is book seventeen in my career, and like my memories and watching my kids grow up, it’s got me reminiscing.

Me around age 17

Apparently, I’m not alone in this. There’s a huge trend for all things nostalgic going on in the US right now. Movie and television reboots of hits from the 80s and 90s, Gen Z’s fashion throwbacks, even popular brands from back in the day are revisiting their old logos and/or packaging to engage with their customers on an emotional level. The last couple of years seem to be all about the nostalgia, and for good reason—we’re all recovering from two of the strangest and hardest years in which we’ve been forced to face our own mortality, and as a result we’re desperate to reclaim some of those happy feelings we associate with simpler times.

Of course, trends had absolutely nothing to do with why we created The 80s Rom-Com Club. The six of us just wanted to celebrate the sheer joy of romantic comedies we love from one of the most fun decades in recent history. If that brings a bit of nostalgia, great! But honestly, what’s better than escaping between the pages into worlds of fun, lighthearted humor, complexity balanced with hope, silly social media conversations between girlfriends, faith, and a guaranteed HEA for characters we’ve come to love?!

Not much, am I right?! LOL! At least, we don’t think so.

That’s why we’re so excited to be releasing this set right now. Life is hard. The world is nuts. Throw on a loose off-shoulder sweater and some neon leggings, wrap your hair in a scrunchie, crank up the 80s tunes, and bring on the rom-coms! And don’t forget to enter our release week giveaway over at!

And to celebrate my own (Edge of) Seventeen moment here (just like the white-winged dove…), I’ll draw a name out of the comments by this Friday night for winner’s choice of one of my books if you answer these TWO questions: 1) What’s your favorite 80s flick, and 2) How many of my seventeen books have you read? Can’t wait to read your responses!

Giveaway · New Releases

Series Boxed Sets: Yea or Nay? + giveaway

Series Boxed Sets: yea or nay?In recent years we’ve seen a huge uptick in the sales of boxed sets for books, especially eBooks. I’ve been part of half a dozen MABS—that’s multi-author box sets—over the last few years myself, and as a reader I love those because I can get to sample new-to-me names. But today, I’m talking about single author boxed sets. You may have heard the term omnibus edition to describe them.

There’s the series boxed set, like mine launching March 9, which is an entire series bundled up together in one file for a slightly discounted purchase price. Some authors prefer to box up a longer series into 2-3 smaller sets (i.e. books 1-3 separately from 4-6, and so forth).

I love series boxed sets, personally. It’s nice to have a complete collection knowing I haven’t missed one of the books in the series. And, you know, sometimes we’re waiting months or even years for an author to add a new book, so getting the complete series all at once eliminates that painful angst of waiting between books or *gasp* forgetting what happened previously.

Then there’s one trend I’ve been seeing recently in which a prolific author takes series starters (books 1) from multiple series and putting them together. Or they build a set around a certain theme or trope, regardless of series (beach, snow, holiday, career field, etc.). In my forays as a reader, I’ve discovered a few pros and cons to these different kinds of sets.

Pros: Getting to sample a variety of an author’s work, enjoying a common theme while exploring new characters, usually some form of discounted price and/or bonus material

Cons: Sometimes you’ve already read one of the books in the set, can be confusing

What say you? I’d love to hear your pros/cons to boxed sets from a single author. Do you usually buy them (and if so, what went into your decision)? What kind of boxes appeal to you most?

All commenters will be entered into a drawing for one eBook edition of my upcoming Everyday Love series boxed set, complete with bonus materials. Winner will be chosen at random by the end of this week.

Be sure to check out some of these boxed sets from our other awesome InspyRomance authors:

I did have one more question for you before I sign off and make myself another pot of coffee before settling in to write. What kinds of things do you like to see in a series boxed set? Do you expect just the books themselves, or are you interested in exclusive bonus material? Timelines? Recipes? Sneak previews of related books? The story-behind-the-story? Something else? I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on what makes a box extra special.

Be sure to comment so you’ll be entered in that giveaway I mentioned!

Until next time,

Devotional Thought · New Releases

The Fruits of Faith and Peace

The Fruits of Peace and JoyI’ve been a Christian so long that, at times, it’s been easy to take my faith for granted. Dry seasons, wandering seasons, passionately in love with Him seasons.

Every frustrating dry season when I long to hear His voice but for some reason can’t inevitably ends up with a hard self-examination and facing my need to weed out the parts that aren’t bringing Him glory or redirect myself onto the path He’s chosen.

But the fruits of those seasons are always a rich harvest for which I am thankful. Each season has come with life lessons and helped shape me into a more empathetic person full of grace (toward everyone but myself, sadly).

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. There is no law against these things! – Galatians 5:22-23 NLT

The last bit always cracks me up. Do you ever hear people rant, “There ought to be a law!” about one frustrating thing or another? I imagine the religious lawmakers of Paul’s day said it a lot. And while there is no law against the fruits of the spirit, growing them in our daily lives is certainly no easier than following the Old Testament law.

By now, we can agree that 2020 has been a YEAR. Patience runs thin (which is the most difficult fruit of the spirit to grow anyway, IMO). Kindness, goodness, and gentleness are hard to find if you’re watching the news or other media, though if you look around in real life, you’ll find them like plants flourishing in the shade. Same goes for love and joy. I won’t even get started on self-control (hello, extra pounds).

I started out the year writing two books. The first, my final novel in the Everyday Love series which released in May. The second, Always Been Yours, part of the Something Borrowed collection with several of my dearest author friends. Hanady and Keenan’s friends-to-more story came together just how I envisioned. I wasn’t sure what the rest of my writing year held, but I trusted the Lord to show me the way.

Then… in came invitations from two more collections for this Christmas. Peace settled into my spirit while praying about joining them, so I did. And then came quarantine and stay-home orders, giving me more dedicated time to write than ever. With three commitments, I needed every second. Unfortunately, though I exercised self-discipline and saw that fruit grow in abundance, joy and peace began shriveling on the vine.

I finished my second book and excitedly began work on the third, a spin-off from my May release Whatever Happens Next. Rob and Vera’s story came pouring out in the beginning. By the time I hit the middle of Christmas Mercy for the seventh Crossroads collection, though, I struggled. Anxiety and self-doubt strangled my peace.

This was early summer when we were all growing weary of quarantine, our state remaining closed, and mourning all of our canceled plans. Still, I faithfully continued to write and work through the emotions and lack of peace and was overwhelmed by God’s reminder in my life of His mercy. His grace. His good gifts even when we’re a mess inside.

As I made plans to begin my final novella of the year, fear wanted to settle in and make its mark. I had to faithfully practice trust and fight off the doubts of the enemy while also resting in the promise that if God called me to it, He would equip me for it. And because He is faithful, He answered my fervent prayers and expanded my creativity to write This and Every Christmas, part of Hearts Aglow (The Christmas Lights Collection 2020). This story is unlike anything else I’ve ever written. How I wrote it was different, too. It grew me and stretched me and through it I learned so much about the kind of storyteller He calls me to be.

It also reminded me of the words in John 15:5. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. My vine will wither, the fruits shrivel, and words fail. He is the vine from which I grow, from which the fruits of my spirit will grow. These three books are the fruits of faithfulness and self-discipline as I sought peace despite my anxieties. They bring joy to my heart and are a strong reminder of what a big, wonderful God we serve. How He loves me through every up and down and calls me to do the same with Him (and others!). Seeing them out in the world, knowing how much they’ve been prayed and labored over is a tangible bit of each fruit that God has worked in me through 2020.

What fruits are flourishing in you this year? Are you struggling with any? How can I pray for or encourage you?

Be sure to comment, or if you’d prefer, you can always email or message me on Facebook. If you’d like to hear more devotional thoughts or stay current on what’s happening in my writer life, you can also subscribe to my irregularly delivered newsletter (and receive a free book).


Excerpt · Giveaway · New Releases

Whatever Happens Next (not just a book title) + giveaway

Well, it’s release day today for my fourth novel, Whatever Happens Next. Of the whole series, it’s easily my favorite. Not only because it’s my eighth book now, so I’ve learned more and write better. Nor is it the characters, who I absolutely love and were a joy to write. Those are part of why I love this book and am excited to share it with the world.

But the biggest reason? The title prompts me to think and to trust.

Finishing a series is a bittersweet thing. Both author and reader reflect on the books individually and as a unit. We say goodbye to characters we’ve grown to love.

Authors also reflect on our craft. What did we do well? What could we have done better? When should we turn it into a boxed set? And of course—what’s next? Christian authors have the honor and privilege to bring that question to God, trusting Him to guide our steps for the future. What are His plans? What story has He birthed in our hearts? What spiritual truths can we impart to our readers that will inspire, uplift, encourage? We have a lot of praying and trusting to do when it comes to what’s next.

And trust is hard, isn’t it?

In the novel, Air Force TSgt Dyson receives PCS orders that will send him clear across the country just as he’s beginning to care for Jenna. When should he tell her? Can he trust that God’s in control over their relationship the way he trusts God to order the rest of his life? Jenna has a hard time trusting, mostly herself, after a single bad decision left its mark. Change stirs up her life from every direction, forcing her to let go and realize that even if she doesn’t trust herself, she can trust the Lord. Letting go and allowing Him to order her out-of-control life isn’t easy, but it’ll be the most beautiful thing in the world if she can. And wow, does Dyson partner beside her the whole way (well, most of the way, because he’s not perfect and has a lot to figure out himself).

I find in this uncertain season and the utter insanity that has been 2020 so far, a lot of us are asking, “What’s next?” It’s been one thing after another this year, so what awful thing is awaiting us after COVID? Lots of questions. My anxious heart has been encouraged by remembering those three title words in prayer. I will trust the Lord with whatever happens next, because I know He holds me in the palm of His mighty hand.

Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Isaiah 41:10 says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

So in the midst of all the nuttiness and heartache that has been 2020, I hope these words will be a positive reminder to you. Trust Him with whatever happens next—whether it’s a pandemic, a health crisis, an election year, a job change, fiscal worries, or something else. Be blessed, my friends.

And now, to change the subject a little and celebrate together, how about a quick excerpt from the book?

Excerpt ©2020 Jaycee Weaver (formatting may be wonky or contain errors due to copy/paste issues):

I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit from Whatever Happens Next. Today’s the last day it will be available for the 99¢ pre-order price, so I do hope you’ll take a chance and give the book a try! It’s not necessary to read the previous three books in order to enjoy this one, though there will be some characters whose stories will be clearer if you have.

To celebrate the release, I’ll be giving away one eBook copy to a randomly selected commenter below who answers this question: when in your life did you feel uncertainty and have to trust blindly with whatever happened next? Did everything work out in the end? Winner will be selected by Friday evening, May 15th, 8pm MDT.

New Releases · Romance Tropes

Retelling the (Fairy) Tale

Ah, fairy tales. Like so much classic literature, fairy tales form the basis for many contemporary stories. In recent years, retellings have even become so popular they’ve become their own subgenre in fiction. And it makes sense. The originals are clean and usually end happily. Good triumphs over evil. The impossible becomes possible. Romance. Magic. Wonder. They’re inspirational and usually teach a lesson.

Best of all, they’re timeless.

So how do we take an old story and craft it into something new and unique without contorting it into just another twisted clone on the bookshelf?

Well, it’s not easy. I’ll tell you that. But with a little creativity and inspiration all around us, the task doesn’t seem so daunting. In fact, authors Andrea Boyd and Mikal Dawn teamed up with three Inspy Romance authors—myself (Jaycee Weaver), Toni Shiloh, and Angela Ruth Strong—to release a brand new anthology of such tales. Last week on October 1, Once Upon a Christmas: Contemporary Retellings of Timeless Tales hit the shelves, and the reviews so far affirm that we seem to have found success in remaking these classic old stories into something new, fun, and relevant to today’s contemporary romance readers. (Yay!)

Rather than blend into the background with straight modernizations or retelling the tale with simple nods or twists, we decided to give each story a Christmas spin. Andrea took Sleeping Beauty and gave her a real-life sleeping disorder with three fierce and funny aunts in a gorgeous old theater for a holiday production of the musical of the same title. Mikal brought Mulan out of China and into the boardroom with a fierce (but flirty) legal battle on her father’s behalf, the wicked Hun insisting on a Christmas victory. For an updated Snow White, Toni sent her sheltered heiress fleeing into a snowstorm and hiding from a wicked stepmother in an orchard owned by a handsome hero and his seven “uncles” over the holidays. Angela twisted the classic favorite Cinderella into a whole new story, giving her lumberjack-like prince the nutty stepfamily as a perfect obstacle standing between Ella and her happy (New Year) ever after. And lastly, it was my joy to take The Little Mermaid out of her Las Vegas aquarium and into the dry southwest, where she discovers the power of her own voice during the romantic holiday season.

We sure hope you’ll give this set of novellas a chance to live up to your fairy tale expectations…and I suppose your Christmas tale expectations, too. If you’ve already read our retellings of these timeless tales, be sure to comment with what you enjoyed most! We love your feedback. If you haven’t yet had the chance, we’d love to know—what’s your favorite fairy tale, retelling, or Christmas trope?